My Passion

My Passion

17 déc. 2012

Third Semester


Yeah! YOU!
Why you look so lame?!
*talking in front of the mirror*

These couple weeks are such a tiring weeks. My very last two weeks on this third semester. It feels so fast. Mr. Time is running relentless. Like yesterday is my first day in MRI and now is my last week before this semester passed by. And next week is Christmas Eve! And the next two weeks is the last day of year 2012! And next month is my birthday! Hffttt me not ready........ 

In this third semester, I take 8 subjects. And today is my fifth final exam. 5 down, 3 more! Tomorrow I'm having Civics, Principles of Management on Wednesday, and PMR as the closing of this stressful period. Somehow, this exams' schedule ruins my dialy activities as well as my health.. 

Having less sleep and frequently get wet by the rain bring my immunity to the lowest level. Moreover, I rarely go to the gym lately because my home is kinda basecamp for my friends and I struggling to understand the exams' materials. It feels so unfresh not doing work out. But that what priority is. And for this two weeks, clearly lecture is my first priority. So, there'll always be sunk cost and opportunity cost for my every decision.

Above all, the hardest thing is to leave my dear listeners on #SELAMATMALAM :(
Actually, tonight is my announcing schedule, but I gotta pass because I'm having exams on 7am next morning. So, I have to wait until Saturday for the next schedule and that sucks..

After this period's over, I wanna go to the gym everyday, announcing everyday (which is almost impossible :p ), do my marketing job at RECOGNESIA Clothing Line, and so many other regular things that I love. But then I remember that one month of holiday is waiting ahead! Arghhh... I gotta go back to Jakarta.. Honestly, a big part of me wanna stay here in Bandung. Falling in love already with this lovely town <3 Sometimes I imagine that my entire family move here, which is only in my dream and so unreal..

Well... The tic toc on the clock is calling me already. Time to do my duty as a student. You too, guys! Don't forget your obligation and duty! I wish you luck with everything you're doing. Pray for me, too. Hopefully, I can get a good grade O:)

Hugs & kisses,


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