My Passion

My Passion

3 déc. 2012

Broadcast Premiere


Owhh, I'm so excited tonight! Guess why?
Because this evening is my first broadcasting on the radio. Yeeaayyyy :D

A brief description about this radio..
This is a campus radio named Radio Kampus ITB. Even tough this is a campus radio, but we have a lot of listeners included listeners from outter Bandung. We are media partner for so many events, such as events held by University of Indonesia, Jakarta or Bandung events, and also ITB's events. Beside events, we are also cooperate with certain restaurant like Dapur Iga. So, this is such a pretty big scale radio with loyal listeners.

In doing broadcasting, I am not alone. We work on a team consist of producer, music director, technician, and announcer (that's me). At first, we felt so clumsy with the equipment and software, even we've learnt about it before. It took a quite long time to prepare the playlist and setting, etc. I should be on air at 7pm, but with this whole first-time-things for all the crews finally I started announcing at 7.30pm. FYI, 30 minutes is so worthy on the broadcasting world. 

It was a bit rough in the beginning. There were mistakes here and there. Eventually, we found our rythm and synergize with each other. Surely, it is needed some time to adapt and fortunately we handle it in a good way :) Owh, I feel so grateful to be a part of the team. Thank you so soo much guys *smooch :* :*

p.s: You can hear the broadcast every Monday and Saturday on 7pm-9pm by streaming on 107.7FM;; via NUX Radio for mobile phone. You can also contact us via twitter on @radiokampusITB

Hugs & Kisses,


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