My Passion

My Passion

20 déc. 2012

Haunted by dream


Good morning :/

I wasn't having a great sleep last night. Me felt so tired and was fast asleep. So why I'm not having a 'great sleep'? It is not technically having a 'not good sleep', but it was about the dream.

Here's the detail...
Last night after going to the christmas celebration at Sabuga, we (my friend and I) went back to Studio RK. On the way, I saw something that remains me of memories I tried to forget and people whom I'm staying away from. When I saw that particular thing, I kinda remembered the past sweet moments which I do miss so badly but try hard to forget.. That thing passed my mind like about in a very short time, after that I wasn't paying much attention on that thing.

Until we arrived at Studio, I was haveing some chit chat with the people, then I went blogging (and published my very last post). In a nut shell, I went home at about 12am and fell asleep at about 1am. It was a tiring day, I feel so fatigue. So, I straightly fell asleep in just a few minutes.

And guess what! In my sleep, I dreamed about those people! Owh God, I feel haunted.. I remembered, in my dream I met them and they greeted me. That's all I remember. And when I'm awoke, I feel like I do miss that one person among those people whom I dreamed. 

I wanted to send a message, but than I thought that there's nothing important at all. "I just miss that one person" that what I thought. In fact, to be honest.. I think it isn't "just". I deeply miss that person.. HAHA 

I wonder why from so many things in my life, it's gotta be them whom I dreamed about.......... Those whom I want to stay away from....... May be the answer is : because the unconscious mind never sleep. We dream about other people because they are in our sunconscious and we can't stop what the brain has stored in our subconscious no metter how hard we try.

It might be a good answer, but still there's nothing certain about this. 
Well... I think, I'm making this post half-asleep. Not widely awake, nor aleeping, but I'm posting what I've made. So, please apologize for the gramatically error phrases and also for this owh-so-unimportant post.

Hugs & Kisses,


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