My Passion

My Passion

30 déc. 2012

Coffee Shop - Potluck Kitchen

All I hear is raindrop...

Well, they're shuffeling the right song in the right time..
It's rainning outside and I was at Potluck Kitchen. Wonder how could I get here? Haha

Here's the story..

Today the traffic is sooo corowded and it was so hot at noon. I think the sun is in the good mood LOL. After going to the curch, somehow I want to go to a cozy yet quite place kinda 'remote' place. And all i could think of is this place; Potluck Kitchen. I haven't been here for few months (as I remember). With a bit of struggle, finally I got here. When I walked in, there was lack of visitors; only a man with his laptop and 2 women who were learning English. And this was just as I expected.

Potluck is located at Haji Wasid street no. 31 (Bagusrangin). It's near Dipatiukur street. If you've reached Rabbani, then you're in the right way. This cafe is near Aji Anom; if you read my old post, you'll know it.

I chose a seat in the corner; with the pillows :P Then I ordered chicken piccata and hazelnut cappuccino. Potluck Kitchen is such a coffee shop. They 're specialist at coffee and other beverages, but not in food. The food was just the side dish for the coffee (beverages). I do like this cafe. It has such a tranquil atmosphere and feels cozy, with reasonable price. A good place for chit-chat with friends or may be just for spending time for reading. They also have a live music stage. I remembered Apres has ever held an event here, using the stage. Usually the live music play at night, but don't worry because there is always the non-stop-playing-songs; BTW, they have a good - easy listening playlists. A recommended place for you the coffee lover or for you the direction-less people (just like me :p)

These are the pictures, in case you're interested.

the stage

chicken picatta and hazelnut cappuccino

Hug & kiss,


29 déc. 2012


It's nearly midnight

*when I'm writing this*
and my mind's unraveling..

Sometimes thing doesn't go your way, may be far from what you've planned; from your expectation. Many people call it disappointment.

I feel like I'm only a drop of water in a vast ocean. A presence with no existance.  People say that everybody is special and unique on their own way, but what does it mean being special between billions of other special people? That's ordinary! However, that 'ordinary' gives your life a colorful pallette of paint. People start to compare theirself with other. That's another justification on how an individual doesn't feel special or may be haven't realized it yet. Sometimes you feel wasted and lose direction, like 'what am I doing here?!' At that point, the best thing to comfort you is thinking that there is no other people in the world can do better for being you than you! 

Soo many things out there that you don't understand, or you better don't know. Mostly, they are the things that will shock you. The things against your principle; something soo not-in-line. Life is harsh. But, c'est la vie! Condition and environment can unwittingly push you far from your idealism; extend your tolerance area. Push you further from your life principle. Be careful! Don't go to far; don't be trapped in the grey zone where black and white are not anymore 'black' and 'white'.
Stand firm with your principle; with what is good and true for you. 

Problems might bring you down. Sometimes, you're losing faith and you're losing heart. But that's the turning point. It sounds religious, but no one else can bring you back to the path accept Him. You need to pray. There's something missing in your soul weather you realize it or not. A piece of puzzle that will complete you. May be you are not a believer, but still nothing else I can say except : start praying. Hopefully you'll complete the riddle and find the almost-forgotten part of yourself.

Good night, guys :)

Kiss & hug,


23 déc. 2012

Mother's Day

22nd December

Do you know what's special about this date?

Obviously, as everybody know.. It's Mother's Day!
-I hope it isn't too late to post this. The spirit is still in the air, right ? ;)-

Yesterday, I saw something which is rarely happen. Almost everyone set a photo with their mother as their display picture on BBM. The others updated their status on facebook or tweeted about their mom on twitter. Mostly it's like "I love you, Mom" or "Happy Mother's Day, Ibu". 

Yes, we are celebrating Mother's Day every 22nd December. But here, I'm not going to tell you the history of Mothers Day. You can read it by yourself --> . So, what did you do yesterday? Did you purchase floral gift for your mom or give her a card? Or may be you called (or texted) her just to say 'Happy Mothers Day, Mom!" Whatever you did, that's the way you expressed your gratitude to the woman who gives you life and there is nothing wrong with that.

Let me ask you one question; who is mother for you?
Mother, Mum, Mommy, Maman, Mama or Ibu is a woman who has given birth to a child & raised a child. But more deeply, she is the one who has a somehow very strong connection with us. Having the experience of 9 months pregnancy, she protects us and loves us unconditionally even before we were exist in this world. 

That's why, for me Mothers Day is not about the floral gift or other material things. Mothers Day is a tribute to every mother on earth. Mothers Day is essentially something to be celebrated everyday. Every "thank you" that you said to your mother every 22nd December should be said everyday as well as the prayer and gratitude. I'm not saying you gotta give something big to your Mom every single day. Celebrate this by showing your love and respect. It might be a simple thing like give her hug and a kiss before you left home or saying "Thanks for the food, Mom. It's delicious!". Start from the little thing because every detail makes the perfection.

How if your mom already passed away (no offense)?
She is physically not here, but you have her on your heart. You are not losing her because the memories that you had are perfectly recorded on your mind. By doing what she teached and remaining in the way she would like you to be are how to keep her alive in your life. As it says "mother's love is an everlasting love", I believe that she loves you till the end. Therefore, love her as well as she loves you. Be the one she wants you to be. Make her proud :)

I have an experience in correlation with this topic. FYI, my mother is not a typical mother who is melancholic, feminim, nor gentle. She is such a strong woman, always has her chin up and never got down by the problem. She is such a supermom!

Here is my little story.. 
In the final of Pemilihan Putra Putri Budaya ITB 2012, there were 4 remaining finalists. In the last round, each finalist had to take a piece of tiny paper on the bowl which is written the name of a judge. Then the judge whose name was written will deliver a question for the finalist. I already prepared myself for the question about culture, art, national issue, etc. I was the third contestant who was randomly taking the paper. Questions for the previous 2 finalists are exactly like what I was predicting (about how to preserve our culture; young generation, etc). Then my turn came and my heart beat faster while waiting the question from the judge (Mojang Bandung 2011). And her question was exactly like this: "Menurut kamu, apa arti seorang Ibu?" And I was like "............ (shocked like about 5 seconds by the unpredictable question)"  Then I answered, "...blah..blah..blah.. (You don't wanna know my answer. Me ashame)" In a nutshell, the result was announced. I didn't feel nervous because I didn't expect anything. It's like nothing to lose. But thanks God, I won the first place :)

Until now, I still wonder from soo many questions on earth that she could ask, why did she chose that question... May be that's God's plan. But still, I feel like the victory was absolutely not because of me. God, my friends, and of course my Mom make it happened. Thank you Mom for teaching me to be who I am now. I love you, Mama :* :)

Kisses & Hugs,


"To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering one must not love, but then one suffers for not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer, not to love is to suffer, to suffer is to suffer. To be happy is to love, to be happy then is to suffer but suffering makes one unhappy, therefore to be unhappy one must love or love to suffer or suffer from too much happiness. I hope you're getting this down." 

-Love and Death by Woody Allen

21 déc. 2012

The Sky

Do you familiar with this song?

*****          *****          *****         *****          *****         *****          

Guys, I have some problem this past few weeks..
I can hardly find the star.

One of the thing that always catch my attention is the sky. I love seeing the sky and watch the stars. I don't know why, but it's just beautiful to stare at the dancing stars in the dark sky. Sometimes there is also the cloud. I usually see it moving from star to star, covering them from my sight. Sometimes, the moon also wearing cloud as its mask. I guess, the moon is too shy to cover up surrounding those gorgeous stars.

Besides the star, you can also see the planets near the earth. Mars is the most noticecable one because it is red. I like Mars, its scarlet sparks brings more colour to the sky, making it more alive. You can also see Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn if you know when and where to find them.

Wait.. I think I have some pictures of the Geminid Meteor Shower, happended on the last 13-14 December.. Take a look and be amazed ;)

Hugs & Kisses,


20 déc. 2012

Haunted by dream


Good morning :/

I wasn't having a great sleep last night. Me felt so tired and was fast asleep. So why I'm not having a 'great sleep'? It is not technically having a 'not good sleep', but it was about the dream.

Here's the detail...
Last night after going to the christmas celebration at Sabuga, we (my friend and I) went back to Studio RK. On the way, I saw something that remains me of memories I tried to forget and people whom I'm staying away from. When I saw that particular thing, I kinda remembered the past sweet moments which I do miss so badly but try hard to forget.. That thing passed my mind like about in a very short time, after that I wasn't paying much attention on that thing.

Until we arrived at Studio, I was haveing some chit chat with the people, then I went blogging (and published my very last post). In a nut shell, I went home at about 12am and fell asleep at about 1am. It was a tiring day, I feel so fatigue. So, I straightly fell asleep in just a few minutes.

And guess what! In my sleep, I dreamed about those people! Owh God, I feel haunted.. I remembered, in my dream I met them and they greeted me. That's all I remember. And when I'm awoke, I feel like I do miss that one person among those people whom I dreamed. 

I wanted to send a message, but than I thought that there's nothing important at all. "I just miss that one person" that what I thought. In fact, to be honest.. I think it isn't "just". I deeply miss that person.. HAHA 

I wonder why from so many things in my life, it's gotta be them whom I dreamed about.......... Those whom I want to stay away from....... May be the answer is : because the unconscious mind never sleep. We dream about other people because they are in our sunconscious and we can't stop what the brain has stored in our subconscious no metter how hard we try.

It might be a good answer, but still there's nothing certain about this. 
Well... I think, I'm making this post half-asleep. Not widely awake, nor aleeping, but I'm posting what I've made. So, please apologize for the gramatically error phrases and also for this owh-so-unimportant post.

Hugs & Kisses,


19 déc. 2012

Verification Stage for PEMILU MTI


Today, I'm having an exam. The subject is about Principle of Management. I didn't learn too much, but I love this lecture. So, I pay much attention in every meeting :p

Well.. Actually, I'm not gonna talk about the exam. This afternoon after I went to meet my lecturer, it was raining and I didn't bring my umbrella; I even forget where I put it. So, I trapped at Sekre Himpunan MTI.

I was sitting there, talking to my friend. And! That very second, BPA (Badan Pengurus Anggota) Team told us to empty the room because they are going to use the room for the verification stage of PEMILU MTI. Wow pretty big event.... 

For the verification stage, they need the witness from every generation (2009, 2010, and 2011). From 2011, it should be my friend who became the witness but unfortunately my friend wasn't there. And all of the sudden, they asked me to be the witness! hahaha I'm like "what..? hmm............ Okay" LOL. Finally, I became the witness to represent 2011 and I didn't have to move outside the room :p. What did I do? hmm... Took pictures, moved around and took a look, read the CV of the candidates, asked some questions, listened to the summary, said "SAH", and took pictures again hehe. It was pretty fun!



ka Imam and ka Malik as KaHim Candidates
ka Andri as Senator Candidate

Ka Agung senator MTI (2009); Ka Marco (2010); Me (2011) 

with other participants include BPA team, the candidates,
 the promotors, witnesses, and MTI press 

(from left) Ka Imam CaKahim; Ka Andri CaSenator;
Ka Malik CaKahim

Hugs & Kisses,

"I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day."

-Vincent Van Gogh

17 déc. 2012

Third Semester


Yeah! YOU!
Why you look so lame?!
*talking in front of the mirror*

These couple weeks are such a tiring weeks. My very last two weeks on this third semester. It feels so fast. Mr. Time is running relentless. Like yesterday is my first day in MRI and now is my last week before this semester passed by. And next week is Christmas Eve! And the next two weeks is the last day of year 2012! And next month is my birthday! Hffttt me not ready........ 

In this third semester, I take 8 subjects. And today is my fifth final exam. 5 down, 3 more! Tomorrow I'm having Civics, Principles of Management on Wednesday, and PMR as the closing of this stressful period. Somehow, this exams' schedule ruins my dialy activities as well as my health.. 

Having less sleep and frequently get wet by the rain bring my immunity to the lowest level. Moreover, I rarely go to the gym lately because my home is kinda basecamp for my friends and I struggling to understand the exams' materials. It feels so unfresh not doing work out. But that what priority is. And for this two weeks, clearly lecture is my first priority. So, there'll always be sunk cost and opportunity cost for my every decision.

Above all, the hardest thing is to leave my dear listeners on #SELAMATMALAM :(
Actually, tonight is my announcing schedule, but I gotta pass because I'm having exams on 7am next morning. So, I have to wait until Saturday for the next schedule and that sucks..

After this period's over, I wanna go to the gym everyday, announcing everyday (which is almost impossible :p ), do my marketing job at RECOGNESIA Clothing Line, and so many other regular things that I love. But then I remember that one month of holiday is waiting ahead! Arghhh... I gotta go back to Jakarta.. Honestly, a big part of me wanna stay here in Bandung. Falling in love already with this lovely town <3 Sometimes I imagine that my entire family move here, which is only in my dream and so unreal..

Well... The tic toc on the clock is calling me already. Time to do my duty as a student. You too, guys! Don't forget your obligation and duty! I wish you luck with everything you're doing. Pray for me, too. Hopefully, I can get a good grade O:)

Hugs & kisses,


16 déc. 2012

Direktur Utama Radio Kampus ITB




#2 Mengapa Anda Tidak Perlu Khawatir Akan Kegagalan

Lanjutan post sebelumnya..

Materi siaran kedua adalah tentang Mengapa Anda Tidak Perlu Takut Akan Kegagalan?

Merasa takut akan masa depan terlebih lagi khawatir akan kegagalan itu wajar, teman-teman mahasiswa. Pastinya setiap orang memiliki kekhawatirannya tersendiri entah masalah jodoh, pekerjaan, keluarga, dll. 

Tetapi kegagalan bukan berarti akhir dari segalanya. Justru seperti kata orang bijak "kegagalan adalah keberhasilan yang tertunda". Ada beberapa nilai positif dari kegagalan yang kadang tidak terlihat olrh kebanyakan orang yang sedang mengalaminya. Berikut adalah beberapa poin penting yang menjadi alasan mengapa kita tidak perlu takut akan kegagalan..

  • Kegagalan dapat menciptakan pilihan baru
Kegagalan memberikan pelajaran yang tidak ternilai untuk anda. Kegagalan merupakan keadaan dimana sebuah pintu seolah tertutup, tetapi akan membantu Anda membuka mata untuk kemungkinan-kemungkinan lainnya. Bagian terbaik dari kegagalan ialah Anda dibawa pada suatu jalan yang belum pernah Anda temukan sebelumnya.

  • Melatih kesabaran
Terkadang kegagalan membawa kita pada tingkat emosi yang tidak stabil. Saya rasa semua orang akan merasa kesal, marah, kecewa atau pun sedih ketiga mengalami kegagalan. Tetapi poin terpentingnya ialah jangan memendam kekesalan Anda. Selain itu Anda juga harus berhenti untuk bersikap defensif dan terus mencari-cari alasan akan kegagalan yang Anda alami. Alasan-alasan tersebut akan meracuni pikiran Anda dan terus terbawa, sehingga tidak ada dorongan untuk mencari dan memperbaiki kesalahan. Lampiaskanlah perasaan Anda secara wajar. Menangislah jika perlu menangis. Tapi cukup sebatas itu, karena masa depan yang cerah masih menanti Anda.

  • Kegagalan sebagai sumber kreatifitas
Ketika kegagalan menerpa kehidupan Anda, jangan biarkan hal itu membuat Anda terpuruk dan jatuh. Sebaliknya, biarkan hal ini menjadi pacuan Anda untuk maju dan mencari jalan lain untuk mencapai tujuan Anda. Di sinilah Anda akan dituntut untuk menjadi seseorang yang kreatif dan punya kemauan untuk maju.

  • Memperoleh kekuatan baru
"What doesn't kill you make you stronger" potongan lagu ini dirasa sangat tepat. Tujuan manusia hidup ialah untuk bertahan hidup. Jadi setiap tempaan yang Anda alami akan membuat Anda semakin kuat dan bukan malah melemahkan Anda. Menemukan sumber kekuatan dan motivasi diri merupakan kunci utama.

Semoga poin-poin diatas dapat memaparkan dengan cukup jelas mengapa Anda tidak perlu takut mengalami kegagalan. Kegagalan merupakan sumber pembelajaran. Untuk meraih kesuksesan, Anda perlu melalui proses dan tempaan yang panjang, tetapi disinilah Anda dibentuk dengan mental pemenang. Akhir kata, masa depan Anda, ditentukan dari hari ini. Jadi, lakukanlah yang terbaik dan mulailah hari ini!

Last but not least, thank you for accompanying me and giving me advice, mas @chrispewe :)

Kiss and hug,




Selamat malam, teman-teman mahasiswa!

Deli seneng banget bisa siaran malam ini. Ya meskipun ada banyak masalah teknis (headphone, mixer, kabel, dll) yang sangat tidak saya kuasai, juga keterlambatan waktu siaran, tapi malam ini saya announcing ditemenin sama ka Chris haha.

Jadi siapakah gerangan ka Chris?? Mas Pewe (panggilan akrab ka Chris) adalah announcer di Prambors Bandung 98.4 FM *bikin ngiri parah*. Jadinya malam ini bisa belajar banyak banget mengenai teknik siaran, bridging, setting mixer, dan segala jenis trik-trik lainnya. Tiap kali Mas Pewe kasih nasehat atau kasih tau teknik tertentu, kayaknya mata saya langsung melek dan perhatiin dia, kuping juga dibuka selebar-lebarnya supaya ga ketinggalan satupun kata-katanya dia haha.. Segitunya banget ya, soalnya dunia radio ini lagi sangat menarik minat saya dan siapa tau kalau diseriusin malah bisa membuahkan sesuatu kan. Only God knows....

Ide materi siaran malam ini sebenarnya super random. Berhubung saya orangnya suka jalan dan hari ini adalah malam minggu, jadi saya pikir mungkin enak juga ngomongin tentang tempat-tempat asik di Bandung untuk didatangi. Siaran kali ini benar-benar mengandalkan spontanitas dan tanpa skrip (sebenarnya tiap siaran memang suka ngawur dari skrip jg :p) ditambah 5 menit sebelum siaran, Mas Pewe ngajak tandem hahah (tandem=siaran lebih dari satu announcer). Jadilah kami siaran berdua..

Okay, langsung aja ke materi pertama:


Saya membagi tempat hangout ini menjadi beberapa kategori..

1. Mall
Bagi teman-teman mahasiswa yang suka jalan ke mall, khususnya yang dari Jakarta dan anak gaul mall haha, mall yang biasanya jadi main destination adalah Paris Van Java (daerah Sukajadi) dan Cihampelas Walk (daerah Cihampelas). Kenapa mall? Simple, karena mall merupakan one stop entertaiment dimana segala hiburan, makanan, dan tempat belanja itu lengkap. Jadi kan praktis kalo mau belanja sekaligus pingin nonton juga misalnya. 

Cihampelas Walh (CiWalk)

Paris Van Java (PVJ)

2. Restoran
Nah, banyak juga teman-teman yang kalau malam mingguan itu mencari tempat yang cozy untuk ngobrol sambil ditemani makanan yang lezat. Di Bandung ini ada banyak banget restoran. Saya pribadi sukanya resto di daerah Dago Atas. Selain makanannya yang terbilang enak, suasananya juga juara banget! Teman-teman mahasiswa bisa makan sambil ngobrol asik ditemani pemandangan malam kota Bandung dan langit berbintang *cie banget*. Selain di Dago Atas, terdapat banyak juga cafe dan resto di daeran Jalan Progo. Konon katanya, Jalan Progo ini memang di-setting untuk jadi tempat berkumpulnya restoran-restoran gitu makanya terdapat banyak resto dan cafe kece di daerah sini. 

Hummingbird Restaurant (Jalan Progo)

Kopi Ireng (Dago Pakar)

3. Jalan-Jalan
Malam minggu sambil jalan santai sama si dia pastinya asik banget ya.. Nah, di Bandung kita juga bisa menemukan tempat kayak gitu, yaitu di daerah Braga dan Jalan Asia Afrika. Suasana gedung-gedung tua disana sangat unik dan membawa atmosfer romantis sekaligus artistik. Tempat ini banyak dijadikan tempat foto-foto. Paling recommended sih, abis makan skoteng di depan Hotel Savoy-Homan dilanjut jalan-jalan santai di daerah sekitar situ sambil lihat-lihat gedung tua nan cantik..
Jalan Braga

4. Kaki Lima / Jajanan
Jajanan di Bandung itu kreatif dan variatif banget seolah kalian mau apapun tuh ada. Surabi Enhaii di daerah Setiabudhi itu salah satu yang most wanted. Trus kita juga punya Madtari, dengan parutan kejunya yang super sekali cocok banget bagi penggila keju. Ada juga Simpang Dago, disana terdapat banyak makanan dan jajanan seperti bubur kacang hijau, pisang bakar, roti bakar, dll. Selain rasanya enak, harganya juga terjangkau. Bagi yang mencari pempek, ada rekomendasi pempek yang enak, yaitu yang di dekat BEC (Bandung Electronic Center) biasanya ramai loh kalau malam.
Indomie Keju a la Madtari

Surabi Enhaii (Setiabudhi)

Nah, sekian dulu nih tentang tempat hangout malam mingguan di Bandung. Kalau ada teman-teman mahasiswa yang punya rekomendasi lain, bisa langsung comment aja di post ini ;)

Materi siaran selanjutnya adalah tentang Mengapa Anda Tidak Perlu Khawatir Akan Kegagalan. Keep reading my next post :*

*to be continued*

Hugs and kisses,


9 déc. 2012



This early morning, I woke up with my head feeling full with my exams. Definately, a stressful period has come. The feelings of fear, tired, and lack of confident sometimes overwhelm me. I tried to take it slow, but this is not a right time to 'take it slow'. Instead, now is the time to give your best effort and make your parents proud of your note!

But that is not what I want to talk about..
This very morning, I inadvertent opened a page from certain website and found this article. Actually, this article make me feel like 'thank God, I am not in a relationship' LOL! But this article consists a good values and makes you reflect your relationship with the one. Do you want to end a monotonous relation that makes you bored? Or there is still love that you don't realize? 

Here is the story..

Married or not you should read this...

“When I got home that night as my wife served dinner, I held her hand and said, I’ve got something to tell you. She sat 
down and ate quietly. Again I observed the hurt in her eyes.

Suddenly I didn’t know how to open my mouth. But I had to let her know what I was thinking. I want a divorce. I raised the topic calmly. She didn’t seem to be annoyed by my words, instead she asked me softly, why?

I avoided her question. This made her angry. She threw away the chopsticks and shouted at me, you are not a man! That night, we didn’t talk to each other. She was weeping. I knew she wanted to find out what had happened to our marriage. But I could hardly give her a satisfactory answer; she had lost my heart to Jane. I didn’t love her anymore. I just pitied her!

With a deep sense of guilt, I drafted a divorce agreement which stated that she could own our house, our car, and 30% stake of my company. She glanced at it and then tore it into pieces. The woman who had spent ten years of her life with me had become a stranger. I felt sorry for her wasted time, resources and energy but I could not take back what I had said for I loved Jane so dearly. Finally she cried loudly in front of me, which was what I had expected to see. To me her cry was actually a kind of release. The idea of divorce which had obsessed me for several weeks seemed to be firmer and clearer now.

The next day, I came back home very late and found her writing something at the table. I didn’t have supper but went straight to sleep and fell asleep very fast because I was tired after an eventful day with Jane. When I woke up, she was still there at the table writing. I just did not care so I turned over and was asleep again.

In the morning she presented her divorce conditions: she didn’t want anything from me, but needed a month’s notice before the divorce. She requested that in that one month we both struggle to live as normal a life as possible. Her reasons were simple: our son had his exams in a month’s time and she didn’t want to disrupt him with our broken marriage.

This was agreeable to me. But she had something more, she asked me to recall how I had carried her into out bridal room on our wedding day. She requested that every day for the month’s duration I carry her out of our bedroom to the front door ever morning. I thought she was going crazy. Just to make our last days together bearable I accepted her odd request.

I told Jane about my wife’s divorce conditions. . She laughed loudly and thought it was absurd. No matter what tricks she applies, she has to face the divorce, she said scornfully.

My wife and I hadn’t had any body contact since my divorce intention was explicitly expressed. So when I carried her out on the first day, we both appeared clumsy. Our son clapped behind us, daddy is holding mommy in his arms. His words brought me a sense of pain. From the bedroom to the sitting room, then to the door, I walked over ten meters with her in my arms. She closed her eyes and said softly; don’t tell our son about the divorce. I nodded, feeling somewhat upset. I put her down outside the door. She went to wait for the bus to work. I drove alone to the office.

On the second day, both of us acted much more easily. She leaned on my chest. I could smell the fragrance of her blouse. I realized that I hadn’t looked at this woman carefully for a long time. I realized she was not young any more. There were fine wrinkles on her face, her hair was graying! Our marriage had taken its toll on her. For a minute I wondered what I had done to her.

On the fourth day, when I lifted her up, I felt a sense of intimacy returning. This was the woman who had given ten years of her life to me. On the fifth and sixth day, I realized that our sense of intimacy was growing again. I didn’t tell Jane about this. It became easier to carry her as the month slipped by. Perhaps the everyday workout made me stronger.

She was choosing what to wear one morning. She tried on quite a few dresses but could not find a suitable one. Then she sighed, all my dresses have grown bigger. I suddenly realized that she had grown so thin, that was the reason why I could carry her more easily.

Suddenly it hit me… she had buried so much pain and bitterness in her heart. Subconsciously I reached out and touched her head.

Our son came in at the moment and said, Dad, it’s time to carry mom out. To him, seeing his father carrying his mother out had become an essential part of his life. My wife gestured to our son to come closer and hugged him tightly. I turned my face away because I was afraid I might change my mind at this last minute. I then held her in my arms, walking from the bedroom, through the sitting room, to the hallway. Her hand surrounded my neck softly and naturally. I held her body tightly; it was just like our wedding day.

But her much lighter weight made me sad. On the last day, when I held her in my arms I could hardly move a step. Our son had gone to school. I held her tightly and said, I hadn’t noticed that our life lacked intimacy. I drove to office…. jumped out of the car swiftly without locking the door. I was afraid any delay would make me change my mind…I walked upstairs. Jane opened the door and I said to her, Sorry, Jane, I do not want the divorce anymore.

She looked at me, astonished, and then touched my forehead. Do you have a fever? She said. I moved her hand off my head. Sorry, Jane, I said, I won’t divorce. My marriage life was boring probably because she and I didn’t value the details of our lives, not because we didn’t love each other anymore. Now I realize that since I carried her into my home on our wedding day I am supposed to hold her until death do us apart. Jane seemed to suddenly wake up. She gave me a loud slap and then slammed the door and burst into tears. I walked downstairs and drove away. At the floral shop on the way, I ordered a bouquet of flowers for my wife. The salesgirl asked me what to write on the card. I smiled and wrote, "I’ll carry you out every morning until death do us apart."

That evening I arrived home, flowers in my hands, a smile on my face, I run up stairs, only to find my wife in the bed -dead. My wife had been fighting CANCER for months and I was so busy with Jane to even notice. She knew that she would die soon and she wanted to save me from the whatever negative reaction from our son, in case we push through with the divorce.— At least, in the eyes of our son—- I’m a loving husband….

The small details of your lives are what really matter in a relationship. It is not the mansion, the car, property, the money in the bank. These create an environment conducive for happiness but cannot give happiness in themselves.

So find time to be your spouse’s friend and do those little things for each other that build intimacy. Do have a real happy marriage!

And now, it's your turn to evaluate your relationship. Or for you who is searching for your soulmate, are you ready with the commitment and have you found the right one? Think twice and be wise :)



6 déc. 2012

"When you are down, don't let anyone know; don't let them look down at you. Otherwise, be strong, lift your head up high, and give your best smile."


5 déc. 2012

Aji Anom

Do you know this place?

Today, I finished class about 1pm. Definately, it is the perfect time to go lunch!
My friends and I decided to lunch outside campus. It was a spontaneous idea. I said, "Guys, I'm starving. Let's go for lunch!" Other asked, "where??" I was about to suggest KBL (the nearest canteen from SBM building, beside I love their gado-gado and soup uwwhh :9), but the other one said, "Let's eat in a far yet delicious place.." Which means it gotta be outside campus. They were still confuse when I suggested Warung Aji Anom.Well.. It isn't a quite well-known place. But I love the food!

Warung Aji Anom is an Indonesian flavoured restorant located at Haji Hasan Street (not far from Rabbani Boutique, Dipati Ukur). The menus aren't so variant, only Bebek Betutu, Ayam Betutu, and Iga Bakar. But the best selling one is obviously Bebek Betutu- Bebek Betutu is originally a Balinese cuisine. They also have kale soup as their side dish. 

Finally, we went there and in was raining. We went by motorcycle and guess what, my Statistics Textbook fell down! It is now dirty and wet by the pouring rain. I dried it by hair dryer at home -__-. And with some extra effort, we arrived there at last hffttt...

Tigor and Chris ordered grilled duck, Lugas ordered fried duck, and I ordered steamed duck. (Believe me, mine is the most delicious yet tempting one :9 :3). A package of Bebek Betutu + rice + drink is Rp24000,00. Not expensive, right.. Moveover, the taste is soo delicious with extra sambal matah which means sambal mentah in Balinese (kinda condiment with chopped red onion and cayenne pepper + sweet soy sauce). It feels tasty and spicy and hot and delicious, fit so well with the weather (rainning). I also got an extra kale soup uwwhh I love that dish :') 

As a 'new commers' in Bandung, we can rarely find such a place with delicious Bebek Betutu and good price. So, don't wait to try. This place is so recommended ;)

Here are the photos !

Bebek Betutu Kukus + Sup Kangkung + Sambal Matah + Tahu

Chris and I w/ a glass of extract alang-alang 

Lugas feat. Tigor; big smile after feeling full :p

Hugs & Kisses,


3 déc. 2012


Back with me on 107.7 FM Radio Kampus ITB, Play Your Best Music !

That's the station id which I have to say everytime I go on air ;)

As its title, this post is about my first broadcast materials which tells you some tips for moving on from your ex. I chose this topic because lately I feel like there are so many people breaking up with their boyfriend/girlfriend. I don't like watching them desperate and have a look of my-world-is-falling-down. So, I do hope that these tips might help you guys to move on from your used-to-be-the-special-one and continue your life :)

Here are the tips:

  1. Menerima bahwa hubungan sudah berakhir
Sudah saatnya kalian face the truth kalau hubungan kalian itu sudah berakhir. Ya, jodoh memang urusan Tuhan, dan kemungkinan kamu balikan sama mantan itu mungkin terjadi. Tetapi, jangan menghabiskan waktumu berkhayal tentang ide itu! Kamu harus menerima kenyataan bahwa hubungan sudah berakhir. Jadi, daripada membuat kecewa diri sendiri, lebih baik let it go...

    2. Ekspresikan kesedihan secara produktif

Biasanya setelah putus, kita diliputi oleh emosi yang berlebihan. Bahkan banyak orang yang melampiskan meosinya tersebut dengan negatif seperti membuat posting yang 'kurang menyenangkan' di jejaring sosial, membalas dendam pada mantan ataupun berusaha membuatnya cemburu, dsb. Sebaliknya lebih baik energi negatif yang berlebihan itu disalurkan pada kegiatan yang positif seperti menulis puisi, bermain musik, berolahraga, dll.

    3. Hindari makan dan minum berlebihan

Sindrom ini seringkali terjadi saat kita sedang berada dalam keadaan stress atau tertekan, yaitu melampiaskannya ke makanan. Untuk sesaat kelihatannya dapat mengurangi rasa sedih, tapi pelampiasan dengan cara tersebut dapat berdampak buruk kedapannya. FYI, terlalu sering makan dan melebihi porsi normal dapat membuat pencernaan cepat rusak karena dipaksa bekerja melebihi beban yang seharusnya.

    4. Manjakan diri

Salah satu cara untuk melupakan si dia adalah dengan menenangkan pikiran. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan melakukan hal-hal yang sifatnya memberikan relaksasi pada tubuh dan pikiran, seperti pergi ke salon, jalan-jalan, dll. Give your heart a break.

     5. Ngobrol dengan keluarga atau teman

Tanpa disadari selama menjalani hubungan seringkali kita lupa membagi waktu dengan keluarga dan teman. Di saat vacuum inilah merupakan momen yang tepat untuk kita kembali menjalin hubungan dengan keluarga dan teman. Betapa berharganya perhatian dan support mereka untuk membantu Anda melupakan si dia.

    6. Alihkan pikiran

Di waktu senggang seringkali tanpa sengaja kita kembali memikirkan si dia, sehingga sulit rasanya untuk move on. Lakukanlah kegiatan lain untuk mengalihkan pikiran Anda. Anda bisa mulai menyibukkan diri dengan hal-hal yang Anda sukai, seperti belajar bermain musik, bergabung ke suatu komunitas / organisasi, dll.

    7. Dekatkan diri dengan Tuhan

Pasca-putus, banyak orang beralih ke hal negatif seperti pergi ke clubbing, merokok berlebihan, atau pun mulai banyak 'minum'. Hal-hal tersebut merupakan pelampiasan yang salah. Seharusnya hal pertama yang Anda cari di saat seperti itu ialah Tuhan. Bukan berarti menjadi religius, tetapi dengan mendekatkan diri dengan Tuhan dapat memberikan kedamaian yang tidak dapat Anda temukan di tempat lain.

    8. Hilangkan perasaan bersalah

Seringkali terbersit pikiran seperti "Andai saja dulu saya lebih perhatian, dia pasti tidak akan selingkuh.." atau "Seharusnya dulu saya bisa jadi lebih sabar dan dewasa sehingga bisa mengerti keadaannya.." Stop merasa bersalah! dan stop mengingat masa lalu! Sekali lagi, nasi telah menjadi bubur. Seharusnya Anda menyadari hal tersebut sebelum hubungan Anda berakhir dan sudah tidak ada gunanya Anda memikirkan hal itu sekarang karena hal itu tidak akan mengubah apapun.

    9. Cari pengganti

Carilah orang baru untuk memulai sebuah hubungan. Hubungan yang sehat adalah saat Anda siap. Hindari hubungan yang bersifat 'pelampiasan' atau hanya bermotif balas dendam pada mantan. Anda mungkin masih marah atas berakhirnya hubungan yang sebelumnya, tapi jangan menjadi tawar hati dan cobalah untuk membuka diri untuk kemungkinan baru. Namun sekali lagi, lakukanlah ketika Anda sudah siap. Jangan terlalu berlarut-larut dalam kesedihan.

Well, those are the tips I got. Hopefully, they can open your mind and help you to move on. Remember, there are plenty of fish in the sea ;;)

Hugs & Kisses,


Broadcast Premiere


Owhh, I'm so excited tonight! Guess why?
Because this evening is my first broadcasting on the radio. Yeeaayyyy :D

A brief description about this radio..
This is a campus radio named Radio Kampus ITB. Even tough this is a campus radio, but we have a lot of listeners included listeners from outter Bandung. We are media partner for so many events, such as events held by University of Indonesia, Jakarta or Bandung events, and also ITB's events. Beside events, we are also cooperate with certain restaurant like Dapur Iga. So, this is such a pretty big scale radio with loyal listeners.

In doing broadcasting, I am not alone. We work on a team consist of producer, music director, technician, and announcer (that's me). At first, we felt so clumsy with the equipment and software, even we've learnt about it before. It took a quite long time to prepare the playlist and setting, etc. I should be on air at 7pm, but with this whole first-time-things for all the crews finally I started announcing at 7.30pm. FYI, 30 minutes is so worthy on the broadcasting world. 

It was a bit rough in the beginning. There were mistakes here and there. Eventually, we found our rythm and synergize with each other. Surely, it is needed some time to adapt and fortunately we handle it in a good way :) Owh, I feel so grateful to be a part of the team. Thank you so soo much guys *smooch :* :*

p.s: You can hear the broadcast every Monday and Saturday on 7pm-9pm by streaming on 107.7FM;; via NUX Radio for mobile phone. You can also contact us via twitter on @radiokampusITB

Hugs & Kisses,


Good Morning

"When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength. Give thanks for the food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in yourself."


2 déc. 2012


I love to read a short story. I've read this story few years ago and forget it already.But foretunately, for the second time I found this story from the internet. The story is pretty short, but contains a good value. It is about love. So, if you're having a rough path with your love life, this story might give you a good advice :)

The title of the story is                     LOVE & TIME

Once upon a time, in an island there lived all the feelings and emotions; Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the other including Love. One day, it was announced to them taht the island would sink! So, everyone constructed boats and left. Except for Love.

Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment.

When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help.

Richness was passing by Love in a boat. Love said,"Richness, can you take me with you?"Richness answered, "Sorry Love, I can't. There is a lot of silver and gold in my boat and so there is no place for you."

Love next asked Vanity who was also sailing by. Vanity was also ready with the same answer."I can't help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat," Vanity answered.

Sadness was closed by so Love asked, "Sadness, take me along with you..""Oh Love.. I am so sad that I need to be by myself.." Sadness said in a sullen voice.

Hapiness passed by Love too,  but she was too preoccupied by her hapiness that she did not even realize when Love called her.

Suddnely, there is a voice, "Come Love! I will take you.." It was an elder. An overjoyed Love jumped up into the boat and in the process forgot to ask where there about to go. When the arrived at a dry land, the eldew went her own way.

Realizing how much she was owed to the elder, Love asked Knowledge another elder, "Knowledge, who helped me?""It was Time." Knowledge answered."Time?" thought Love. Then, as if reading the face of Love, Knowledge smiled and answered, "Because only Time is capable of understanding of how valuable Love is.."