My Passion

My Passion

25 janv. 2013

Selasar Sunaryo Art Space


Are you a right brain people or left brain people??
Obviously, we use both sides of or brain. However, there is some kind of tendency of using whether left side or right side of the brain as the one who is affected you the most. Mostly, we are kind of left brain people who always think logicaly instead of using our imagination. The right brain people seem to be more artistic, sometimes the come with unique ideas that are unthinkable for most of the people. I call it out of the box.

The earth without '-art-' is just 'eh'..
That's a common statement which I am agree with. I don't know which type of people you are, but all I know is the world needs what's so called art. Somehow, art brings more color to our monochrome life and makes it even more appealing. 

Everyone have a sense of art. If you feel like you don't have one, may be it is burried deep down within yourself. Well, for me enjoying a piece of art, listening to the music, playing instruments, either watching movies mean you have such kind of sense of art. We eat because we need energy to live, but we do art to fulfill the needs of the soul. 

About last week, I went to an art gallery. This place is named Selasar Sunaryo. 
For sure, the owner of this place is Mr. Sunaryo. He is a well-known artist. In Bahasa, I prefer to call him 'perupa' instead of 'seniman' (both is called 'artist' in English). Seniman is people with an artistic talent who succeed in creating and deploying art (include singer, painter, poet) , but Perupa is an artist in fine arts (seni rupa). Now, you catch the difference, right ? ;)

Well, back to the topic.
The place is soo beautiful. It is located at Bukit Pakar Timur Street No. 100, Bandung (near Lisung Restaurant). As you know, I love this area (Dago atas dan sekitarnya). I went there at about 4PM. There was lack of visitor because it was reaching the closing time (at 5PM). I only took a loot at the first floor. There were some mix media artworks. Mostly, they use the wood. There is also an interesting piece of kinda frame made of cement, but he made it so creative that the frame looks like it is melted and the cement chunks fell to the floor. Well, I am not good in explaining the artworks, but hopefully you can imagine how they look like.

Luckily, I went there with my friends from the art depatrement. So, they explained me the relation between the title and the piece of art. Then I started to understand and concoct the relation and the meaning of the artwork. Everytime the artist make their piece of art, there will always be a message to deliver whether a form of protest or a compliment of certain beauty.  It was soo interesting. I was having so much fun! That place was so relaxing and gave me kinda enlightment to use my right brain event more.

Beside the gallery, it also has a sort of cafe named Kopi Selasar. It's like a coffee shop with a big tree in the middle and gorgeous scenery. The place is not big but just enough. They also use the wooden furniture and there's also a fishpond with plans and a unique bamboo fountain. The price rate is standard comparing the resto/cafe in that area. I think, it would be nice to go there once in a while, just for refreshing and forget the all problems in time.

Unfortunately, we are prohibited to take picture inside the art space, but here are some pictures I took. Let's take a look ;)

The view around the area

the enterance

a unique fountain on the front
(near the parking area)

Selasar Sunaryo was established on 5th September 1998

a way down to Kopi Selasar

another artwork

This is the fishpond. It looks traditional yet lovely.

a statue by Mr. Sunaryo

The tree in the middle of the cafe

This is Anggi and I #narcissism :p

Hope you like this :*

Hugs & Kisses,


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