My Passion

My Passion

6 janv. 2013

Best Definition of Love

"I'm in love with you.."

That's a pretty common sentence, right?
But do you really know what love is? or it's just the sexual desire overwhelming you.. Hey dude, please don't say such a sentence or even the word 'love' without really mean it. At lease, you know what it is so called 'love'.

Everybody might have their own definition of  love. Love is such a powerful word because it is not just a word, but a word which embody a deep feeling. When you say "love", you're putting your heart in that word, too. It's beautiful how one simple word is able to describe a lot of feelings and expressions in the same time.

But, what is love literally? Or is there any literal definition of love?
I've read this for a hundred of time and still for me this is the best also the wisest definition of love. Here it is....

"Love is patient,
Love is kind.
It does not envy,
It does not boast,
It is not proud.
It is not rude,
It it not self-seeking,
It is not easily angerd,
It keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preseveres.
Love never fails."

- 1Corinthians 13: 4 - 8A

So, have you had such an unconditional and sincere feeling of love?

Hug & Kiss,


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