My Passion

My Passion

14 janv. 2013

Exquisite Jogging Time

Hello Sunshine :D

Last week, I went to the gym almost everyday around 5 out of 7 days. Call me a 'gym rat' ? haha it's up to you. I just love being there and get sweat. Finally, Sunday came. Somehow, I don't feel going to the gym is the right thing to do on that day. At last, I decided to go jogging.

I woke up earlier that day around 5.15AM in the morning. I planned to go jogging at Saraga which is the nearest & super-mainstream place to do jogging (or other sports, too). But then, I realized that I wanted to go somewhere green and tranquille with fresh air which I thought I couldn't find it at Saraga. And guess what, my adventurous mind got such a good idea: why don't I go jogging to Dago Atas! Finally, there I went......

It was 5.42AM when I looked at my watch right after I left home. There, I started to jog. It was pretty smooth at first and I began to get tired when I was passing the Jayakarta Hotel. I continued with walking then running and then I walked again and run. I felt greatful when I finally reached Stasiun Dago; where there's a traditional market every morning. 

I didn't stop there. I continued my morning exercise by taking the left road, which guide me to perumahan PPR ITB. I think, this is kinda housing (perumahan) for ITB's teacher, but I'm not so sure LOL. I kept trying to run but the track is an uphill road. I tought the angle is almost 90 degree. Well, I know it's exaggeratted, but seriously the uphill road is literally 'uphill'. Somehow, I felt like losing my breath. At last, I continued my jogging by walking. Well, it shouldn't be called 'jogging' anymore.

I was so exhausted and I could feel my face's burning. I felt like being a woman with sweating tomato face -__-. Gratefully, I found a small shop near a mosque where I bought a bottle of mineral water and sat for awhile. It felt like the water came from some kinda oasis in the mountain, it was soooo refreshinggg. 

When I sat there, I saw a blue signpost reads 'Lawangwangi'. The signpost wasn't big, but it made me wonder 'what place is that?' The shopkeeper -she was a kind woman, middle-age I guess- said "The place wasn't far from here." The I said, "Are you sure it isn't far? even by foot?" Then she answered me doubtfully, "hmm.. no, not so far.... hmm.." Thus, I continued walking..

It was getting higher and I was feeling cool. I wore a jacket, but still I almost couldn't feel my own hands. To be honest, I've never been there and I have no idea where the road gonna bring me. I just kept walking until the finish line (which is Lawangwangi). Along the road, I saw many interesting things. There was a craftsmen place, a hostel and resto, and may be one or two shop at the side of the road. They design the shop become like a shelter or some kinda rest area for the biker or may be people like me.

I walked and walked. Well, I walked far enough I guess. But it didn't metter, cause it worthed! May be you wonder why I didn't turned back when I had already felt tired and burning and sweating, it was because I haven't found what I want. And here, on my way to Lawangwangi, I finally found it. A great green scenery, mountain view, people riding horses, some bikers, a havenly fresh air, a little mist, beautiful houses and many other things. It was just beyond my expectation. 

And finally, I arrived at Lawangwangi Art and Science Estate! I found this beautiful huge white gate in front of me. And I feel like a winner

Address: Dago Giri Street No. 99, Lembang

I do feel great when I finally reached this gate!!! At lease, my boiled shrimp face is not in vain :')

I brought my phone with me and took some photos (the scenery, there was a farm also,the shops, the bikers, the welcome gate, etc), but unfortunately there're some problems with my cable data and I only succeed moving that above picture. Ohhh.. I want to post the photos so badly, so that you can feel how I feel :( :( But I promise to post the rest of the photos after everything has been fixed.

FYI, I've just searched how far I've walked by google maps. And it says the total distance fron Dago Asri until Dago Giri (Lembang) is about 5,8KM and will spend about 1H 22Min. WOW!

And my last wish is: to eat at Lawangwangi Cafe & Bistro, enjoy the beautiful scenery,  and see their art collections. Anyone? ;)

Thanks for reading, pals :*

Hugs & Kisses,


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