My Passion

My Passion

21 janv. 2013

#SelamatMalam 21Jan2013

Teman-teman mahasiswa !

Hey guys!
As usual, I'm going to post my broadcast materials. But unfortunately, this time I didn't use any script. Me only said spontaneously what's on my mind, and slightly forgot what I've just said haha
Luckily, I'm still remember some parts of my broadcast talks ..

Problem is a gap between the desire (wants) and reality.

Sometimes problem brings us dissapointment.

"Kecewa adalah kekuatan
yang seharusnya menjadikan Anda
berlaku lebih tegas untuk tidak kecewa lagi.

...Orang yang sering kecewa
biasanya tidak belajar dari
kesalahan atau pengingkaran janji,
tetap mengulangi
cara memutuskan yang salah,
dan mempercayai orang
yang suka dusta atau khianat.

Jika kita ikhlas belajar 
dari kekecewaan kecil,
kita tidak akan dipaksa 
merasakan kekecewaan besar."

The feeling of disappointed sometimes bring us to another kond of emotion like jealous (iri/cemburu), angry, nor confusion (galau)

Jealous is a feeling of less than pleased to see the adventage of others.
Angry is a gust. It's like when someone is overwhelming by lots of emotions and feelings, then all he does is to explode.
Confussion is a circumstance when we are so sad and depressed at the tought of something.

Lately before this topic, I talked about a movie with a title The Parent Trap.
This movie is quite an old movie remaked on 1998, starring Linday Lohan who played dual character as the twins, Annie and Hallie. This is how I describe this movie: broken marriage, second chance, separated twins, miscommunication, unspoken words w/ deep feeling, yet an intact and happy family.

So, that's all I got LOL

Thank you for those who were listening.
Keep listening me on #SelamatMalam every Monday and Saturday at 7PM-10PM
via 107.7FM or

Hugh & Kisses,


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