My Passion

My Passion

3 janv. 2013

2012 or 2013

2012 no more!

Yeeayyy! We are entering 2013!

Were you having a great new year celebration? or you feel that new year isn't something soo special? Let's reflect the whole past year..

For me, 2012 is such a great year . I did soo many things that I never thought I will. Those crazy things, sweet moments, hard time, and plenty of experience that I won't forget. I also met new people. The people who colored my life, gave me thousands of unforgetable memories. There are also another people who became soo special for me. I didn't have any idea that they will be such an important people on my life; the ones who became my best friends, the one who left and those who stayed, the one who taught me many things and inspired me, the one who made me fall in love yet the one who broke my heart, and many other people..

Sometimes I feel that people come and go so fast. They only stay a while in your life, but meant the world for you. People whom God sent for giving you lessons or event changing your life. Those people who paint your life with their own color; make it as beautiful as the rainbow or may be as black as the darkness. I believe, you also have those people in your life. People who make you feel the feelings you can't deny.

So, how's yours? What is you best moment on 2012?
For me, there is no what is so called 'best moment' neither 'special event' because everything that has passed are all special. Every moment and every event were all so important for me. They gave me so many things to learn. Even every hard time, every tears and every laugh, every meeting, and every moment are the process for me to grow and be wise. So, they are all special; my real best moments. Don't you ever hoping for only the good time to make you a better person, but those time of pressure is the one who push you to be mature.

I don't know what's going to happen on 2013. I'm hoping for those great things to come, but I won't expect that there will be only the good things. I haven't made any 'new year resolution', as people say "the rules are made to be broken" so do the resolutions. It might be your guide that lead you to the right direction to achieve your goal, but sometimes it's just the commitment-at-a-moment that you forget on the very next day. However, that's your choice weather to make it or not, but at lease you have one thing that becomes you goal on 2012; one thing you want so badly and you work hard for.

My prayer for 2013 is what ever will be will be. Let those things happend in my life; giving me another lesson to learn and another experience to have. I am not praying that God will ease my problem, instead I pray that He will expand my capacity to face those things. Thus, I will be growing and have a larger capacity to do bigger things. Remember, those predator arround you are the one who keep you alive.

I hope you'll have one great year ahead :)



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