My Passion

My Passion

6 déc. 2014

What Should I Write?

Bonne Nuit*!

*) Read: Good Night in French

It has been forever since the last time I updated my blog. I have been truly overwhelming by my schedule this semester. A week after completing my internship, I went straight back to Bandung to start my intensif french course. -Here, 'intensif' means 5 days a week with 2.5 hours for each meeting which lasts for 3 months.- At first, I thought I could handle this because this semester I am only taking 19 SKS. In fact, I was wrong. '19 SKS' is what so called de jure and is only written in the KSM because a lot of my time was spent by doing a never-ending team assignments. Beside the academic activities, I am also occupied by laboratory activities as well as GMUN selection and preparing AIESEC exchange's document. -Yap, I registered for Ganesha MUN Club in my final year.-

Now, the french course is over and I have taken my DELF test in mid. November. -DELF is a (french) language sertification which has 4 levels, A1, A2, B1, and B2. The test is held 3 times a year and once you have taken the test and passed, the results will remain valid for a lifetime. There are 4 competencies tested with the maximum final score is 100 and the threshold grade is 50.- The result for my test will be published next week. I am hoping that I do not only pass, but also get a good grade #fingerscross.

About 1,5 months ago, I accidentally met a dear friend of mine. We haven't been seeing each other for quite a long time. There, he told me about his future plans such as graduated in March, continuing  his study abroad, attending international conference, etc. He also said that he will do the IELTS test on Dec. 5. Triggered by his inspirational story, I also decided to register for an IELTS test. Without taking any further consideration, I registered for an IELTS test on Dec. 13. Now that I have a clear head to reflect my decision, I think it was reckless and not well planned. Dec. 13 is the end of my first final exams week. So, I will still have to prepare for the second week of final exams. I am a bit afraid whether or not I am able to optimally perform in every exam, including the IELTS. Unfortunately, I don't have wide array of choices. I have to nail every test! So now, I have 6 days left to prepare for my IELTS test. May the force be with me..

The last project I am involving in is AIESEC Exchange Program. I should have gone for student exchange in the last summer holiday, but since I had to do the internship, the exchange is delayed until the winter holiday. Out of all possible alternatives, I decided to go to Taiwan because it is the only project which fit my holiday schedule. On the next Monday, I will recieve my VISA from the Taiwanese embassy. I hope they give me a more-than-a-month VISA because my project in Taiwan lasts for 1,5 months #fingerscross. And guess when I will be going! On Dec. 19 at 4.40AM! In fact, my last exam will be on Dec. 18 and there is still a TUBES (Tugas Besar) waiting.... I don't know how I can pull this off. But I believe everything will be fine. Sometimes, being optimistic (and realistic) is the best policy.

Bonus photos:

 Bareng mas toko roti di kantor.
Hampir tiap hari saya tukar kupon roti di sana
jadi kenal deh sama si kang Dedi hihi.

Bareng mba2 dan mas dari Corporate People Development
Menang juara 2 pas lomba 17an.
Ada 2 ibu hamil di foto ini.

 Bareng mas2 dari divisi sebelah a.k.a
Astra Management Development Institute (AMDI)
Mereka masih muda2 loh. 
(Left) Psikologi UI 2009, (Sit) Teknik Industri ITB 2008.

Yang di kiri ini namanya Mba Stella. Doi juga dari AMDI.

Unfortunately, the picture is blur..
Dapat penghargaan 'Best Position Paper' di GMUN 1st caucus.
Waktu itu saya dan Mae (kiri saya) mewakili negara Belanda.
I am wearing the same batik in both photo events. What a coincidence! LOL

Hugs & Kisses,


14 juil. 2014

My Internship Mate + Photos Edition

The first day on internship was pretty much nerve wrecking. I woke up in the morning and thought "What am I going to wear?" "how will it be to meet the other employee?" "How is my bos/manager will be like?" "Will it gonna be awkward, there?" "Do they have a suitable project for me?"and so many more questions rushed in my head. Despite all the question, one thing I know best was "first impression does matter!". So, I made sure that I wore a proper outfit and I was not being late. 

I arrived at about 7.10 AM and went straight to the receptionists. At that time I walked to the building, I convinced myself to look confident and professional (even tough I was so nervous inside). So that people will give some respect and take me seriously although I was a stranger. When I was waiting on the lobby to meet the 'bos', I saw some people sitting there, too. Not long after that, there were a couple entering the front door. The guy was skinny and looked kinda 'hey yooo. what's up?'. In the other side, the girl looked calmer and I liked the shoes she wore! LOL.

After waiting for about 20 minutes (it actually felt like 2 hours, no lebay), the receptionist called "Claudiaaa!". I looked around, but no one responded. Then, she called again "Claudiaaa!" and this time I was sure that she looked at me. I was like "What? Meeee.....? Possibly.....". I was quite astonished because I have met no one who mistaken between my name (Delicia) and 'Claudia'. They are not even close, please.....

The receptionist asked me to go to the second floor. In my mind, I was guessing what my 'bos' will be like. Is he one of the people who passed me in the lobby? When I walked out of the lift, not far from there there were two people talking. One of them suddenly looked at me and greeted "Hey, Claudia!". I was like, "Okay, he must be him!  The 'bos'". Then, the bos asked me again "I heared Mr. Aso recently passed away.." (Mr. Aso was a senior lecturer at Industrial Engineering ITB). Yep! The bos is an alumni of Industrial Engineering ITB year 19** (censored). This time, I was so surprised! I never thought that my bos would be from the same university as I am. 

Okay, still remember the couple in the lobby?
It turned out, they were also having an internship in the same room as I am. They are from Universitas Negeri Jakarta which formerly named IKIP. Albite we were not in the same department nor the same cubical, I felt pretty much connected to them as the same third year college students in our first-time-ever internship. I spent my lunch with them which I thought I would have no lunch-mate in my first day of internship. Unfortunately, they would only stay for a month...  :(

In the last day of their internship, we took some photos as their documentation. I think I will do this too in my last day of internship.  

Here are the photoooosssss!

This is the couple in the article.

Dwi (an intern form President University)
Tia - Deli


First Row:
Eka-Mba Dina (Admin)-Mba Chitra-Deli-Mba Dea-Mba Rini(bumil1)-Mba Agustine(bumil2)-Mas Irwan ('The Bos')-Tia

Second Row:
Mas Elthone-Mba Arini-Mas Thom


Mas Thom is my mentor here. He is so hilarious, I really mean it! He loves joking and doing 'unordinary' things LOL. He brights up people's day! One word that decsribes him best: KOPLAK! hahah. Look at his funny face!

 Hugs & Kisses,


30 juin 2014

Internship: My Project


YES! It has been a very long time since the last article. I myself am almost forget that my blog still exists. These 3 months, starting from June, are the end-semester holiday. Instead of having a vacation, I am now sitting on my chair at an office building in North Jakarta. Yap, I am having an internship for about two months at this holding company. If I mention the name of the company, I believe none of you do not know about them.

I have been here for about a month now. I started on June 2nd, 2014 and will be ended on July 31st, 2014. I am placed in Corporate Organization Development (COD) Department. Here, COD acts like a strategic consultant for the affiliated companies. They are a projectized department with many different numbers and topics of projects to take care about. However, they work only with two analysts and one Dapertment Head. So, there are a lot of work to be done by these three musketeers.

So, what am I doing here?
At first, the Dept. Head asked me to help them with their project with Izusu Sales Operation (ISO). The project will be about Man Power Planning (MPP) using Strategic Workforce Planning (SWP) tool by Boston Consulting group (BCG). I spent the first a couple of weeks to learn about their business and management system as well as company philoshopy and so on. After almost 3 weeks there, unfortunately my mentor told me that the company was not ready for the project since they still had another project to be done. So, I had to think quick and find another topic/problem to be solved.

All of the sudden, my Dept. Head suggested me to do Work Sampling. It was random, I thought. However, Work Sampling method can be used to measure the 8-hours-work-efficiency of the back office personnels. Then, the sampling result can be compared with the KPI achievement during the sampling period (for about one month) to measure the back office personnels' productivity. For your information, to measure back office personnels' productivity is the main issue in Human Resource (HR) division across the companies. They have to find an appropriate tool to measure the back office personnels' productivity because the unroutine type of job and the type of result they produce is somehow hard to quantified.

There are always pros and cons for this applied method. But logically it worth a try. And if this method works and representative enough, then it will also be applied in the other affiliated companies. At last, productivity is improtant for the calculation of employees' bonus as well as to measure the over all performance of the entire company.

Well. I think that's enough information about my Kerja Praktik (KP) a.k.a internship. Actually this internship is an obligation, but I enjoy it a lot than I thought I will. I am gonna tell you more about my internship in the next post.

Semoga puasanya ga ada yang bolong sampai akhir.
Semoga tambah berkah juga di bulan puasa ini.
: D

Hugs & Kisses,


p.s: I really miss the 'Hugs & Kisses' part LOL xoxo :* ({})

p.s.s: Don't forget to invite me if there is any 'Buka Puasa Bersama' event hihi ;)

17 avr. 2014

April Madness

Comparing to the other passed months of 2014, I convince you that April was the most hectic one for me. Beside the routine campus activities, there are several other activities that I joined. Here they are!

The first one is Kuliah Persiapan Kerja Praktik (KP). In a more general forms, Kerja Praktik usually called 'magang' or internship. KP is an obligation for every student of engineering management and several other majors at Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). In engineering management itself, there are 2 options of internship which are 1) to do the routine activities at the company or 2) to do the problem solving. Basically, it is depend on the needs of the company. So, it is not about what you want, but depend on what the company that you applied offers you. Above all, if you want to experience an internship I suggest you to apply to the right companies who are accustomed with this internship things. I also want to give an advice for those who are still in their first and (especially) second semester: USE YOUR HOLIDAYS FOR AN INTERNSHIP. I did not do any internship at the end of my first/second year and I regret that. If only I did an internship on my long holidays, I would have learnt much more things as well as enhancing my professional experience. 
The second thing I am participating is a laboratory recruitment. The lab that I applied to named LIPSP (Laboratorium Inovasi dan Pengembangan Sistem Perusahaan). There are 4 major fields in this lab which are management, marketing, finance, and human resource management. The fields I like the most is of course management and marketing. This recruitment was started on December 2013 and has been reaching the third phase. Now, there are only 16 people last. At first, there was around almost 50 people (if I'm not wrong) who applied. The recruitment task that spent a lot of my time was Business Plan. We did it in a group of 4 members. Each group had to make a business plan of a certain product. The sequential process of this task was: gathering and explaining about the BP, 3 days of making the BP, BP presentation, BP revision presentation, 4 days of selling products (this one almost killed me), LPJ presentation, LPJ revision presentation and personal interview. The whole process took only about almost 2 weeks. Huuufffffftttttttttt............. 

This is our product: cupcake o'bites from O'Bites Corporation

This is our product: cupcake one bite
Our company's logo
The third thing is recording. Well, you will not believe this LOL. My seniors are starting a start up recording company and they asked me to help them. I guess this is not like what you are imagining. They still do not have any studio with a set of electronic equipment. However, they are offering a mobile recording service. They can also do a recording in your own rent room (kosan) because their electronic equipment are pretty small. For sure, their recording result will be much better than if you do it yourself. They also will give you advices and feedbacks as well as provide the base instrument for your recording. Well, I only did this recording for around a couple of hours. And one more, they will also record you in a video if you want. That experience with them was fun! I sang Dear God - Avenged Sevenfold in acoustic version. They also chose this song for me haha *thanks Ka! They haven't sent me the result, but when they do I will post it in my blog hehe. -Even though I am pretty embarrassed about that :p- 
Ka Ridho (left); Ka Alan (right)
Sorry about the lighting.

The last thing (besides a lot of Tubes(s) for sure) is psycho test for Tanoto Foundation Scholarship. This event will be held on April 26th. I think I have to prepare myself a lot for this. Honestly, I am hoping to get this scholarship. It will mean a lot for me :'').

At last, every one have their own things to be done. My ultimate advice will be "maintain your health", do not get sick, and keep praying!

Hugs and kisses,


19 mars 2014

Forgotten Things

What a hectic days!

The period of mid-exams and final exams are absolutely the most hectic period for me. The schedule is so tight lately. Moreover there are always a lot of assignments to do with an additional assignments, what-so-called TUBES (TUgas BESar), in the end of semester or mid-semester. Oh well, let's not complaining about how it is not easy to be an ITB student.
Last Saturday, I went swimming in a one of a hotel in Cihampelas street. It was 7 in the morning and I saw no one in the pool area. The square shaped pool is not so big, but it's definitely enough for one person :p.  That day I just swam for about 40 minutes. I did want to extend my swimming time if I could, but as usual I always have other things to do hfffttt.....
I am not really a sporty girl, but I do love to do some particular physical activities like swimming, running (jogging), I played tennis too, and of course going to the gym. Lately, rarely go to the gym. I really want to go there more often but it feels like I am getting lazy especially after the 2 months of holidays... Nowadays, every time I finish an exam or an assignment, all I want is to go back to my room and do nothing literally. People say the hardest part to accomplish something is to start it. So, I guess I have to start all over again and put a bit more intention and motivation to be back as a gym rat.
About a couple weeks ago, I went to Villa Istana Bunga for one-night-vacation with my friends from Ubala. I was a little hesitate whether to join them or not because I thought ever Ubala's member would be joining the event. In fact, I was so relief when I arrived there and I found out that it was an event of Ubala 2011 only. To be honest, I was not so comfortable at the very first time being among them, in the recruitment period to be exact. I felt like a complete stranger! Generally, they originally came from Lampung and already knew each other before they went here. Some of them were from the same college. Sometimes, I also felt unconnected with the topics they are talking about, moreover when they start to talk about Lampung.. C'mon guys, I just know Teluk Betung (my grandparents' house) and Candra Supermarket. LOL.
I have to admit that it was awkward for me at first. My attendance in their event was probabilistic. But, the lovely thing about them was they never gave up. They kept on contacting me to come and join them, greet me whenever I met them, and so on. There was a senior whom I (and everybody) called Ka Kevin. One day when I was still a Ca-Ubala, we were walking cross to each other in the shelter road behind PLN building. I knew him because I had seen him at Ubala before, but I didn't know whether he knew me or not. Surprisingly, when we were 2 steps away from each other he said "Hai Del" then I spontaneously nodded my head as a greeting and said "Kaa...". At that moment, I said to myself "owh.. he (a senior) knows me." because I didn't think that anyone knew me. When I met my Ubala friend, I told them what happened and she said "He is Kiyay Ubala!" FYI, Kiyay is a calling for "Ketua Ubala". Somehow, it was one of my memorable moments with Ubala-ers.
Back to the topic, the event which is Makrab Ubala 2011 was a reminder for me on how I love and miss them at the same time. I spent a good times with them. Perhaps, the first time I met them, I just didn't know how to blend in. I still remember the look on their face at the time I was in the stage for Pemilihan Putra Puteri Budaya ITB. They looked even more nervous than I did. LOL! Ubala didn't have many members like other local community like UKM or LSS. But I did appreciate their presence and the way they motivated me during the show. I am sure that they played a major role for how I can be Putri Budaya. That was so sweet to be honest :) :')
The whole thing that I did recently remind me of how I have forgotten the important things in my life. To do your hobbies and to spend time with the people you love are the things that differentiate you from a working robot. That what makes you a human! In case you are about to do the same mistake I did, I just want to remind you:  It is an obligation to do your job, but having a little bit of fun is also important. Probably, this is what people say "work hard, play hard".
Well, I guess I just made another long-diary-article -_-. Well, this is how I share my story :)
Gallery bonus for my faithful reader ;)
I guess, I was answering the final question.
With my parade partner - Bayu
Makrab Midnight: Birthday surprise for Aul and Alel :3
Makrab participantsss :*
Hugs and Kisses,

12 mars 2014

My (Bad) Habit

How are you doing, people???

I took a long nap this afternoon after a couple days of hard work a.k.a examinations. That's why I haven't felt sleepy right now (FYI, it's 1 AM already). I had quite a hectic schedule last weekend because I had to attend my boyfriend's cousin's engagement (well, it seems complicated). Therefore, I had lack of preparation for the exams. Well, let's not talk about that..
I rarely post any article lately without any intention to abandon my blog. I might be experiencing the 'saturated phase' right now. Every time any ideas emerge in my mind, I am making up a story on my brain "So this is what I am going to write in my blog blahblah..." However, the concepts never really implemented and become a real article. Sometimes, too much planning is not good. Maybe every time I think of an idea for my next article, I just need to open my laptop immediately and start writing. I guess it's going to be more effective. Well, it worth a try!
By the time I observe my own habit, I start to realize that the main reason of (almost) every procrastination I did is TV! Every time I turn my TV on, I became unproductive. It's like being a no-lifer in front of the television. Moreover, if there is a TV program that I like then my focus will be completely diverted. TV and bed is like the perfect match for me. Somehow, the gravitation on my bed is much stronger that makes me always want to stay on bed.
However, I also find my very productive spot on my room which is my study table. But, I don't really like the chair because it makes my neck and my back stiff whenever I sit there for hours. Besides, my desk is filled by a lot of stuff like printer, a big pinky folder, mug/glass, stationary, paper, etc. It makes my latitude way smaller and limited. I am not so comfortable with that condition. To be honest, I like tidiness but cleaning up is not really my favorite thing (even tough I still do that at least once a week because I cannot stand being in a mess).
Whenever I think about studying in my study table, the uncomfortable things come first and it makes me chose to study in the bed which I realize is less effective yet so comfortable (even too comfortable). But every time I need to be focus / serious to do something, I always go to my study table. For example, this morning I woke up late but I haven't learnt every material for the today's test. So I immediately jumped up to my study table and start studying. Another positive thing about my study table is its position is in the same direction with the TV, so when I sit on the chair (of the study table) my back and my back-of-the-head will face the TV. Yep! So there is no use to turn the TV on.
By observing myself, I learn how to solve the problem of my own. It also helps me to know the rhythm of my study style. Now, the matter is on how I push myself to leave my comfort zone and start to do thing more effectively. This is my problem. What is yours? 
Hugs & Kisses,
ps: I really miss to type the above last two lines :*

19 févr. 2014

The Dangers of Sleep Deprivation

Good Morning!!
Well, I feel better this morning even though the nasal congestion still bothering me. When I wake up, I usually grab my phone and see what happen with the social media. I think most of the Gen Y do that, too LOL. Most of the time, I get some good information/news by reading my friends' publications on FB. That's why I frequently share several links that contains some good articles. This one I am sharing to you now is an infographic about 'The Dangers of Sleep Deprivation'. I'm choosing this one to be shared because nowadays most of the adults (the univ. students are included) are having lack of sleep without knowing the health thread of it.
Here it is!
p.s: the picture is not large enough to be read, I suggest you can zoom it in to read the text clearly :*
Hugs & Kisses,


18 févr. 2014


Being sick is sucks..
It has been a long time since I being sick. So, I kinda forget how it feels to be in this position. Actually, my illness is not a heavy one. I've got sore throat and influenza. I sneeze all the time and I desperately need tissues wherever I go. However, the consequences is far worst. I get dizzy and sleepy so easily, I feel my face is kinda hot, and the worst one is I feel everything is stuck inside my head. I am thinking so hard to find certain words and also to be connected with what the lecturer said. Physically, I were at the class, but my mind is miles away. (Anw, it makes me remember Madonna's song 'Miles Away'. My bf usually plays the song in his car LOL). The most torturing thing is I couldn't sleep in the first night of being sick. I kept on waking up to drink a sip of water because my throat was so painful. Well, I don't want to be spoiled but I do hope that I will be in a tip-top-shape very soon. This sickness has decreased 70% of my productivity level (a bit of hyperbola touch is permitted LOL).
I have to get rest now, though I'll miss many things. That's for my own good. By people!

p.s: I accidentally closed this window tab when I've reached the end of the article but I am so thankful to find my recent article (this article) was securely saved in the draft hffffttttt.... Definitely need to get rest.

Hugs & Kisses, *sneezing*


13 févr. 2014

Microsoft Part.1

I am so excited to start fulfilling my blog with articles again haha. Yap! It has been a long time, about 2 months to be exact. I guess some of you wondered where I had been (or may be not LOL). Well, in these past a couple of months my schedule was kind of full with holiday and projects. I admit that I have been so active applying for several activities lately. What kind of activities?? Hmm most of the activities are outside campus, like exchange, internship, and competition. But I also applied to be an assistant in certain laboratory in my department. Gracefully, I got a good news form some programs/activities that I applied.
Last Monday, my team and I, we named ourselves Gajawadana, were invited to Microsoft Indonesia's office at Jakarta Stock Exchange Building (BEJ) as the Top 6 Finalists of their Microsoft Office 365 Apprentice Program. We went there by a travel bus a day before which was Sunday. In Monday, we finally got there. The office is not so spacious, but the architecture is pretty unique. They have a lunch space that is pretty small. Near that space, there is a lounge for the employees. In that room, there are a billiard table, Xbox, and jidouhanbaiki machine. They also designed their office as a highly effective space which is so creative.
There, we met the COO of Microsoft Indonesia. In fact, he is a France guy! He started as a engineer but end-up being the COO of Microsoft Indonesia. There were a kind of short seminary form the Microsoft team. There was also a demonstration on how Microsoft Office 365 works and that was amazing! It feels like life gets so much easier.
Actually, we need a little help from you guys. We just created a Fan Page and Twitter account. I do hope you are willing to help us by Like-ing and following our account :
Fan Page Facebook : Gajawadana
Twitter : @TeamGajawadana
Thanks so much, guys! :D
Anyway, I have some photos for you guys. I only upload a few of them. Here they are!

at the meeting room

Team Gajawadana
They gave us a brand new laptop and windows phone
Mr. Bernard Saisse
He's so tall LOL
Me, in front of Microsoft logo hihihi
Kiss & Hug,