My Passion

My Passion

14 juil. 2014

My Internship Mate + Photos Edition

The first day on internship was pretty much nerve wrecking. I woke up in the morning and thought "What am I going to wear?" "how will it be to meet the other employee?" "How is my bos/manager will be like?" "Will it gonna be awkward, there?" "Do they have a suitable project for me?"and so many more questions rushed in my head. Despite all the question, one thing I know best was "first impression does matter!". So, I made sure that I wore a proper outfit and I was not being late. 

I arrived at about 7.10 AM and went straight to the receptionists. At that time I walked to the building, I convinced myself to look confident and professional (even tough I was so nervous inside). So that people will give some respect and take me seriously although I was a stranger. When I was waiting on the lobby to meet the 'bos', I saw some people sitting there, too. Not long after that, there were a couple entering the front door. The guy was skinny and looked kinda 'hey yooo. what's up?'. In the other side, the girl looked calmer and I liked the shoes she wore! LOL.

After waiting for about 20 minutes (it actually felt like 2 hours, no lebay), the receptionist called "Claudiaaa!". I looked around, but no one responded. Then, she called again "Claudiaaa!" and this time I was sure that she looked at me. I was like "What? Meeee.....? Possibly.....". I was quite astonished because I have met no one who mistaken between my name (Delicia) and 'Claudia'. They are not even close, please.....

The receptionist asked me to go to the second floor. In my mind, I was guessing what my 'bos' will be like. Is he one of the people who passed me in the lobby? When I walked out of the lift, not far from there there were two people talking. One of them suddenly looked at me and greeted "Hey, Claudia!". I was like, "Okay, he must be him!  The 'bos'". Then, the bos asked me again "I heared Mr. Aso recently passed away.." (Mr. Aso was a senior lecturer at Industrial Engineering ITB). Yep! The bos is an alumni of Industrial Engineering ITB year 19** (censored). This time, I was so surprised! I never thought that my bos would be from the same university as I am. 

Okay, still remember the couple in the lobby?
It turned out, they were also having an internship in the same room as I am. They are from Universitas Negeri Jakarta which formerly named IKIP. Albite we were not in the same department nor the same cubical, I felt pretty much connected to them as the same third year college students in our first-time-ever internship. I spent my lunch with them which I thought I would have no lunch-mate in my first day of internship. Unfortunately, they would only stay for a month...  :(

In the last day of their internship, we took some photos as their documentation. I think I will do this too in my last day of internship.  

Here are the photoooosssss!

This is the couple in the article.

Dwi (an intern form President University)
Tia - Deli


First Row:
Eka-Mba Dina (Admin)-Mba Chitra-Deli-Mba Dea-Mba Rini(bumil1)-Mba Agustine(bumil2)-Mas Irwan ('The Bos')-Tia

Second Row:
Mas Elthone-Mba Arini-Mas Thom


Mas Thom is my mentor here. He is so hilarious, I really mean it! He loves joking and doing 'unordinary' things LOL. He brights up people's day! One word that decsribes him best: KOPLAK! hahah. Look at his funny face!

 Hugs & Kisses,


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