My Passion

My Passion

6 déc. 2014

What Should I Write?

Bonne Nuit*!

*) Read: Good Night in French

It has been forever since the last time I updated my blog. I have been truly overwhelming by my schedule this semester. A week after completing my internship, I went straight back to Bandung to start my intensif french course. -Here, 'intensif' means 5 days a week with 2.5 hours for each meeting which lasts for 3 months.- At first, I thought I could handle this because this semester I am only taking 19 SKS. In fact, I was wrong. '19 SKS' is what so called de jure and is only written in the KSM because a lot of my time was spent by doing a never-ending team assignments. Beside the academic activities, I am also occupied by laboratory activities as well as GMUN selection and preparing AIESEC exchange's document. -Yap, I registered for Ganesha MUN Club in my final year.-

Now, the french course is over and I have taken my DELF test in mid. November. -DELF is a (french) language sertification which has 4 levels, A1, A2, B1, and B2. The test is held 3 times a year and once you have taken the test and passed, the results will remain valid for a lifetime. There are 4 competencies tested with the maximum final score is 100 and the threshold grade is 50.- The result for my test will be published next week. I am hoping that I do not only pass, but also get a good grade #fingerscross.

About 1,5 months ago, I accidentally met a dear friend of mine. We haven't been seeing each other for quite a long time. There, he told me about his future plans such as graduated in March, continuing  his study abroad, attending international conference, etc. He also said that he will do the IELTS test on Dec. 5. Triggered by his inspirational story, I also decided to register for an IELTS test. Without taking any further consideration, I registered for an IELTS test on Dec. 13. Now that I have a clear head to reflect my decision, I think it was reckless and not well planned. Dec. 13 is the end of my first final exams week. So, I will still have to prepare for the second week of final exams. I am a bit afraid whether or not I am able to optimally perform in every exam, including the IELTS. Unfortunately, I don't have wide array of choices. I have to nail every test! So now, I have 6 days left to prepare for my IELTS test. May the force be with me..

The last project I am involving in is AIESEC Exchange Program. I should have gone for student exchange in the last summer holiday, but since I had to do the internship, the exchange is delayed until the winter holiday. Out of all possible alternatives, I decided to go to Taiwan because it is the only project which fit my holiday schedule. On the next Monday, I will recieve my VISA from the Taiwanese embassy. I hope they give me a more-than-a-month VISA because my project in Taiwan lasts for 1,5 months #fingerscross. And guess when I will be going! On Dec. 19 at 4.40AM! In fact, my last exam will be on Dec. 18 and there is still a TUBES (Tugas Besar) waiting.... I don't know how I can pull this off. But I believe everything will be fine. Sometimes, being optimistic (and realistic) is the best policy.

Bonus photos:

 Bareng mas toko roti di kantor.
Hampir tiap hari saya tukar kupon roti di sana
jadi kenal deh sama si kang Dedi hihi.

Bareng mba2 dan mas dari Corporate People Development
Menang juara 2 pas lomba 17an.
Ada 2 ibu hamil di foto ini.

 Bareng mas2 dari divisi sebelah a.k.a
Astra Management Development Institute (AMDI)
Mereka masih muda2 loh. 
(Left) Psikologi UI 2009, (Sit) Teknik Industri ITB 2008.

Yang di kiri ini namanya Mba Stella. Doi juga dari AMDI.

Unfortunately, the picture is blur..
Dapat penghargaan 'Best Position Paper' di GMUN 1st caucus.
Waktu itu saya dan Mae (kiri saya) mewakili negara Belanda.
I am wearing the same batik in both photo events. What a coincidence! LOL

Hugs & Kisses,


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