My Passion

My Passion

12 mars 2014

My (Bad) Habit

How are you doing, people???

I took a long nap this afternoon after a couple days of hard work a.k.a examinations. That's why I haven't felt sleepy right now (FYI, it's 1 AM already). I had quite a hectic schedule last weekend because I had to attend my boyfriend's cousin's engagement (well, it seems complicated). Therefore, I had lack of preparation for the exams. Well, let's not talk about that..
I rarely post any article lately without any intention to abandon my blog. I might be experiencing the 'saturated phase' right now. Every time any ideas emerge in my mind, I am making up a story on my brain "So this is what I am going to write in my blog blahblah..." However, the concepts never really implemented and become a real article. Sometimes, too much planning is not good. Maybe every time I think of an idea for my next article, I just need to open my laptop immediately and start writing. I guess it's going to be more effective. Well, it worth a try!
By the time I observe my own habit, I start to realize that the main reason of (almost) every procrastination I did is TV! Every time I turn my TV on, I became unproductive. It's like being a no-lifer in front of the television. Moreover, if there is a TV program that I like then my focus will be completely diverted. TV and bed is like the perfect match for me. Somehow, the gravitation on my bed is much stronger that makes me always want to stay on bed.
However, I also find my very productive spot on my room which is my study table. But, I don't really like the chair because it makes my neck and my back stiff whenever I sit there for hours. Besides, my desk is filled by a lot of stuff like printer, a big pinky folder, mug/glass, stationary, paper, etc. It makes my latitude way smaller and limited. I am not so comfortable with that condition. To be honest, I like tidiness but cleaning up is not really my favorite thing (even tough I still do that at least once a week because I cannot stand being in a mess).
Whenever I think about studying in my study table, the uncomfortable things come first and it makes me chose to study in the bed which I realize is less effective yet so comfortable (even too comfortable). But every time I need to be focus / serious to do something, I always go to my study table. For example, this morning I woke up late but I haven't learnt every material for the today's test. So I immediately jumped up to my study table and start studying. Another positive thing about my study table is its position is in the same direction with the TV, so when I sit on the chair (of the study table) my back and my back-of-the-head will face the TV. Yep! So there is no use to turn the TV on.
By observing myself, I learn how to solve the problem of my own. It also helps me to know the rhythm of my study style. Now, the matter is on how I push myself to leave my comfort zone and start to do thing more effectively. This is my problem. What is yours? 
Hugs & Kisses,
ps: I really miss to type the above last two lines :*

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