My Passion

My Passion

19 févr. 2014

The Dangers of Sleep Deprivation

Good Morning!!
Well, I feel better this morning even though the nasal congestion still bothering me. When I wake up, I usually grab my phone and see what happen with the social media. I think most of the Gen Y do that, too LOL. Most of the time, I get some good information/news by reading my friends' publications on FB. That's why I frequently share several links that contains some good articles. This one I am sharing to you now is an infographic about 'The Dangers of Sleep Deprivation'. I'm choosing this one to be shared because nowadays most of the adults (the univ. students are included) are having lack of sleep without knowing the health thread of it.
Here it is!
p.s: the picture is not large enough to be read, I suggest you can zoom it in to read the text clearly :*
Hugs & Kisses,


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