My Passion

My Passion

13 févr. 2014

Microsoft Part.1

I am so excited to start fulfilling my blog with articles again haha. Yap! It has been a long time, about 2 months to be exact. I guess some of you wondered where I had been (or may be not LOL). Well, in these past a couple of months my schedule was kind of full with holiday and projects. I admit that I have been so active applying for several activities lately. What kind of activities?? Hmm most of the activities are outside campus, like exchange, internship, and competition. But I also applied to be an assistant in certain laboratory in my department. Gracefully, I got a good news form some programs/activities that I applied.
Last Monday, my team and I, we named ourselves Gajawadana, were invited to Microsoft Indonesia's office at Jakarta Stock Exchange Building (BEJ) as the Top 6 Finalists of their Microsoft Office 365 Apprentice Program. We went there by a travel bus a day before which was Sunday. In Monday, we finally got there. The office is not so spacious, but the architecture is pretty unique. They have a lunch space that is pretty small. Near that space, there is a lounge for the employees. In that room, there are a billiard table, Xbox, and jidouhanbaiki machine. They also designed their office as a highly effective space which is so creative.
There, we met the COO of Microsoft Indonesia. In fact, he is a France guy! He started as a engineer but end-up being the COO of Microsoft Indonesia. There were a kind of short seminary form the Microsoft team. There was also a demonstration on how Microsoft Office 365 works and that was amazing! It feels like life gets so much easier.
Actually, we need a little help from you guys. We just created a Fan Page and Twitter account. I do hope you are willing to help us by Like-ing and following our account :
Fan Page Facebook : Gajawadana
Twitter : @TeamGajawadana
Thanks so much, guys! :D
Anyway, I have some photos for you guys. I only upload a few of them. Here they are!

at the meeting room

Team Gajawadana
They gave us a brand new laptop and windows phone
Mr. Bernard Saisse
He's so tall LOL
Me, in front of Microsoft logo hihihi
Kiss & Hug,


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