My Passion

My Passion

13 déc. 2013

The Real Dedication: 3 Crews of KRL 'Maut'

I thought most of the people work only to make money; to do anything to gain even more and more. Well.. I haven't been working yet, so I don't know how it is. But after I read this article, I just realised that there are still people out there who do their job with a great dedication and integrity. People who take the responsibilities of their job with a real sacrifice. It is not only the metter of 'how much money I can make' but also about 'how much I love my job'. This article of 3 dedicated train crews touches me deeply. They could save theirselves, but they chose not to......

Here is the article:

Punya Kesempatan Hidup, Mengapa 3 Kru KRL 'Maut' Tidak Melompat?

VIVAnews - Keluarga besar PT Kereta Api Indonesia berduka. Tiga rekan mereka tewas mengenaskan dalam kecelakaan yang terjadi Senin 9 Desember 2013. KRL Commuter Line jurusan Serpong-Jakarta yang mereka kendalikan menghantam truk tangki bermuatan bahan bakar premium.

Tapi, kematian Darman Prasetyo (masinis), Agus Suroto (asisten masinis) dan Sofyan Hadi (teknisi), tidak sia-sia. Nama mereka akan selalu diingat banyak orang karena keberanian, dedikasi dan tanggung jawabnya dalam menjalankan tugas.
Mereka merelakan nyawa, meski peluang untuk menyelamatkan diri terbuka lebar. 

Direktur Utama PT KAI Ignasius Jonan berkaca-kaca saat melepas jenazah anak buahnya dari Stasiun Gambir ke daerah asal masing-masing. Dia 'angkat topi' untuk ketiga anak buahnya. Keberanian dan dedikasi ketiganya memberi contoh pada semua orang.

Kata Jonan, tidak semua orang punya dedikasi dan keberanian, hingga mengorbankan jiwanya sendiri. "Saya sendiri belum tentu sanggup dalam kondisi seperti itu harus menentukan pilihan akan bagaimana," ucap Jonan dengan mata berkaca-kaca.

Jonan memberikan apresiasi khusus kepada Sofyan Hadi. Anak buahnya yang baru dua bulan bekerja sebagai teknisi KRL, tapi sudah menunjukkan dedikasi yang tinggi. 

Sebelum peristiwa mengerikan itu terjadi, Sofyan mengarahkan para penumpang di gerbong paling depan mundur ke belakang karena kereta akan menabrak truk tangki.
Dalam hitungan detik waktu yang tersisa, Sofyan ke luar dari kabin masinis dan memerintahkan penumpang mundur sambil berpegangan pada tiang atau kursi penumpang. Sementara, dua rekannya, Darman dan Agus berusaha memperlambat laju kereta. Sebisa mungkin menghindari tabrakan.

Saat itu penumpang sulit bergerak karena gerbong khusus wanita yang berada di bagian paling depan rangkaian sangat penuh dan mereka saling berdesakan. Sofyan terus memerintahkan mereka untuk mundur.

Sofyan kemudian melihat ada anak kecil di gerbong depan. Dia langsung membawa anak itu bergeser ke gerbong belakang. Sofyan sempat mundur sampai gerbong ketiga demi menyelamatkan anak yang tak dikenalnya itu.

Hebatnya, kata Jonan, Sofyan tidak mencoba menyelamatkan diri. "Sofyan bisa saja tidak kembali ke kabin depan setelah memperingatkan penumpang. Tapi ia justru balik lagi ke kabin membantu rekan-rekannya," ujar Jonan.

Padahal, kalau mau, Sofyan bisa menyelamatkan diri, loncat dari gerbong tiga. Tapi, dia tidak melakukannya. 

Julie Retna, salah satu penumpang selamat yang berada di gerbong khusus wanita paling depan, membenarkan hal tersebut.

Menurut perempuan 54 tahun itu, ada kru kereta, yang belakangan diketahui adalah Sofyan, keluar dari kabin kemudi untuk memberitahu penumpang bahwa kereta akan tabrakan. "Kalau dia nggak masuk lagi pasti dia selamat," kata Julie.

Warga kota Tangerang Selatan yang berada dekat dengan kabin masinis itu lantas mengintip ke pintu kabin yang terbuka. Dia tidak percaya yang dilihatnya, pemandangan mengerikan. Truk tangki bensin melintang di depan kereta yang ditumpanginya. 

Tabrakan tak dapat terhindarkan. "Jegerr... ", ucap Julie, kereta 'adu banteng' dengan truk tangki milik Pertamina. Ledakan dahsyat terdengar. Penumpang berhamburan, berteriak, menyebut nama Tuhan. Mereka berusaha menyelamatkan diri. [Baca selengkapnya: Kereta Vs Truk Tangki, Penumpang Keluar Lewat Jendela]

Tapi, ketiga pahlawan itu tak berdaya. Mereka terjebak di tengah kobaran api. Jasad mereka ditemukan tim penyelamat saling bertumpukan di kabin masinis, hangus akibat terbakar. 

Sebagai penghormatan PT KAI terhadap ketiga karyawannya, masinis Darman Prasetyo dan asisten masinis Agus Suroto dinaikkan pangkatnya dua tingkat. Sedangkan teknisi Sofyan Hadi yang berstatus karyawan kontrak diangkat menjadi karyawan tetap.
Mereka juga diberikan santunan yang diserahkan ke ahli waris masing-masing. Baca selengkapnya di sini.
"Bila ada keluarga mereka yang mau jadi karyawan PT KAI, bisa langsung masuk tanpa tes. Saya yang menjamin. Ini bentuk penghormatan kami," Jonan menegaskan.

Hidup-mati di kereta
Sofyan merupakan anak bungsu dari 4 bersaudara. Dia satu-satunya anak laki-laki. Amelia (50 tahun), ibu Sofyan, syok mendengar kematian anak laki satu-satunya. 

Semasa hidupnya, Sofyan Hadi dikenal sebagai pribadi yang ulet, rajin, dan patuh pada orangtua. Bahkan, Ade Rukhim, ayah Sofyan, mengakui anaknya itu dikenal supel di lingkungan tempat tinggalnya, di Jalan RA Kartini, Gang Mawar III RT 2/RW 2, Margahayu, Bekasi Timur, Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat.

"Bahkan saya sendiri mengaku kalah dengan Sofyan. Dia pergaulannya luas. Dikenal banyak orang. Boleh tanya ke orang-orang sini," kata Ade saat diwawancara tvOne di kediamannya.

Sejak menamatkan pendidikan di SMK Karya Guna 1, di Duren Jaya, Bekasi Timur, Sofyan sudah bercita-cita bekerja sebagai pengemudi kereta alias masinis. Cita-citanya ini pernah diutarakan ke sang kakak, Yanti (26 tahun).

Sofyan lulus tahun 2011. Tiga kali tes di perusahaan kereta api, Sofyan selalu gagal. Sampai akhirnya dia diterima menjadi teknisi oleh PT KAI pada Oktober 2013.

Kata Yanti, adiknya itu sempat bekerja di pabrik sebagai batu loncatan. Sampai akhirnya ditelepon dapat panggilan, terus diterima di KAI. Sofyan pun keluar dari tempat kerjanya terdahulu.

"Dia sempat girang banget, karena ini jalan dia mewujudkan cita-citanya menjadi masinis," kata Yanti.

Sejak bekerja di commuter line, Sofyan sering tinggal di mess PT KAI di Serpong, Tangerang, Banten.

Kecintaan Sofyan terhadap dunia perkeretaapian tak perlu diragukan. Pemuda ini pernah mengutarakan niatnya untuk mengabdikan diri di dunia perkeretaapian. Niatnya itu diungkapkan Sofyan kepada sang ayah. "Dia pernah berpesan bahwa hidup dan matinya hanya di kereta," kata Ade.

Selain itu, Sofyan, sejak lulus sekolah dan bekerja, selalu rajin menabung. Uang itu, kata Yanti, akan digunakan Sofyan untuk menikahi gadis pujaan hatinya yang sudah dipacari sejak duduk di bangku SMP.

"Dia bilang mau nikahin pacarnya. Makanya rajin menabung. Uang itu, katanya, juga buat naikin haji kedua orangtuanya," kata Yanti.
Anak rajin itu jadi masinis
Darman Prasetyo pulang tinggal nama di usia 26 tahun. Kepergian Darman untuk selamanya menyesakkan keluarga besar. Darman meninggalkan seorang istri cantik, Riza Lastiana (24 tahun), dan Fariz Saefullah, anak lelakinya yang masih berusia dua tahun. 
Darman merupakan anak Suroto, Lurah Jenar Wetan, Purwodadi. Dia anak ketiga dari empat bersaudara. Sejak kecil, Suroyo mengenal keponakannya itu sebagai anak yang pintar, rajin dan disiplin.

Darman juga dikenal sebagai pribadi yang mandiri dan tidak macam-macam. Sebagai kepala keluarga, kata Suroyo, Darman dinilai sebagai pria yang sangat bertanggung jawab terhadap anak dan istrinya.

"Dia pulang 1-2 minggu sekali ke Tegal, tergantung kesibukannya bekerja. Selama di Jakarta dia tinggal di mess perusahaan di daerah Serpong," ujar Suroyo (51 tahun), paman Darman. 

Kesan itu juga dirasakan Sandhie, rekan Darman sesama masinis. Menurut Sandhie, kawannya itu merupakan sosok yang baik, pekerja keras, dan tidak pernah mengeluh.

Dia mengaku terkejut mendengar peristiwa yang menewaskan rekannya. Ia mengaku sempat bertemu dan bersalaman pagi hari sebelum kejadian. 

"Saya tidak menyangka, jabatan tangan itu sebagai jabatan terakhirnya dengan Darman," katanya.

Darman dimakamkan di TPU Kembang Gading, Purworejo. Ratusan orang yang terdiri dari warga desa, kerabat dan rekan sejawat Darman, hadir dalam pemakaman. Orangtua, istri dan saudaranya histeris.
Bangga jadi asisten masinis
Ibu Agus bernama Suminah (48 tahun) tampak syok berat mendapat kabar anak bungsu kesayangannya menjadi korban tewas dalam kecelakaan maut itu. Sambil menangis sesegukan, Suminah mengatakan, Agus anak yang berbakti kepada orangtua.

"Terakhir, dia telepon tanggal 2 (Desember). Dia bilang mau kirim uang gajinya untuk saya tabung," kata Suminah sambil terus menangis. Sejumlah kerabat berusaha menghibur Suminah.

Suminah mengaku tak punya firasat apapun akan kehilangan anaknya itu. Menurut dia, Agus memang jarang pulang ke Blora. Kalaupun pulang, Agus jarang menginap dan langsung kembali ke Jakarta. 

Agus merupakan lulusan dari Sekolah Teknik Mesin (STM) Minyak dan Gas Bumi (Migas) Cepu. Kini, sekolah itu telah berubah nama menjadi Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Migas Cepu.
Setelah lulus tahun 2006, Agus sempat kuliah, tapi drop out. Pemuda 24 tahun itu kemudian sempat bekerja di tempat lain. Sejak tujuh bulan lalu, dia bekerja sebagai asisten masinis.
Kakak Agus, Sudarsono, mengatakan, adiknya sangat bangga bekerja sebagai asisten masinis di PT KAI.

"Dia sangat senang setelah mendengar diterima bekerja sebagai asisten masinis. Dia merasa bangga bisa jadi asisten masinis," kata Sudarsono.
Kini, jasad Agus Suroto telah dimakamkan di pemakaman umum, dekat rumahnya, di Desa Sambong, Blora, Jawa Tengah.



8 déc. 2013

The Difference in Love and Marriage

Recently, someone post this link on Facebook. This is a story of an innocent student who is wondering about the meaning of love as well as marriage . When I read it, I thought the teacher's answer is the right way to describe what love and marriage are; simply meaningful.

The Difference in Love and Marriage

A student asks a teacher, “What is love?” The teacher said, “in order to answer your question, go to the wheat field and choose the biggest wheat and come back. But the rule is: you can go through them only once and cannot turn back to pick.” The student went to the field, go thru first row, he saw one big wheat, but he wonders… may be there is a bigger one later. Then he saw another bigger one… But may be there is an even bigger one waiting for him. Later, when he finished more than half of the wheat field, he start to realize that the wheat is not as big as the previous one he saw, he know he has missed the biggest one, and he regretted. So, he ended up went back to the teacher with empty hand. The teacher told him, “this is love… You keep looking for a better one, but when later you realise, you have already miss the person…” “What is marriage then?” the student asked. The teacher said, “in order to answer your question, go to the corn field and choose the biggest corn and come back. But the rule is: you can go through them only once and cannot turn back to pick." The student went to the corn field, this time he is careful not to repeat the previous mistake, when he reach the middle of the field, he has picked one medium corn that he feel satisfy, and come back to the teacher. The teacher told him, “This time you bring back a corn. You look for one that is just nice, and you have faith and believe this is the best one you get… This is marriage.”

Kiss & hug,


13 nov. 2013

The Arrow And The Bow

When I was in the first year of university, I interested to join the archery club. But unfortunately, I couldn't find their stand at the Open House Unit. So I ended up registering in some others units LOL. It is quite random to tell this old story in my blog. However, I was having a revelation recently and I thought this simple experience of mine will be a good start.

Archery is definitely something unfamiliar for me. Honestly, I seldom find this kind of club in my neigborhood. My first impression about archery is "classic sport, so challenging yet interesting". To master this sport, someone has to be calm yet focus. From what I observe, it needs a high accuracy and precision to get the arrow into the right target.

Archery is all about the bow, the arrow, and the archer. If an archer doesn't have any tools, then he can do nothing. In contras, bow and arrow without the archer are only inaminate objects. Doing the archery is perfectly describing a single phase of life. How could it be??

Ergonomically, the archer is going to arrange the arrow and the bow in the right position and hold it tight in his hand. After aiming a target, he is pulling back the arrow powerfully and release it. In a blink of an eye, the arrow will be stuck to the target. Voila it's done! 

In life, you are the arrow!

There are moments when life drags you down. Those are the time when you feel like your best is not good enough. You want to give up so desperately. You keep on telling yourself the things you cannot do. You are losing your hope. It feels like tommorow is another torturing day that you have to live with. At that point, you are blinded by your own desperation mind. To think clearly is the last thing you are able to do. In fact, you don't know what the future's gonna be like. You have no idea how you are now being shaped and prepared to be a better person tomorrow. 

After then, what happen to the arrow? 
The arrow drove so rapidly to the target even a glance of the tip of your eyes cannot catch where it goes. Yes, the archer has a perfect plan for you. A beautiful plan that you've never thought it'd be. Your negativity was overwhelm you and covered yourself form any goodness. 

Now that I've revealed this secreat, do not let yourself being overpowered by your fear and desperation of your on mind. You have to build a strong faith to your 'archer' for only he knows what he's aiming to. He knows the plans he has for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you hope and a future. 

Everytime you're down, remember that you are an arrow. Being pulled back is just a stepping stone to be a greater person and hopefully it will arouse your spirit. Finally, do not let yourself be trapped with the dynamics of your humanly mind because your archer is your marvelous God.

Dear friends, don't lose hope :)

Hugs & Kisses,


8 nov. 2013

Fill In The [Blanks]

I bet some of you wonder what I've been doing lately.. 
In this 5th semester, I have a subjet named "Praktikum Management Rekayasa 2". I believe that I've spent the majority of my time doing this. Fortunately, there is no class this week so I have more sparetime to do blogging.

My group ,which consists of 2 boys and 3 girls including me, has made 3 questionnaires so far. It means we have to remake our 'imperfect' questionnaire 2 times and each time we have to search for a proper numbers of respondents, then evaluate them using a software called 'SPSS', this is a statistics software, to test their validity and reliability. In a short limited amount of time, this whole concatination is surely not easy.

Well, for our third questionnaire we need to collect 200 (TWO HUNDREDS) respondents in 4 (FOUR) days haha. We also require respondents who are match with our criteria based on our market target and segmentation. After that, of course we have to evaluate the responses using SPSS. It is frustrating knowing that we also have 2 other deadlines of papers in the early next week :)

For you who want to help us, here are the criteria:
above 24 years old
can speak Indonesian (because the questionnaire is in Indonesian)

This is the link :

Your response and your help mean a lot for us. Thank you :)



7 nov. 2013

Bandung: Tempat Makan Berkesan

1. Belle Vue


    Escargot au Vent

This place is actually a hotel in Setiabudhi. The building is so beautiful. It was designed by the owner, which is shocking because he is not an architect. The architecture itself has a ghotic elements and marvelous views from the top. The restaurant is on the 5th floor of the building. It offers you varieties of food, starts from french cuisine, italian dishes, wine, desserts, and many more. The uniqueness of this restaurant is they have an everyday promo, it can be a 50% discount for selected dishes, free dessert, buy 1 get 2, etc. -FYI, it opens 24 hours/day- The place is beautiful, the view is stunning, the decoration is superb, what else can can I say.. My most favourite dish is the escargot. Escargot is actually a snail. This is an original French dish, which is also their signature dish. The thing I like about their escargo is that the escargot is covered with pastry so that it has a balance texture between the pastry and the escargo within it. However, you have to spend quite a costly price, but it is all worth a try. This is a place where I said "Yes" when he asked me :).

2. Mujigae

3rd: Bibimap, you have to mix the sauce and the rice all together in the bowl
4th: this is the drink! You have to lift the upside-down bottle, and mix it with the salty cream

I have just visited this resto twice. It is located at Cihampelas Walk or what so called as CiWalk. This is definitely a place for the K-Lover. The decoration and lay out are so creative. I was amased when I first went here because I've never visited such a restaurant with Korean elements all over place. Here, you can make you order trough the iPad that is available in every table. You can also request a video that will be played in a big screen inside the resto. It offers you Korean cuisine obviously. The food is delicious, but personally I don't think that the dishes are stand-out. The beverages are pretty unique, I hardly explain it to you but you'll understand as soon as you visit this place ;)

3. Braga Permai

This is an old restaurant who has so many variations on their menu list. It has a chinese cuisine, western, Indonesian, Italian, and cakes&chocolates! The special thing about this place is their delicious food and not expensive price. My boyfriend and I are a money spender for food. But here, we can spend less than Rp100.000,00 and yet felt so full already. For a restaurant class dish, this one is pretty affordable and of course with a good quality.

4. Takigawa - Meat Bar In The Sky

Left: Volcano sushi; Right: Wakame Salad

I love hanging out with my Dad and grab some food. Our favourite place to eat is Takigawa. He usually orders Kamameshi; a baked rice with toppings (scallop, shrimp, ell, etc). And my all time favourite dish is wakame salad and also volcano sushi. As I know, there are only 2 Takigawa restaurant in Bandung; at Trans Studio Mall and Dago Atas. Takigawa - Meat Bar In The Sky is located at Dago Atas. There, you'll be giver 2 menu books, the Takigawa menu which is Japanese cuisine and the meat bar menu which are mostly western cuisine with varieties of steaks. The place itself is beautiful, the price is in the similar range with the other restaurant in Dago Atas. 


pictures are taken from various sources in the internet

6 nov. 2013

Les Sardines

Je viens de voir un vidéo que mon ami m'a donne récemment. Dans notre dernière conversation, je l'ai dit que je suis tellement occupé par mon tâche au campus. Il y a environ quelques semaines je n'ai pas vu son message. Finallement, ce matin j'ai des temps pour le lire grâce à il n'y a pas d'activité pratique au campus cet semaine (peut-être je te le diras au l'article prochain). En un mot, il m'a donne un vidéo de chanson français. Il a dit que le rythme et les paroles peuvent me faire danser devant l'ordinateur portable LOL. En fait, je pense que le chanson est très amuse. Le mélodie est excité  il y a aussi beaucoup de gens qui dansent avec le chanteur sur le vidéo. Ce comme il y a un grand fête là. J'ai vu les commentaires aussi, il y a quelqu'un qui a posté "Ceci est la musique qui te reste une semaine dans la tête.

Voilà le vidéo !


Pour faire une chanson facile, facile,
Faut d’abord des paroles débiles, débiles,
Une petite mélodie qui te prend bien la tête,
Et une chorégraphie pour bien faire la fête,
Dans celle là, on se rassemble, à 5, ou 6, ou 7
Et on se colle tous ensemble, en chantant à tue tête.
Ha ! Qu’est-ce qu’on est serré, au fond de cette boite,
Chantent les sardines, chantent les sardines,
Ha ! Qu’est-ce qu’on est serré, au fond de cette boite,
Chantent les sardines entre l’huile et les aromates. (2x)
Bien sûr, que c’est vraiment facile, facile,
C’est même complètement débile, débile,
C’est pas fait pour penser, c’est fait pour faire la fête,
C’est fait pour se toucher, se frotter les arêtes ,
Alors on se rassemble, à 5, ou 6, ou 7,
Et puis on saute ensemble en chantant à tue tête,
Ha ! Qu’est-ce qu’on est serré, au fond de cette boite,
Chantent les sardines, chantent les sardines,
Ha ! Qu’est-ce qu’on est serré, au fond de cette boite,
Chantent les sardines entre l’huile et les aromates. (2x)
Et puis,… pour respirer un p’tit peu, on s’écarte en se tenant la main,
Et puis, … pour être encore plus heureux,
On fait là, là, là, en chantant mon refrain !
Là, là, et les mains en l’air, là, là !
Là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, ……..
(Parlé 8 mesures)
Et maintenant, on se resserre tous !
On se resserre, et maintenant qu’on l’a connaît, on va chanter la chanson des sardines ! Attention ! Allez !
Ha ! Qu’est-ce qu’on est serré, au fond de cette boite,
Chantent les sardines, chantent les sardines,
Ha ! Qu’est-ce qu’on est serré, au fond de cette boite,
Chantent les sardines entre l’huile et les aromates. (2x)
Ha ! Qu’est-ce qu’on est serré, au fond de cette boite,
Chantent les sardines, chantent les sardines,
Ha ! Qu’est-ce qu’on est serré, au fond de cette boite,
Chantent les sardines entre l’huile et les aromates. (1x)
là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, …….. (8 mesures)
là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, …….. (8 mesures)

Hug & Kiss,


8 oct. 2013

have fun!

I don't mean to write a self-reflected post (almost) all the time, but this thing just passed my mind.. This ispiration came while I was watching a serial film on TV LOL

Well, I have to admit that from this week ahead, I will be in my highest level of activity which will also affect my sensitivity and temper. I'm just started the 'praktikum ' and it means that I'm adding 4 more SKS to my schedule. I'm also having some extra-campus activities and these things keep me busy all the time. However, complaining will not solve any problem. 

My teacher said, "life is a process", and that's what I believe until now. The condition presses me to be more mature and being able to manage myself even better. No body wants to have such a responsibility, but unfortunately everyone have to take the responsibility for the sake of temselves.

Eventually, we have to deal with the real professional world. To make money by our own, to live separated with our beloved family, and to determine our very own future. But the positive thing is this doesn't indicate that we're losing our happiness nor 'childish' side. We just have to do this in balance, to keep having fun while doing our job/responsibility. And one more thing, don't procrastinate!

At the end, the message of this post is: you are never too old to have fun and yet you are never too young to take responsibilities. Work hard, play hard, and pray hard.



4 oct. 2013

Is This Real?

The title of this post has became one of my greatest fear recently. 


Time runs by so rapidly. I almost can't catch it. I start to lose my breath. Time is just like the wind. You can certainly feel the its flow, but you do not know where it goes. It blows and it leads you to somewhere you don't know. This place is called 'The Future'.

This past few weeks, I've been vanished from this blog. To be honest, it is so unfortunate to sacrifice the things you love and allocate your time for something more 'important'. This academic year of 2013/2014 is going to be my third year at this institute of technology. And this is all start to get real! Yep, university is like a 'trial and error' learning place. If you fail on your test, you will get a bad score. But in the real world, you being fail will affect many things like your income, your future family, and even your collegue or your very own corporation. Well.. That's a pretty big deal.

Now, I have to start planning my future, at lease for the next few years. Where will I do the internship? When is my graduation target? Where will I continue my master? What major I'm going to choose? But first of all I gotta ask myself, have I done enough in the past a couple of years? Or maybe I'm just playing around and traying many things for fun without any concern about the near future? Some say that being overthinking is not good, but for me to be unprepared for what you'll soon face is even worse. 

Eventually, I have to be more mature and wise. It doesn't mean I have to give up all my happiness/hobbies. In fact, I olny have to be more focus with my goals and well-managed my time. Personally, I don't want to let my future self down. For me, there are no enough space for regret and disappointment. I am pursuing my happy ending and I'm gonna give it all. 

Happy ending is not a fairy tale and hoping is not enough :)

Hug & Kiss,


22 sept. 2013

With Love

Before I start this post, let me first show you a video...

I guess some of you already knew who he is and what show that is..Well, firstly please let me introduce him. The man in the video is the winner of Got To Dance Show 4. His name is Lukas McFarlane and he is 19 years old. This is the video from his final performance in Got To Dance.

Actually, I've followed his journey from the audition stage. When I first saw her dance, I was stunned. The dance was so beautiful. There was a vivid harmony between the melody of the music and the dance's motion. After a long stressful journey, he gracefully made it to the final round. For the last performance slightly before the announcement of the winner, he delivered such a flawless dance. What I loved about the his dance (re: video) was you could always saw his heart's expressed in the dance he performed. To do what Lukas did is definitely not something easy. 

"Ultimately, Lukas wants to be a choreographer and believes every dance should have a story or feeling behind it." 
-Lukas' profile on GTD Website

The secret of every masterpiece is the process behind it. Before every victory, there is always a long laborious process. These processes are done not only with diligence and intellegency, but also with a sincere heart. Every process that is done wholeheartedly will lead to great result. 

Lukas pours his heart through the dance. So do the painters through his paintings and singers through the songs. What about us? There is no limit because we also can do it in everything we do! In every responsibility we own in particular organization, in our education, in helping other people, and many other things.. 

So from now on, let other people see your heart through everything you do. Result is important, but process is more essential because it is the one who teaches you to be a better version of you in the future. 

Hug & Kiss,


30 août 2013

Perfectly Timed Photos

Somehow, I found these photos are so hilarious, aren't they? haha

Thank you for the entertainment, dear



28 août 2013

Voila, my units!

Unit Apresiasi Musik ITB

Unit Budaya Lampung 

Radio Kampus ITB
(RK); 107.7FM

Hug & Kiss,


27 août 2013

My dream

Good morning, people!

I woke up this morning and it felt great. (As the song says) It's like I'm having another day in paradise. Regulary, I have a so-called 'morning routine' activities. This activities including pray and read the Bible, make a glass of herbal tea, and some other things. 

Unfortunately unlike the other days, I didn't really enjoy my Bible-reading time this very morning. Somehow, I lost my focus and begun to think of so many other things. The things I have to do today, the things that become my concern, the things I want in the future, and the fear of failure and worry suddenly overwhelmed my mind. For me, this condition doesn't feel right.

To be honest, I am a dreamer. Dream is the fuel of my life. Whenever I lose hope or it seems to be a deadend-road, all I have to do is to remember my dreams (my goals/targets). They miraculously
give me motivation, and help me to keep going. Inside my heart (and my head), there is a gentle voice that says "Nothing is impossible, Del. You can do it!" or "Don't be sad, Del. This is not the end. This is a brand new beginning of something great. You just haven't seen it yet." These voice comfort me. It becomes the power booster howsoever.

I have made my plan and I know where my next destination is. It is horrible to think that I will not be succeed to reach my dream. However, it is even more horrible if my fear stops me from trying. I don't know what's gonna happen in the future. But at lease, I have a faith in myself. I am capable to do anything (in a good way) only if I believe and stop hesitate myself. Yes, we all are.

Let me tell you my dream. I want to continue my education to one of the best bussiness school in Europe. I am not gonna say what or where it is, me just want to keep you curious LOL. Anyway, there are plenty of things I have to do to get there. Well, the journey has just begun. From now on, I have to add some more effort and work even harder than ever. Let's see what's gonna happen in the next a couple of years. But if I really get there, it is going to be beyond my wildest dream.

And don't forget to pray as the saying says "Ora et Labora"

Hug & Kisses,


22 août 2013

The Car Analogy

Tonight was a rough night for me. I didn't sleep well and I got stomachache and was having a nightmare. -FYI, I have a so called 'sleep syndrome' that only allows me to sleep around 5 hours; if I sleep at 11PM then I'll be awake at 4AM. If I sleep at 9PM, then I'll wake up at around 2AM.- Somehow, this 5-hours-of-sleep syndrome attacks me often in the past a couple of months. This very morning, I woke up at 4AM. I guess it is quite early for a holiday. LOL

Well.. Personally for me, what best about this is that I may have some times to think about my life and have a reflection about it. I set short-term goals and determine the steps to achieve it. I remember my dreams and keep motivated. I also have some kind of reflection about the things from the past.

I would like to share the 'revelation' that I got this morning. Recently, I talked to a friend of mine. She tell me how she want to go to Paris (France). She said "I really want to go to Paris and the only possible reason my parents will allow me to go there is by continuing my study. I don't care about the major nor the university as long as I can live there." Well, that's what she said and now she is taking a French course. 

I have an analogy for you; suppose that this is not the best analogy. Is there any possible similarity between a person and a car?
Well, this is what I think....

Regarding to what my friend said (the above statements), I can classified it as a dream (her dream to live in Paris). Dream is the one that keeps you motivated in achieving certain purpose. It is similar with gasoline or the fuel of a car. The fuel is what makes the car able to move and gives the power to the engine to keep working. If you have a car without fuel, it won't transport you to your destination. The obligation or the pressure from your surrounding (parents, etc) might also be the fuel. However, the most effective one is the one that comes from within you; your dream.

The second point is the machine or the engine. Cars have some varieties of machine classification. There are the ones with 2000CC capacity, another ones have only 1300CC, but there are also the ones with bigger machine capacity like 6000CC. The machine of a car is similar with someone's effort. There are people that seem to be more focused and determined. They put 110% effort to achieve their goal, the others only do the things they have to do and overcome a standard result. Remember, the bigger engines need a more expensive (not a regular) fuel. It means to give your best of the best effort, it also needs an even bigger dream you could possibly think of.

The last one is the driver. Where do you want to go? How is your driver?
The milage of a car is depend on the synergy between the engine and the fuel, but the present of the driver is essential. If you have a great machine and fuel, but the driver has lack of driving skill then it's gonna be nothing. The driver analogize the prayer. Do not forget to pray because everything goes back to Him eventually.

In conclusion, sky is the limit of your dream. Dream high, work hard, and pray harder, then I believe nothing is impossible to achieve. The question are 'do you believe in yourself?' and 'how hard have you try?'

"If your dream doesn't scare you, then your dream is not big enough."

Hug & kiss,
