My Passion

My Passion

27 août 2013

My dream

Good morning, people!

I woke up this morning and it felt great. (As the song says) It's like I'm having another day in paradise. Regulary, I have a so-called 'morning routine' activities. This activities including pray and read the Bible, make a glass of herbal tea, and some other things. 

Unfortunately unlike the other days, I didn't really enjoy my Bible-reading time this very morning. Somehow, I lost my focus and begun to think of so many other things. The things I have to do today, the things that become my concern, the things I want in the future, and the fear of failure and worry suddenly overwhelmed my mind. For me, this condition doesn't feel right.

To be honest, I am a dreamer. Dream is the fuel of my life. Whenever I lose hope or it seems to be a deadend-road, all I have to do is to remember my dreams (my goals/targets). They miraculously
give me motivation, and help me to keep going. Inside my heart (and my head), there is a gentle voice that says "Nothing is impossible, Del. You can do it!" or "Don't be sad, Del. This is not the end. This is a brand new beginning of something great. You just haven't seen it yet." These voice comfort me. It becomes the power booster howsoever.

I have made my plan and I know where my next destination is. It is horrible to think that I will not be succeed to reach my dream. However, it is even more horrible if my fear stops me from trying. I don't know what's gonna happen in the future. But at lease, I have a faith in myself. I am capable to do anything (in a good way) only if I believe and stop hesitate myself. Yes, we all are.

Let me tell you my dream. I want to continue my education to one of the best bussiness school in Europe. I am not gonna say what or where it is, me just want to keep you curious LOL. Anyway, there are plenty of things I have to do to get there. Well, the journey has just begun. From now on, I have to add some more effort and work even harder than ever. Let's see what's gonna happen in the next a couple of years. But if I really get there, it is going to be beyond my wildest dream.

And don't forget to pray as the saying says "Ora et Labora"

Hug & Kisses,


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