My Passion

My Passion

9 août 2013



Hola people!

It has been almost 3 weeks since my last post. Do you miss me already? Because I genuinely miss you.. Well, there were so many things happened in my life recently. I stay in Bandung during this holiday. Please, don't think that I'm a freak who don't want any vacation/holiday by staying here. There're few things that kept me busy and held me from going home (to Jakarta). Talking about Jakarta, my family plan to move to a new house. My former house is in the outskirt of Jakarta a.k.a Bekasi. However, now we are planning to move to East Jakarta. To be honest, I don't know where it is exactly, but I'm quite sure that it is located not far from SMA 61 (if you know the place). We are moving there this very Saturday a.k.a TOMORROW! I AM SO EXCITED woohoooww!! Therefore, I'm gonna go home tomorrow and meet my dearest parents and my lovely-yet-oh-so-skinny sister LOL. Please pray for us that everything is gonna be alright and on time. -Amen-
Okay, I hope it redeems the past almost-three- weeks-vanish. 

So what are you up to, guys? I wish you have a wonderful holiday which is a thousand times betteeerr than mine haha.. 



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