My Passion

My Passion

13 nov. 2013

The Arrow And The Bow

When I was in the first year of university, I interested to join the archery club. But unfortunately, I couldn't find their stand at the Open House Unit. So I ended up registering in some others units LOL. It is quite random to tell this old story in my blog. However, I was having a revelation recently and I thought this simple experience of mine will be a good start.

Archery is definitely something unfamiliar for me. Honestly, I seldom find this kind of club in my neigborhood. My first impression about archery is "classic sport, so challenging yet interesting". To master this sport, someone has to be calm yet focus. From what I observe, it needs a high accuracy and precision to get the arrow into the right target.

Archery is all about the bow, the arrow, and the archer. If an archer doesn't have any tools, then he can do nothing. In contras, bow and arrow without the archer are only inaminate objects. Doing the archery is perfectly describing a single phase of life. How could it be??

Ergonomically, the archer is going to arrange the arrow and the bow in the right position and hold it tight in his hand. After aiming a target, he is pulling back the arrow powerfully and release it. In a blink of an eye, the arrow will be stuck to the target. Voila it's done! 

In life, you are the arrow!

There are moments when life drags you down. Those are the time when you feel like your best is not good enough. You want to give up so desperately. You keep on telling yourself the things you cannot do. You are losing your hope. It feels like tommorow is another torturing day that you have to live with. At that point, you are blinded by your own desperation mind. To think clearly is the last thing you are able to do. In fact, you don't know what the future's gonna be like. You have no idea how you are now being shaped and prepared to be a better person tomorrow. 

After then, what happen to the arrow? 
The arrow drove so rapidly to the target even a glance of the tip of your eyes cannot catch where it goes. Yes, the archer has a perfect plan for you. A beautiful plan that you've never thought it'd be. Your negativity was overwhelm you and covered yourself form any goodness. 

Now that I've revealed this secreat, do not let yourself being overpowered by your fear and desperation of your on mind. You have to build a strong faith to your 'archer' for only he knows what he's aiming to. He knows the plans he has for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you hope and a future. 

Everytime you're down, remember that you are an arrow. Being pulled back is just a stepping stone to be a greater person and hopefully it will arouse your spirit. Finally, do not let yourself be trapped with the dynamics of your humanly mind because your archer is your marvelous God.

Dear friends, don't lose hope :)

Hugs & Kisses,


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