My Passion

My Passion

2 juin 2013

12 Random Facts About Me


Ça fait longtemps que je n'ecrirs pas mon blog which means 'It's been a long time I'm not writting my blog'
and I do miss blogging. It's only two weeks, but it feels like a month.

In living my daily, I find so many interesting things occured every single day and everytime I thought "I'm gonna post this on my blog." But since it's been two weeks, there are already plenty of things I want to share with you, guys. Now that I'm writing this post, bunch of things passing by my mind and I gotta decide which one to share. That's unnerve...

Finally, I come with this idea that I want you to know better about me. Well, internet possibly connects everyone arround the world. It is out of my control to determine who read my blog because everybody who accesses internet can also find my blog. The true phenomenon happens in the real world is perhaps 'I do not know you and you do not know me.' Maybe we never even met and are separated by distance. 

To read a blog but have no idea about the writer is somehow itchy. So, I figured out that by sharing some things (facts) about myself will probably make you know me better.

Here are 12 random facts about me (that likley you do not know):

1. RED is my favourite color
I fell in love with this color since I am inside my mother's womb. Well, that's hyperbolic :p
In my opinion, red is a color that shows courage, enthusiasm, sacrifice, hard work, strong intention & determination, and is outstanding. For me, that's how life is suppose to be.

2. I am a 'gym rat'
Yep! When people first know me, they mostly said "Wow, I do not think you do the fitness thing." Well, I might seem like a feminim-fragile-girl, but I always embed to myself that "Being a girl, I have to be strong & tough." Because for me, strong is the new beautiful.

3. I only spend 2 years at high school
This is one of a huge step in my life. Many people thought that high school is the most enjoyable time. But I have no regret in attending the accelerated class. It was possibly be the hardest couple years in my life, but it transformed me to be a better & mature person who know the true meaning of hard work and determination.

4. I am addicted to chocolate
Chocolate is a part of my life. What I mean with chocolate is the dark and bitter one above 60% of cocoa. This might be unusual, but I do not really like the sweet chocolate like milk chocolate, white chocolate, and many more. It's just too sweet for me and overall I do not think it's a 'chocolate'.

5. I spend 4 years learning French
If you notice, there're one or two of my post written in France. I learned France at CCF (Centre Culturel Français) Salemba who is now changed its name into IFI (Institut Français Indonésie) if I'm not wrong. It started when I was in the 2nd grade of junior high until I graduate high school. I intend to continue my coures at IFI Bandung (at Purnawarman street), but I still couldn't find the right class..

6. I care too much about healthy life
Joining the gym completely change my life style. Healthy is an investment. You won't see the benefit in an instant time, but living a healthy life is a process that brings you all the goodness. There is a quote which I read at the gym. It said "People only suffer two things in life: the pain of the dicipline or the pain of regret & dissapointment."

7. Putri Budaya ITB 2012

I don't mean to be haughty.. In brief, 'Pemilihan Putra Putri Budaya' is a contest held on Pasar Seni Budaya (PSB). The participants should represent one of a cultural organization at ITB (unit kebudayaan ITB). At that moment, I represent Unit Budaya Lampung (Ubala). And I was chosen as Putri Budaya 2012.

8. Watching movie is one of my favourite thing
When I am boring, wathing movie is one of the things I will do. My favourite genre is fantasy. Those kind of film makes me fly away from my daily (boring) life. Harry Potter is one of a kind. I read all the books and watch every movie. My second best genre for me is sience fiction.

9. I love teddy bear
I love every single part of teddy bear. It has accompanied me since I was a little girl. There was a time that my parents and everyone at the house thought I was lost when I was actually taking a walk with my lovely brown teddy. LOL

10. Knitting
 Recently, I found an interesting activity to keep me busy on the holiday. Yep! It is knitting (with two sticks and balls of yarn). Everytime I do it, somehow I feel like a granny. But anyway, I've made three scarf with my own hands and I am pretty proud of them :D

11. I hate rain
Unlike many other girls who like rain (I assume). To be honest, I don't like raining. Ask me why? Well.. I just don't like raining! I hate the lightning and thunder and everything become so miserable..

12. Star gazing
Another random thing I do is to go out of my room and starring at the sky in the balcony. I can feel the cool wind in my skin. Everytime I look at the sky, so many things happen in my mind. The diamond stars hanging in the vast dark sky is so beautiful. They are the witness of everything happend on earth. The sky is full of mystery. 

Well...... Welcome to my life, guys! :)

Hugs & Kisses,


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