My Passion

My Passion

13 juin 2013

The Mysterious Guy

There was a man I had been watching for the past few weeks
I called him 'the mysterious guy'
This man catched my attention
Every evening I passed the park, he was always there
He sat on bench in the corner, right under the lamppost
It was a quite place
I wondered why he was always there
Was he hidding from the crowd?

As long as I started to watch him, 
I had never saw him sitting there with a company
His laptop and the cigaratte were his only friend
I could see the light of the screen through his eyes
It seemed like he poured his soul in it
Sometimes when he got bored, he ruffled his hair
Honestly, he's cute with his hair messed up

'Who is this mysterious guy?' I thought
Every single time I saw him, he made me even more curious 
There were so many 'whys' inside my head
I started to play the guessing game 
And making any possible scenarios on my mind
But still, I couldn't find the true answer 

When I was passing by the park, I always took the further route
Only to see him
Well, I never really talked to him
Everytime, it's just a moment of glance
I glimpsed at him with the tip of my eyes
Other way, I would sit at the other side of the park
He wouldn't realize me because it's quite a distance
Somehow when you find something unique and alluring,
you just can't take your eyes of it
And that's what happened to me

I live such a happy life
Of course there're still ups and downs
But overall I think my life can't be any better
That's why I am attracted to him, the mysterious guy
Because I'm not familiar with this type of people
Those who keep so many secrets, pretty much introvert, and lonesome
Somehow I felt like he was lack of something
A missing piece to complete the puzzle
The anxiety that brought an emptiness to his life
Perhaps he was hurt by his beloved one and lost the one he loved?
Or maybe disappointed by someone? Or even betrayed?
By the expression on his face, I could feel the disappointment
He seemed to be weary
He was tired with his routine
He might haven't found a thing to be persued
Through his eyes, I could see the loneliness
Definitely, once he had someone he loved but now she's gone
Maybe he now closes his heart for the new love because he is too scared to be hurt again
If you ask him about his life's vision,
I don't think he has one 

At certain point, I couldn't resist my feeling anymore
I gathered all the courage I had
All I knew was I wanted to talk to him
That evening, I walked down the road to the park
Again, I took the further road to the bench in the corner
I was walking quite slow, but my heart was beating even faster
When I got there and look around, it felt like my heart sunk
My eyes were fiercely looking around the area, searching for this one man
Unfortunately, I couldn't find him anywhere
Since that day, I passed the park every evening hoping that I could meet him
But he's never there..

Finally, this mysterious guy will always be a mystery for me.



P.S. : This story is not based on true story

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