My Passion

My Passion

24 juin 2013

IELTS Writing

Hola people!

In this post, I'm trying to make an essay based on the IELTS writting test material. Everytime I make an article, I always concern about the grammatical things and the lexical words. Lately, I found out that those two components are not the most important thing in making such an essay. The most crucial thing is the organization of the article. So, I was trying to make this article as good as I can. This is what I got and I'll be waiting for your comments. 


A balanced diet, or to eat balanced meals, is the key to a healthy life. Do you agree?


There is a common saying that says "You are what you eat." It is essential to have a healthy life. One of the ways is by maintaining a balanced diet. There are several arguments about this issues. The following paragraphs will provide you some information due to this topic.

From time to time, food is always be a crucial part of human's life. Beside to fulfill our needs, food has became our lifestyle especially in this modern era. Nowadays, people seem to be hectic with their tight schedules. This is the reasons why people tend to do everything in a rapid way. This phenomenon also affects their eating habit. The majority of people prefer to eat an instant meal and fast food rather than the well-processed one. Unfortunately, cutting the processes of making a food also means you are reducing the nutritions.

There are several different substances consisted in a food. To be healthy, you have to consume a combination of proper nutritions in a day. "Paint your dish", or choosing different colours of food on a plate, is definitely one of the ways.  For example, you can fill your plate with brown rice, vegetables, grilled chicken, and an egg for lunch. I believe this combination of food with different colours consists a complete nutrition that you need. It is also vital to know that by eating balanced meal, it will also help your gastrointestinal tract to work even better. 

Being healthy is everyone's right. Healthy means lifestyle. For being healthy, there are several other aspects to be concerned. The two of them are exercise and daily activity habits. By doing exercise and work out, it keeps your body active and accelerate your metabolism. Daily activity habits such as regular bed time and stress level also important to maintain a healthy life.

All in all, I believe that a balanced diet helps people to have a healthy life, but there are several other aspects that need to be considered as well. Finally, let us maintain a healthy life in every possible aspect because in the end there are only two kinds of pain, the pain of the dicipline or the pain of regret and disappointment. 

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