My Passion

My Passion

30 juin 2013

"I Love You"

Male: "To be honest, I've loved you from the first time we met."
Female: "hmm.. Well, I love you, too dude."
*after two weeks dating*

"I love you" in words do not mean a thing without action. To love someone is definitely not something simple to do. Love is not as superficial as merely what you see a.k.a the appearance. I believe, love requires much more than. Somewhile people are mistaken to differentiate between love or lust/passion. Attracted by the pretty face, is it love or just a momentarily lust? 

It is true that love comes naturally. However, to fall in love is a long-way process. In my opinion, there is no such a 'love at the first sight'. The first sight might be the beginning of love, but it's not yet what so called 'love'. Love is something genuine&pure and it does not happen in an instant time. When you are wholeheartedly devoted to someone, you know that you are in love. *I hope I am not too naive to say this*

Before you are able to love someone, you have to love yourself first. For if you do not know how to love and respect yourself, how would you love someone in the right way? Love synergizes two people in one frequency. To love someone is a joy, to be loved by someone is a blessing, but to not be loved in return might be heartbreaking. Apparently, life is not always as beautiful as your dreams.

Most of the people say that your heart and your mind do not always be on the same track especially when you are in love. Here, I'm not trying to discuss those chemical reactions and the hormonal things which occurred when you are in love. In other hand, I sincerely want to advice you to bring your brain with you when you're in love. Remember, regret always comes late.

Finally, love knows no boundary, but not with us. To love someone and to be loved in return do not always mean that you guys belong together. Because to be in a certain relationship takes more than just love and commitment. Are you ready for that? Does he/she deserve you? Are you ready to be hurt? 

Kiss & hug,


27 juin 2013


Emotions are intense feelings that are directed to someone or something.The word 'emotion' originally taken from a French word émotion from the word émouvoir which means 'to affect'.

Components of emotion. There are several components of emotion, they are:

  • Cognitive appraisal : provides an evaluation of objects and events
  • Bodily symptoms : the physicological component of emotional experience
  • Action tendencies : a motivational component of the preparation and direction of motor responses
  • Expression : facial and vocal expression always almost accompanies an emotional state to communicate reaction and intention of actions
  • Feelings : the subjective experience of emotional state once it has occured
Classification : Basic Emotions
  1. Paul Ekman has supported the view that emotions are measurable, discrete, and physicologically distinct. Based on his research, he categorised 6 basic emotions which are anger, disgust, fear, hapiness, sadness, and surprise
  2. Robert Pultchik agreed with Ekman's biologically driven perspective but developed the "wheel of emotions"

External Factors. Some factors also affect the emotional state of people:
  1. Weather
  2. Stress level
  3. Social activity
  4. Sleep
  5. Exercise
  6. Age
  7. Gender




24 juin 2013

IELTS Writing

Hola people!

In this post, I'm trying to make an essay based on the IELTS writting test material. Everytime I make an article, I always concern about the grammatical things and the lexical words. Lately, I found out that those two components are not the most important thing in making such an essay. The most crucial thing is the organization of the article. So, I was trying to make this article as good as I can. This is what I got and I'll be waiting for your comments. 

19 juin 2013


Insomnia, or sleeplessness, is a sleep disorder in which there is an inability to fall asleep or stay asleep as long as desired.

There are three categories of insomnia, classified by its duration:
  1. Transient Insomnia lasts less than a week. It can be caused by another disorder, by changes in the sleep environment, severe depression or stress.
  2. Acute Insomnia is the inability to consequently sleep well for a period of less than a month. Acute insomnia is also known  as short term insomnia or stress related insomnia.
  3. Chronic Insomnia lasts for longer than a month. It can be caused by another disorder or it can be the primary disorder. People with high levels of stress hormones are more likely to have chronic insomnia.
Insomnia symptoms may include:
  • Difficulty falling asleep at night
  • Awaken too early
  • Awaken during the night
  • Not feeling well rested after a night's sleep
  • Day time fatigue and sleepiness
  • Irritability, depression or anxiety
  • Difficulty paying attention or focusing on tasks
  • Increased errors or accidents
  • Tension headache
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms
  • Ongoing worries about sleep
The following points explain the common causes of insomnia:
  • Stress. Concern about work, school, health, or family can keep your mind active at night, making it difficult to sleep.
  • Medication. Many prescription drugs can interfere with sleep including antidepressant, heart and blood pressure medications, allergy medications, stimulants, corticosteroids.
  • Change in your environment or work schedule. Travel or working a late or early shifts can disturb your body's circadian ryhthms, making it difficult to sleep.
  • Caffein, nicotine, and alcohol. Coffee, tea, cola, and other caffein-containing drinks are well-known stimulants. Drinking coffee in the late afternoon and later can keep you from falling asleep at night. Alcohol is a sedative that may help you fall asleep, but it prevents deeper stages of sleep and often causes you to awaken in the middle of the night.
  • Eating too much late in the evening. Having a light snack before bed time is OK, but eating too much may cause you to feel physically uncomfortable when lying down. This uncomfortable feeling may keep you awake.
Here are 11 tips that might help you to reduce insomnia:
  1. Exercise regulary
  2. Avoid eating and drinking too much before bedtime
  3. Sleep in comfortable environment
  4. Reduce the consumption of stimulant-consisting products; such as tea, coffee, alcohol, ciggarate, etc
  5. Eat snacks that contains little carbohydrate before bedtime; for example: a glass of milk
  6. Go take shower with warm water 30minutes-1hour before bedtime
  7. Stop watching TV, browsing the internet, or reading book at lease 1 hour before bedtime
  8. Use your bed for sleeping
  9. Perform regukar relaxation activity; like listening to music instrument, breathing practicing, etc
  10.  Clear your mind
  11. Sleep and wake up in a regular time period everyday

Well.. That's all I got about Insomnia! Hopefully these information may enlarge your knowledge or even help you to reduce and prevent Insomnia. Having a healthy life is the best way to live :)


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7PM - 9.30PM
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15 juin 2013

Myth: The Origin of Sexual Orientation

The Myth of Aristophanes

Picture by Dr Tom Stockmann

In Plato’s Symposium, Aristophanes delivers his speech in the form of a myth.

A long time ago, there were three kinds of human beings: male, descended from the sun; female, descended from the earth; and androgynous, with both male and female elements, descended from the moon. Each human being was completely round, with four arms and fours legs, two identical faces on opposite sides of a head with four ears, and all else to match. They walked both forwards and backwards and ran by turning cartwheels on their eight limbs, moving in circles like their parents the planets.
As they were powerful and unruly and threatening to scale the heavens, Zeus devised to cut them into two ‘like a sorb-apple which is halved for pickling,’ and even threatened to cut them into two again, so that they might hop on one leg. Apollo then turned their heads to make them face towards their wound, pulled their skin around to cover up the wound, and tied it together at the navel like a purse. He made sure to leave a few wrinkles on what became known as the abdomen so that they might be reminded of their punishment.
After that, human beings longed for their other half so much that they searched for it all over and, when they found it, wrapped themselves around it very tightly and did not let go. As a result, they started dying from hunger and self-neglect, and Zeus took pity on them, and moved their genitals to the front so that those who were previously androgynous could procreate, and those who were previously male could obtain satisfaction and move on to higher things.
This is the origin of our desire for other human beings; those of us who desire members of the opposite sex were previously androgynous, whereas men who desire men and women who desire women were previously male or female. When we find our other half, we are ‘lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy’ that cannot be accounted for by a simple desire for sex, but rather by a desire to be whole again, and restored to our original nature. Our greatest wish, if we could have it, would then be for Hephaestus to melt us into one another so that our souls could be at one, and share in a common fate.

Adapted from Plato's Shadow

13 juin 2013

The Mysterious Guy

There was a man I had been watching for the past few weeks
I called him 'the mysterious guy'
This man catched my attention
Every evening I passed the park, he was always there
He sat on bench in the corner, right under the lamppost
It was a quite place
I wondered why he was always there
Was he hidding from the crowd?

As long as I started to watch him, 
I had never saw him sitting there with a company
His laptop and the cigaratte were his only friend
I could see the light of the screen through his eyes
It seemed like he poured his soul in it
Sometimes when he got bored, he ruffled his hair
Honestly, he's cute with his hair messed up

'Who is this mysterious guy?' I thought
Every single time I saw him, he made me even more curious 
There were so many 'whys' inside my head
I started to play the guessing game 
And making any possible scenarios on my mind
But still, I couldn't find the true answer 

When I was passing by the park, I always took the further route
Only to see him
Well, I never really talked to him
Everytime, it's just a moment of glance
I glimpsed at him with the tip of my eyes
Other way, I would sit at the other side of the park
He wouldn't realize me because it's quite a distance
Somehow when you find something unique and alluring,
you just can't take your eyes of it
And that's what happened to me

I live such a happy life
Of course there're still ups and downs
But overall I think my life can't be any better
That's why I am attracted to him, the mysterious guy
Because I'm not familiar with this type of people
Those who keep so many secrets, pretty much introvert, and lonesome
Somehow I felt like he was lack of something
A missing piece to complete the puzzle
The anxiety that brought an emptiness to his life
Perhaps he was hurt by his beloved one and lost the one he loved?
Or maybe disappointed by someone? Or even betrayed?
By the expression on his face, I could feel the disappointment
He seemed to be weary
He was tired with his routine
He might haven't found a thing to be persued
Through his eyes, I could see the loneliness
Definitely, once he had someone he loved but now she's gone
Maybe he now closes his heart for the new love because he is too scared to be hurt again
If you ask him about his life's vision,
I don't think he has one 

At certain point, I couldn't resist my feeling anymore
I gathered all the courage I had
All I knew was I wanted to talk to him
That evening, I walked down the road to the park
Again, I took the further road to the bench in the corner
I was walking quite slow, but my heart was beating even faster
When I got there and look around, it felt like my heart sunk
My eyes were fiercely looking around the area, searching for this one man
Unfortunately, I couldn't find him anywhere
Since that day, I passed the park every evening hoping that I could meet him
But he's never there..

Finally, this mysterious guy will always be a mystery for me.



P.S. : This story is not based on true story
"Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like."
-Will Smith

9 juin 2013

Candle Philoshopy

"It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness."
-Eleanor Rooselvelt

Back when I was on the junior high, we always held a flag ceremony every Monday. At the end of the flag ceremony, it was a custom to have a teacher who delivered a speech. The topic of the speech could be anything. For me, one of the most memorable speech was delivered by my physics teacher. The topic of her speech was about "Life Is A Process."

Yes, dude.. Life is a process. Being alive means we will never stop learning. Even in our daily activity, there's always things to learn. People say "life is a roller coaster", well.. I am pretty  agree. Analogize as a roller coaster, life also has ups and downs, sometimes it moves faster and in other time it gets slower. But the thing is we have to determine our own track. The track which leads us to our life vision.

To be wise, life is not only about the happy moments, but also the sad ones, (maybe) some disappointments & regrets, rough ways, and also darkness. This process is the one that makes our life 'more alive'.  Of course, these things are not something easy to pass. Oftentimes, the dark  moments keep us down and lose hope. That is why we have to find our light.

The light might be come from other people, but the stronger light comes from within ourselves. To see the light gives us hope and encouragement. It is the one that motivate you and help you to keep trying. 

Have you ever heard about the Candle Philoshophy?
Well.. I describe a candle as a cylindrical stick of wax that is burnt to produce light. In this modern age, people rarely use candle as the main source of light. But when the power outage, everything back to the traditional ways, such as lighten up the candles to be able to see in the darkness.

If you take a better look on the candle, you'll realize that to produce the light and illuminate the dark space, a candle has to be burnt first. Being burnt means the wax will be melt and the candle will be smaller until finally extinguished. This is the fundamental thing about the philoshophy of candle; sacrifice itself to light up the surrounding darkness.

Some well-known public personage like Mother Teresa and Mahatma Gandhi are the perfect examples. For me, they are such an inspiration. If everyone can live this way (with the candle philoshopy) than the earth will be called 'heaven'..

In my opinion, there is only one possible reason why there are some people who sacrifice themselves for others. It is because of the genuine love. Perhaps for you it sounds naive. Perhaps I am a dreamer to say these things. But the people who make a better world are the ones who live their dream. The dream of a better world. People who become a candle in the middle of the darkness, people who make life worth living for the desperate people surround them.

In life, probably I am only a tiny candle who produce the dim light or perhaps you potentially be a great candle who light up the room. Well.. Everyone have their own portion. Now, we just have to play our own role and be the first version of ourselves. You are born as a candle. You are destined to produce the light. Do not ever give up on a problem, for the light is always brighter than the darkness.

Hug & Kiss,


2 juin 2013

12 Random Facts About Me


Ça fait longtemps que je n'ecrirs pas mon blog which means 'It's been a long time I'm not writting my blog'
and I do miss blogging. It's only two weeks, but it feels like a month.

In living my daily, I find so many interesting things occured every single day and everytime I thought "I'm gonna post this on my blog." But since it's been two weeks, there are already plenty of things I want to share with you, guys. Now that I'm writing this post, bunch of things passing by my mind and I gotta decide which one to share. That's unnerve...

Finally, I come with this idea that I want you to know better about me. Well, internet possibly connects everyone arround the world. It is out of my control to determine who read my blog because everybody who accesses internet can also find my blog. The true phenomenon happens in the real world is perhaps 'I do not know you and you do not know me.' Maybe we never even met and are separated by distance. 

To read a blog but have no idea about the writer is somehow itchy. So, I figured out that by sharing some things (facts) about myself will probably make you know me better.

Here are 12 random facts about me (that likley you do not know):

1. RED is my favourite color
I fell in love with this color since I am inside my mother's womb. Well, that's hyperbolic :p
In my opinion, red is a color that shows courage, enthusiasm, sacrifice, hard work, strong intention & determination, and is outstanding. For me, that's how life is suppose to be.

2. I am a 'gym rat'
Yep! When people first know me, they mostly said "Wow, I do not think you do the fitness thing." Well, I might seem like a feminim-fragile-girl, but I always embed to myself that "Being a girl, I have to be strong & tough." Because for me, strong is the new beautiful.

3. I only spend 2 years at high school
This is one of a huge step in my life. Many people thought that high school is the most enjoyable time. But I have no regret in attending the accelerated class. It was possibly be the hardest couple years in my life, but it transformed me to be a better & mature person who know the true meaning of hard work and determination.

4. I am addicted to chocolate
Chocolate is a part of my life. What I mean with chocolate is the dark and bitter one above 60% of cocoa. This might be unusual, but I do not really like the sweet chocolate like milk chocolate, white chocolate, and many more. It's just too sweet for me and overall I do not think it's a 'chocolate'.

5. I spend 4 years learning French
If you notice, there're one or two of my post written in France. I learned France at CCF (Centre Culturel Français) Salemba who is now changed its name into IFI (Institut Français Indonésie) if I'm not wrong. It started when I was in the 2nd grade of junior high until I graduate high school. I intend to continue my coures at IFI Bandung (at Purnawarman street), but I still couldn't find the right class..

6. I care too much about healthy life
Joining the gym completely change my life style. Healthy is an investment. You won't see the benefit in an instant time, but living a healthy life is a process that brings you all the goodness. There is a quote which I read at the gym. It said "People only suffer two things in life: the pain of the dicipline or the pain of regret & dissapointment."

7. Putri Budaya ITB 2012

I don't mean to be haughty.. In brief, 'Pemilihan Putra Putri Budaya' is a contest held on Pasar Seni Budaya (PSB). The participants should represent one of a cultural organization at ITB (unit kebudayaan ITB). At that moment, I represent Unit Budaya Lampung (Ubala). And I was chosen as Putri Budaya 2012.

8. Watching movie is one of my favourite thing
When I am boring, wathing movie is one of the things I will do. My favourite genre is fantasy. Those kind of film makes me fly away from my daily (boring) life. Harry Potter is one of a kind. I read all the books and watch every movie. My second best genre for me is sience fiction.

9. I love teddy bear
I love every single part of teddy bear. It has accompanied me since I was a little girl. There was a time that my parents and everyone at the house thought I was lost when I was actually taking a walk with my lovely brown teddy. LOL

10. Knitting
 Recently, I found an interesting activity to keep me busy on the holiday. Yep! It is knitting (with two sticks and balls of yarn). Everytime I do it, somehow I feel like a granny. But anyway, I've made three scarf with my own hands and I am pretty proud of them :D

11. I hate rain
Unlike many other girls who like rain (I assume). To be honest, I don't like raining. Ask me why? Well.. I just don't like raining! I hate the lightning and thunder and everything become so miserable..

12. Star gazing
Another random thing I do is to go out of my room and starring at the sky in the balcony. I can feel the cool wind in my skin. Everytime I look at the sky, so many things happen in my mind. The diamond stars hanging in the vast dark sky is so beautiful. They are the witness of everything happend on earth. The sky is full of mystery. 

Well...... Welcome to my life, guys! :)

Hugs & Kisses,
