My Passion

My Passion

19 févr. 2014

The Dangers of Sleep Deprivation

Good Morning!!
Well, I feel better this morning even though the nasal congestion still bothering me. When I wake up, I usually grab my phone and see what happen with the social media. I think most of the Gen Y do that, too LOL. Most of the time, I get some good information/news by reading my friends' publications on FB. That's why I frequently share several links that contains some good articles. This one I am sharing to you now is an infographic about 'The Dangers of Sleep Deprivation'. I'm choosing this one to be shared because nowadays most of the adults (the univ. students are included) are having lack of sleep without knowing the health thread of it.
Here it is!
p.s: the picture is not large enough to be read, I suggest you can zoom it in to read the text clearly :*
Hugs & Kisses,


18 févr. 2014


Being sick is sucks..
It has been a long time since I being sick. So, I kinda forget how it feels to be in this position. Actually, my illness is not a heavy one. I've got sore throat and influenza. I sneeze all the time and I desperately need tissues wherever I go. However, the consequences is far worst. I get dizzy and sleepy so easily, I feel my face is kinda hot, and the worst one is I feel everything is stuck inside my head. I am thinking so hard to find certain words and also to be connected with what the lecturer said. Physically, I were at the class, but my mind is miles away. (Anw, it makes me remember Madonna's song 'Miles Away'. My bf usually plays the song in his car LOL). The most torturing thing is I couldn't sleep in the first night of being sick. I kept on waking up to drink a sip of water because my throat was so painful. Well, I don't want to be spoiled but I do hope that I will be in a tip-top-shape very soon. This sickness has decreased 70% of my productivity level (a bit of hyperbola touch is permitted LOL).
I have to get rest now, though I'll miss many things. That's for my own good. By people!

p.s: I accidentally closed this window tab when I've reached the end of the article but I am so thankful to find my recent article (this article) was securely saved in the draft hffffttttt.... Definitely need to get rest.

Hugs & Kisses, *sneezing*


13 févr. 2014

Microsoft Part.1

I am so excited to start fulfilling my blog with articles again haha. Yap! It has been a long time, about 2 months to be exact. I guess some of you wondered where I had been (or may be not LOL). Well, in these past a couple of months my schedule was kind of full with holiday and projects. I admit that I have been so active applying for several activities lately. What kind of activities?? Hmm most of the activities are outside campus, like exchange, internship, and competition. But I also applied to be an assistant in certain laboratory in my department. Gracefully, I got a good news form some programs/activities that I applied.
Last Monday, my team and I, we named ourselves Gajawadana, were invited to Microsoft Indonesia's office at Jakarta Stock Exchange Building (BEJ) as the Top 6 Finalists of their Microsoft Office 365 Apprentice Program. We went there by a travel bus a day before which was Sunday. In Monday, we finally got there. The office is not so spacious, but the architecture is pretty unique. They have a lunch space that is pretty small. Near that space, there is a lounge for the employees. In that room, there are a billiard table, Xbox, and jidouhanbaiki machine. They also designed their office as a highly effective space which is so creative.
There, we met the COO of Microsoft Indonesia. In fact, he is a France guy! He started as a engineer but end-up being the COO of Microsoft Indonesia. There were a kind of short seminary form the Microsoft team. There was also a demonstration on how Microsoft Office 365 works and that was amazing! It feels like life gets so much easier.
Actually, we need a little help from you guys. We just created a Fan Page and Twitter account. I do hope you are willing to help us by Like-ing and following our account :
Fan Page Facebook : Gajawadana
Twitter : @TeamGajawadana
Thanks so much, guys! :D
Anyway, I have some photos for you guys. I only upload a few of them. Here they are!

at the meeting room

Team Gajawadana
They gave us a brand new laptop and windows phone
Mr. Bernard Saisse
He's so tall LOL
Me, in front of Microsoft logo hihihi
Kiss & Hug,