My Passion

My Passion

13 nov. 2013

The Arrow And The Bow

When I was in the first year of university, I interested to join the archery club. But unfortunately, I couldn't find their stand at the Open House Unit. So I ended up registering in some others units LOL. It is quite random to tell this old story in my blog. However, I was having a revelation recently and I thought this simple experience of mine will be a good start.

Archery is definitely something unfamiliar for me. Honestly, I seldom find this kind of club in my neigborhood. My first impression about archery is "classic sport, so challenging yet interesting". To master this sport, someone has to be calm yet focus. From what I observe, it needs a high accuracy and precision to get the arrow into the right target.

Archery is all about the bow, the arrow, and the archer. If an archer doesn't have any tools, then he can do nothing. In contras, bow and arrow without the archer are only inaminate objects. Doing the archery is perfectly describing a single phase of life. How could it be??

Ergonomically, the archer is going to arrange the arrow and the bow in the right position and hold it tight in his hand. After aiming a target, he is pulling back the arrow powerfully and release it. In a blink of an eye, the arrow will be stuck to the target. Voila it's done! 

In life, you are the arrow!

There are moments when life drags you down. Those are the time when you feel like your best is not good enough. You want to give up so desperately. You keep on telling yourself the things you cannot do. You are losing your hope. It feels like tommorow is another torturing day that you have to live with. At that point, you are blinded by your own desperation mind. To think clearly is the last thing you are able to do. In fact, you don't know what the future's gonna be like. You have no idea how you are now being shaped and prepared to be a better person tomorrow. 

After then, what happen to the arrow? 
The arrow drove so rapidly to the target even a glance of the tip of your eyes cannot catch where it goes. Yes, the archer has a perfect plan for you. A beautiful plan that you've never thought it'd be. Your negativity was overwhelm you and covered yourself form any goodness. 

Now that I've revealed this secreat, do not let yourself being overpowered by your fear and desperation of your on mind. You have to build a strong faith to your 'archer' for only he knows what he's aiming to. He knows the plans he has for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you hope and a future. 

Everytime you're down, remember that you are an arrow. Being pulled back is just a stepping stone to be a greater person and hopefully it will arouse your spirit. Finally, do not let yourself be trapped with the dynamics of your humanly mind because your archer is your marvelous God.

Dear friends, don't lose hope :)

Hugs & Kisses,


8 nov. 2013

Fill In The [Blanks]

I bet some of you wonder what I've been doing lately.. 
In this 5th semester, I have a subjet named "Praktikum Management Rekayasa 2". I believe that I've spent the majority of my time doing this. Fortunately, there is no class this week so I have more sparetime to do blogging.

My group ,which consists of 2 boys and 3 girls including me, has made 3 questionnaires so far. It means we have to remake our 'imperfect' questionnaire 2 times and each time we have to search for a proper numbers of respondents, then evaluate them using a software called 'SPSS', this is a statistics software, to test their validity and reliability. In a short limited amount of time, this whole concatination is surely not easy.

Well, for our third questionnaire we need to collect 200 (TWO HUNDREDS) respondents in 4 (FOUR) days haha. We also require respondents who are match with our criteria based on our market target and segmentation. After that, of course we have to evaluate the responses using SPSS. It is frustrating knowing that we also have 2 other deadlines of papers in the early next week :)

For you who want to help us, here are the criteria:
above 24 years old
can speak Indonesian (because the questionnaire is in Indonesian)

This is the link :

Your response and your help mean a lot for us. Thank you :)



7 nov. 2013

Bandung: Tempat Makan Berkesan

1. Belle Vue


    Escargot au Vent

This place is actually a hotel in Setiabudhi. The building is so beautiful. It was designed by the owner, which is shocking because he is not an architect. The architecture itself has a ghotic elements and marvelous views from the top. The restaurant is on the 5th floor of the building. It offers you varieties of food, starts from french cuisine, italian dishes, wine, desserts, and many more. The uniqueness of this restaurant is they have an everyday promo, it can be a 50% discount for selected dishes, free dessert, buy 1 get 2, etc. -FYI, it opens 24 hours/day- The place is beautiful, the view is stunning, the decoration is superb, what else can can I say.. My most favourite dish is the escargot. Escargot is actually a snail. This is an original French dish, which is also their signature dish. The thing I like about their escargo is that the escargot is covered with pastry so that it has a balance texture between the pastry and the escargo within it. However, you have to spend quite a costly price, but it is all worth a try. This is a place where I said "Yes" when he asked me :).

2. Mujigae

3rd: Bibimap, you have to mix the sauce and the rice all together in the bowl
4th: this is the drink! You have to lift the upside-down bottle, and mix it with the salty cream

I have just visited this resto twice. It is located at Cihampelas Walk or what so called as CiWalk. This is definitely a place for the K-Lover. The decoration and lay out are so creative. I was amased when I first went here because I've never visited such a restaurant with Korean elements all over place. Here, you can make you order trough the iPad that is available in every table. You can also request a video that will be played in a big screen inside the resto. It offers you Korean cuisine obviously. The food is delicious, but personally I don't think that the dishes are stand-out. The beverages are pretty unique, I hardly explain it to you but you'll understand as soon as you visit this place ;)

3. Braga Permai

This is an old restaurant who has so many variations on their menu list. It has a chinese cuisine, western, Indonesian, Italian, and cakes&chocolates! The special thing about this place is their delicious food and not expensive price. My boyfriend and I are a money spender for food. But here, we can spend less than Rp100.000,00 and yet felt so full already. For a restaurant class dish, this one is pretty affordable and of course with a good quality.

4. Takigawa - Meat Bar In The Sky

Left: Volcano sushi; Right: Wakame Salad

I love hanging out with my Dad and grab some food. Our favourite place to eat is Takigawa. He usually orders Kamameshi; a baked rice with toppings (scallop, shrimp, ell, etc). And my all time favourite dish is wakame salad and also volcano sushi. As I know, there are only 2 Takigawa restaurant in Bandung; at Trans Studio Mall and Dago Atas. Takigawa - Meat Bar In The Sky is located at Dago Atas. There, you'll be giver 2 menu books, the Takigawa menu which is Japanese cuisine and the meat bar menu which are mostly western cuisine with varieties of steaks. The place itself is beautiful, the price is in the similar range with the other restaurant in Dago Atas. 


pictures are taken from various sources in the internet

6 nov. 2013

Les Sardines

Je viens de voir un vidéo que mon ami m'a donne récemment. Dans notre dernière conversation, je l'ai dit que je suis tellement occupé par mon tâche au campus. Il y a environ quelques semaines je n'ai pas vu son message. Finallement, ce matin j'ai des temps pour le lire grâce à il n'y a pas d'activité pratique au campus cet semaine (peut-être je te le diras au l'article prochain). En un mot, il m'a donne un vidéo de chanson français. Il a dit que le rythme et les paroles peuvent me faire danser devant l'ordinateur portable LOL. En fait, je pense que le chanson est très amuse. Le mélodie est excité  il y a aussi beaucoup de gens qui dansent avec le chanteur sur le vidéo. Ce comme il y a un grand fête là. J'ai vu les commentaires aussi, il y a quelqu'un qui a posté "Ceci est la musique qui te reste une semaine dans la tête.

Voilà le vidéo !


Pour faire une chanson facile, facile,
Faut d’abord des paroles débiles, débiles,
Une petite mélodie qui te prend bien la tête,
Et une chorégraphie pour bien faire la fête,
Dans celle là, on se rassemble, à 5, ou 6, ou 7
Et on se colle tous ensemble, en chantant à tue tête.
Ha ! Qu’est-ce qu’on est serré, au fond de cette boite,
Chantent les sardines, chantent les sardines,
Ha ! Qu’est-ce qu’on est serré, au fond de cette boite,
Chantent les sardines entre l’huile et les aromates. (2x)
Bien sûr, que c’est vraiment facile, facile,
C’est même complètement débile, débile,
C’est pas fait pour penser, c’est fait pour faire la fête,
C’est fait pour se toucher, se frotter les arêtes ,
Alors on se rassemble, à 5, ou 6, ou 7,
Et puis on saute ensemble en chantant à tue tête,
Ha ! Qu’est-ce qu’on est serré, au fond de cette boite,
Chantent les sardines, chantent les sardines,
Ha ! Qu’est-ce qu’on est serré, au fond de cette boite,
Chantent les sardines entre l’huile et les aromates. (2x)
Et puis,… pour respirer un p’tit peu, on s’écarte en se tenant la main,
Et puis, … pour être encore plus heureux,
On fait là, là, là, en chantant mon refrain !
Là, là, et les mains en l’air, là, là !
Là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, ……..
(Parlé 8 mesures)
Et maintenant, on se resserre tous !
On se resserre, et maintenant qu’on l’a connaît, on va chanter la chanson des sardines ! Attention ! Allez !
Ha ! Qu’est-ce qu’on est serré, au fond de cette boite,
Chantent les sardines, chantent les sardines,
Ha ! Qu’est-ce qu’on est serré, au fond de cette boite,
Chantent les sardines entre l’huile et les aromates. (2x)
Ha ! Qu’est-ce qu’on est serré, au fond de cette boite,
Chantent les sardines, chantent les sardines,
Ha ! Qu’est-ce qu’on est serré, au fond de cette boite,
Chantent les sardines entre l’huile et les aromates. (1x)
là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, …….. (8 mesures)
là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, là, …….. (8 mesures)

Hug & Kiss,
