My Passion

My Passion

1 avr. 2013

The Passover

Joyeuse Pâques !

Instead of saying 'Happy Easter', I prefer to greet you with 'Happy Passover'. Originally, the word 'passover' comes from a Hebrew word 'Pesach'. The word 'Pesach' is also adopted in some other languages such as 'le Pâques' (France) and 'Paskah' (Indonesian). While the term of 'Easter' was derived from the Anglo-Saxon 'Eostre', which is the name of the goddess of spring.

The Passover is not only the day of feast, but the day of reflection. 
I woke up this morning and felt like I'm having such a new spirit; a pretty unusual feeling that I rarely feel. It's like the fusion of joy, thankfulness, spirit, and optimism all in one. Not because of the celebration, but deep inside I know that today is a victorious day. The day when there're no more ransom to be paid; when all that matters are the redemption and love. The day of freedom.

The Passover is not merely the annual celebration. The essence of Passover is one thing we must find out within ourselves. You must first pervading the sense, then doing the thing. Do not be the slave of the custom. 

So, have you found out what The Passover means to you?

"Why seek ye the living among the dead?"
Luke 24 : 5b

Hug & Kiss,


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