My Passion

My Passion

23 avr. 2013

Divisi Akomodasi

"All of the hard work paid off."
This article is dedicated for every member of Divisi Akomodasi Ganesha Music Event 2013.

20th April was such a hectic day for me. There were 3 events which were held on that day. They were MRI Info Day, Retreat Agama, and Ganesha Music Event (GME) 2013. I was appointed as MC in MRI Info Day, main committee in GME, and participant in Retreat . So, it was quite hard to handle these three events on the exact same day. Then, I had decided to join the Retreat Agama (because it was an obligation!).

Knowing that I wouldn't be able to be there at GME was so torturing. If only I could do cloning or  fragmenting myself like the amoeba, I definitely would do that! To be honest, it gave so much pressure on me.. I wasn't an activist at Apres. Me also missed couples of the main committee meetings. At last, I gotta tell them that I would be absent in the main event (GME). It was hard to do and yet still a burden after all. But the hardest part is to tell the member of my division. -I was Ketua Divisi Akomodasi that took care of the wellfare of all the committee and artists, including consumption and transport-

It was on Monday which was 5 days away from the D-Day, I decided to tell them.. We spent the rest 5 days for meeting and preparing everything, talking about the progress, and making the worst scenario to be anticipated. In the meeting, there were still so many question and uncertainty. The only certain thing we had was the last year's LPJ -_-. 

Fortunately, I thanked God for giving me such a marvelous members! They had an undoubtly willing to help, abstinence tired, hard work, and always there whenever I needed. I am so affected for their presence and determination. One day before GME, almost all of my members spent the night at campus. Waked up with those pillow faces and continued doing their duty. -FYI, knowing they would be kept overnight, I obliged all of them to bring tooth brush + tooth paste and also face shop :p-

After doing the last meeting on Saturday morning, I gotta go for Retreat and left them. From that second on until the midnight, I couldn't stop praying that everything's gonna run well. By holding the rundown and teklp (teknis lapangan) and stand by on my phone were the only way for me to control.. 

Finally, everything went so right. There was no big deal. Wholeheartedly, I thank you for every sweat, time, and hard work. So proud of you, guys :) 

Here is the member of Divisi Akomodasi:

PJS : Erlan
PJ makanan panitia: Damon
PJ ruang panitia: Uli / Irfan / Indah
PJ artis: Sorayya
Dayang-dayang Holis: Opik / Sandro
Transpor: Sena / Gilang
Other: Kalish; Aurel

This is the photo of the committee (I found on FB).
Unfortunately, I wasn't there, 
but I was so glad to be a part of them;
my first & beloved Apres!

Best regards,


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