My Passion

My Passion

25 févr. 2013


Have you ever felt like your life is kinda mess.
You used to be someone strong and rarely complain.
And now you lose those spirit,
Easily break down and burst in tears.
Somehow you need to bring that pulse back into your life.

You do something not because you want to,
But you just have to.
You say 'yes' to everything because 
You feel sorry for them.
Eventually, you find out that feeling pity of something
Doesn't mean you always have to say 'yes' to what they're asking for
Yep! You're sacrificing yourself by being a 'Yes Man'
And at the end, you feel like being such a stupid.

At last, you're wet already.
There's no way back.
And you're not such a coward.
At lease, you still have that principle of
'to finish what you've started'

Soo hard to do what you're not willing to do.
It feels like you don't bring your heart with you.
You left it somewhere and can't find it.
Forced to do something is better than doing nothing.

Somehow, you have to fight and get out of you comfort zone.
You know that you don't want to do it
But you have to, and you will!
You have to overcome it!
You own a big responsibility and 
You won't letting down those who have a hope in you.
Don't be such an egoist!

The tears, sweat, and sacrifices that you do
Will be paid in the future.
Now, do what you have to do!
One word, one action.

Hug and kiss,


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