My Passion

My Passion

16 févr. 2013

My Valentine Chocolate

From your Valentine..

It's 14th February! Well, it isn't about the 'Thursday', but it's all about the Valentine's Day! Who doesn't know?! 

I saw many people wore pink/red color on their outfits which is kinda cute. Anyway, me too. I wore my-rarely-used-eyecatching red blazer LOL.What a Valentine spirit! Somehow, I didn't really feel the euphoria as I felt on the last year's Valentine. But still the love was on the air, dude.

So, how many chocolate did you get?
Are you asking mine? Here's my story.. Before the Valentine, my friends and I planned to exchange chocolate. So, it's a guarantee that we all are gonna have (at lease) a chocolate on the Valentine. Pretty clever, right? haha 

On that day, we hardly found a time to hang out together and do as we had planned. At last, we decided to have a dinner together.  -But first, let me tell you about 'us'. We called ourselves 'DELICIOUS' and consist of 7 people which are Lugas, Tigor, Chris, Catherine, Philip, Andre, and I. Well, I plan to write  a post about us, but I just haven't found the right time. Just wait guys..-  Unfortunately, Andre couldn't join us and also Tigor would catch up. So, it's only the 5 of us now. 

It was raining and the traffic was kinda crowded. We were confuse where to go until we finally decided to have dinner at Nanny's Pavillon Library in Setiabudhi. -I prefer to call it as a Valentine dinner ;)- The place is cute with classic wooden furniture and a girly touch of the ornament all over the place. It's pretty good but just not my favourite restaurant.

After the arrival and ordered some dishes, we went straight to the main event! Philip set up the game's rule. Here's the deal.. He would randomly give number to every chocolate which was only he (and his note) knew. After that, we were gonna choose one number. If the number we chose fit to our own chocolate, then we had to choose another number. As the secret keeper, Philip had the last chance and only waited for the last number.

So, who got whose chocolate??  See it by yourself ;)

Philip got Lugas' home made chocolate

I got Andre's. Unfortunatelly, he couldn't come..

Chris got mine

Catherine got Chris's extra big chocolate

Lugas got Philip's van Houten

And Andre got Catherine's well wrapped chocolates.

After eating, switching chocolate, and having chit-chat we finally went home. It was such a kinship- full of love Valentine moment. Thank you so much for my bestiesss.

I hope you also had a sweet loving Valentine, guys. Spread the love!

            Nanny's dishes

 This is Lugas' home made chocolate cracker. The flakes covered with white chocolate and the topping was the melted dark chocolate. Great delicious job, Gas! ;)

My chocolates and I!

 I covered my chocolate with this so called letter. I didn't have any idea who was gonna get my chocholate, but I wrote this for all of them :)

Happy Valentine's Day!
for my beloved
Philip, Catherine, Lugas, Chris, Tigor, and Andre



2 commentaires:

  1. kyaaa to tweet banget deliii :)

    wish we will have another day like that ^^

    I Jesus U :)

  2. waaa ketrin baca :" jado maloe..
    I Jesus you, too :)
