My Passion

My Passion

21 févr. 2013

Sumatran Tiger

Panthera tigris sumatrae 

Panthera tigris sumatrae is the scientific name of Sumatran Tiger. As indicated by the name, Sumatran Tiger can be found exclusively in the island of Sumatera, Indonesia. In 2008, IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) classified Sumatran Tiger as critically endangered due to their low population. Now, their fragmented population in the wild is keep on decreasing in numbers. As late as 1978, experts estimated the total population of Sumatran Tiger at 1000. Today fewer than 400 tigers exist.

Before we go any further, it is better to know them even closer.
The Sumatran tiger is the smallest subspecies from the five remaining subspecies. If you wander about their size, here are the proportion. The males are about 100-140 kg in weight, and around 220-225 cm in length. A bit smaller than the males, the females weight 75-100 kg and measure 215-230 cm in length. 
What special about this tiger are it has darker color in fur and thicker black stripe comparing to some other kind of tigers. If you take a better look, you'll find that the stripes tend to disintegrate into spots near their end, and lines of small dark specks between the stripes can be found on the back, flanks, and hind legs. The density of stripes is also higher than the other subspecies.

Sumatran tiger is isolated geographically in the island of Sumatera, specifically its habitat  are in the area of tropical broadleaf evergreen, forests, peat swamps, and freshwater swamp forests. Now, they have a wide array of habitats raging from Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park in the shoutern of Lampung to the Gunung Leuser National Park of Aceh Province.

Now then, are you afraid of tiger? Well, you don't have to because some of them are already extinct include Javan Tiger and Bali Tiger and most of them are critically endangered. So pathetic knowing that many similar things causing the lose of some animals include Sumatran tiger. Major thread like habitat lost due to expansion of oil palm plantation and planting of acaccia plantation, prey-base depletion, and   illegal trade primarily for the domestic market.

So tragic knowing that these beautiful creatures are getting closer to their end. And where are you, people? Pretending to be blind and depth, acting like there is nothing wrong..?

The fur of Sumatran Tiger was hanging in the villagers house

Illegal logging for paper factory

 New Year e-card by WWF 

"With soo much deforestation and poaching in Sumatera, wild tigers face a very difficult future, but we have the tools available to reverse their decline if the clearance of their forests can be halted"
-Dr. Barney Long; Asian Species Expert 

From Delicia for Recognesia.
Recognize. Realize.



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