My Passion

My Passion

30 août 2013

Perfectly Timed Photos

Somehow, I found these photos are so hilarious, aren't they? haha

Thank you for the entertainment, dear



28 août 2013

Voila, my units!

Unit Apresiasi Musik ITB

Unit Budaya Lampung 

Radio Kampus ITB
(RK); 107.7FM

Hug & Kiss,


27 août 2013

My dream

Good morning, people!

I woke up this morning and it felt great. (As the song says) It's like I'm having another day in paradise. Regulary, I have a so-called 'morning routine' activities. This activities including pray and read the Bible, make a glass of herbal tea, and some other things. 

Unfortunately unlike the other days, I didn't really enjoy my Bible-reading time this very morning. Somehow, I lost my focus and begun to think of so many other things. The things I have to do today, the things that become my concern, the things I want in the future, and the fear of failure and worry suddenly overwhelmed my mind. For me, this condition doesn't feel right.

To be honest, I am a dreamer. Dream is the fuel of my life. Whenever I lose hope or it seems to be a deadend-road, all I have to do is to remember my dreams (my goals/targets). They miraculously
give me motivation, and help me to keep going. Inside my heart (and my head), there is a gentle voice that says "Nothing is impossible, Del. You can do it!" or "Don't be sad, Del. This is not the end. This is a brand new beginning of something great. You just haven't seen it yet." These voice comfort me. It becomes the power booster howsoever.

I have made my plan and I know where my next destination is. It is horrible to think that I will not be succeed to reach my dream. However, it is even more horrible if my fear stops me from trying. I don't know what's gonna happen in the future. But at lease, I have a faith in myself. I am capable to do anything (in a good way) only if I believe and stop hesitate myself. Yes, we all are.

Let me tell you my dream. I want to continue my education to one of the best bussiness school in Europe. I am not gonna say what or where it is, me just want to keep you curious LOL. Anyway, there are plenty of things I have to do to get there. Well, the journey has just begun. From now on, I have to add some more effort and work even harder than ever. Let's see what's gonna happen in the next a couple of years. But if I really get there, it is going to be beyond my wildest dream.

And don't forget to pray as the saying says "Ora et Labora"

Hug & Kisses,


22 août 2013

The Car Analogy

Tonight was a rough night for me. I didn't sleep well and I got stomachache and was having a nightmare. -FYI, I have a so called 'sleep syndrome' that only allows me to sleep around 5 hours; if I sleep at 11PM then I'll be awake at 4AM. If I sleep at 9PM, then I'll wake up at around 2AM.- Somehow, this 5-hours-of-sleep syndrome attacks me often in the past a couple of months. This very morning, I woke up at 4AM. I guess it is quite early for a holiday. LOL

Well.. Personally for me, what best about this is that I may have some times to think about my life and have a reflection about it. I set short-term goals and determine the steps to achieve it. I remember my dreams and keep motivated. I also have some kind of reflection about the things from the past.

I would like to share the 'revelation' that I got this morning. Recently, I talked to a friend of mine. She tell me how she want to go to Paris (France). She said "I really want to go to Paris and the only possible reason my parents will allow me to go there is by continuing my study. I don't care about the major nor the university as long as I can live there." Well, that's what she said and now she is taking a French course. 

I have an analogy for you; suppose that this is not the best analogy. Is there any possible similarity between a person and a car?
Well, this is what I think....

Regarding to what my friend said (the above statements), I can classified it as a dream (her dream to live in Paris). Dream is the one that keeps you motivated in achieving certain purpose. It is similar with gasoline or the fuel of a car. The fuel is what makes the car able to move and gives the power to the engine to keep working. If you have a car without fuel, it won't transport you to your destination. The obligation or the pressure from your surrounding (parents, etc) might also be the fuel. However, the most effective one is the one that comes from within you; your dream.

The second point is the machine or the engine. Cars have some varieties of machine classification. There are the ones with 2000CC capacity, another ones have only 1300CC, but there are also the ones with bigger machine capacity like 6000CC. The machine of a car is similar with someone's effort. There are people that seem to be more focused and determined. They put 110% effort to achieve their goal, the others only do the things they have to do and overcome a standard result. Remember, the bigger engines need a more expensive (not a regular) fuel. It means to give your best of the best effort, it also needs an even bigger dream you could possibly think of.

The last one is the driver. Where do you want to go? How is your driver?
The milage of a car is depend on the synergy between the engine and the fuel, but the present of the driver is essential. If you have a great machine and fuel, but the driver has lack of driving skill then it's gonna be nothing. The driver analogize the prayer. Do not forget to pray because everything goes back to Him eventually.

In conclusion, sky is the limit of your dream. Dream high, work hard, and pray harder, then I believe nothing is impossible to achieve. The question are 'do you believe in yourself?' and 'how hard have you try?'

"If your dream doesn't scare you, then your dream is not big enough."

Hug & kiss,


20 août 2013

The Story of A Blind Girl

There was a blind girl who hated herself just because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her boyfriend, he was always there for her. She said that if she could see the world, she would marry her boyfriend.

One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her, and then she could see everything, including her boyfriend. Her boyfriend ask her, “now that you can see the world, will you marry me?”

The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend was blind too, and refused to marry him. Her boyfriend walked away in tears, and later wrote a letter to her saying:

"just take care of my eyes dear"

9 août 2013



Hola people!

It has been almost 3 weeks since my last post. Do you miss me already? Because I genuinely miss you.. Well, there were so many things happened in my life recently. I stay in Bandung during this holiday. Please, don't think that I'm a freak who don't want any vacation/holiday by staying here. There're few things that kept me busy and held me from going home (to Jakarta). Talking about Jakarta, my family plan to move to a new house. My former house is in the outskirt of Jakarta a.k.a Bekasi. However, now we are planning to move to East Jakarta. To be honest, I don't know where it is exactly, but I'm quite sure that it is located not far from SMA 61 (if you know the place). We are moving there this very Saturday a.k.a TOMORROW! I AM SO EXCITED woohoooww!! Therefore, I'm gonna go home tomorrow and meet my dearest parents and my lovely-yet-oh-so-skinny sister LOL. Please pray for us that everything is gonna be alright and on time. -Amen-
Okay, I hope it redeems the past almost-three- weeks-vanish. 

So what are you up to, guys? I wish you have a wonderful holiday which is a thousand times betteeerr than mine haha.. 




Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri
bagi semua teman-teman yang merayakan !

