My Passion

My Passion

2 mars 2013

Genuine Eyes

Eye is the window of the heart

I guess, this is gonna be a short post of mine. Because honestly, I don't know what to write..
Have you ever been in my position? It's like you're not sure with your feeling right now, you don't know what to do, and you can't even think clearly. You just smile with unparticular reason. Somehow, I feel like a retarded -__-

There are so many things going on inside my head and heart right now. I don't know what they are. I just know that there is something unusual happening. Like there is a big storm in your heart which brings a huge chaos. And your brain is too overwhelmed by soo many thought. I feel like there is some kind of computer virus that go inside my head and ruin the proper system hm...

I've written too much that there's no a single statement related to the thing I wanted to tell. Okay, let's go straight to the point.. Here is the thing I want to tell you:

May be you can fake your body language -pretend like either you don't care or being a cool person, etc- but you can't fake your eyes. They're like a window that connect your heart and the world. When you're in love, your eyes somehow look brighter and 'sparkling'. But when you're tired, there's a sullen in your eyes. Unwittingly, people can see it. They can see your heart through your eyes.

FYI, the pupil of the eye will dilate when you see someone you like. It heard so funny, but that's true. I feel it myself. So, if you really like someone, look straight to their eyes too know weather they love you in return or not. Yep! You just know it..

At last, the very last thing I want to say is : People may lie with their mouth or their action, but not with their eyes.



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