My Passion

My Passion

8 mai 2013

Blogging And I

Hola People!

First of all, I'd like to apologize for me vanishing in the past weeks. There are obviously so many things to handle, including my physical health. Moreover on these very last couple days, I've been dealing with an internet issue. Well, again I got some problem with the cables and stuff. There're also some events I had to attend such as being moderator in a leadership seminar (last week), attended Trademark 2013 at Trans Luxury Hotel as a tenant (2-5May), went to mas Ade Rai's birthday celebration yesterday, and also doing my 'main job' as a student especially in these exam weeks. Hfffttttt.....

Blogging is definitely one of my interest. Somehow, I feel like I'm escaping my life through blogging. Here, I'm not only sharing about my life and stuff. It also opens my mind to the things I didn't notice before. I find so many interesting articles which are sometimes mind blowing. It also forces me to at lease know a little bit about HTML and website's coding, and so on albeit this is not my field. And after doing this for the past few months, now I find myself improved.

Well.. Everyone suppose to have different ways to improve themselves based on their own interest and personality. For me, one of the ways is by blogging. Finding the way (or in case: media) to express your interest needs a process. It is not in an instant, it might take some times to really feel what you are doing and fall in love with it. But that's worth a try! In other case, you just know that 'this is my thing' from the very first chance. Well, that's good cause it means that your instinct drives you there. 

Actually, I planned to write a brief note, but here it is; longer than what I expected :p 
At last, I just want to remain you to do the things you love and to find a way/media/organization to get there. It is essential for us not only to do what we should do (our duty), but also what we desire to do. So, what's your interest? ;)

Hug & kiss,


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