My Passion

My Passion

30 déc. 2012

Coffee Shop - Potluck Kitchen

All I hear is raindrop...

Well, they're shuffeling the right song in the right time..
It's rainning outside and I was at Potluck Kitchen. Wonder how could I get here? Haha

Here's the story..

Today the traffic is sooo corowded and it was so hot at noon. I think the sun is in the good mood LOL. After going to the curch, somehow I want to go to a cozy yet quite place kinda 'remote' place. And all i could think of is this place; Potluck Kitchen. I haven't been here for few months (as I remember). With a bit of struggle, finally I got here. When I walked in, there was lack of visitors; only a man with his laptop and 2 women who were learning English. And this was just as I expected.

Potluck is located at Haji Wasid street no. 31 (Bagusrangin). It's near Dipatiukur street. If you've reached Rabbani, then you're in the right way. This cafe is near Aji Anom; if you read my old post, you'll know it.

I chose a seat in the corner; with the pillows :P Then I ordered chicken piccata and hazelnut cappuccino. Potluck Kitchen is such a coffee shop. They 're specialist at coffee and other beverages, but not in food. The food was just the side dish for the coffee (beverages). I do like this cafe. It has such a tranquil atmosphere and feels cozy, with reasonable price. A good place for chit-chat with friends or may be just for spending time for reading. They also have a live music stage. I remembered Apres has ever held an event here, using the stage. Usually the live music play at night, but don't worry because there is always the non-stop-playing-songs; BTW, they have a good - easy listening playlists. A recommended place for you the coffee lover or for you the direction-less people (just like me :p)

These are the pictures, in case you're interested.

the stage

chicken picatta and hazelnut cappuccino

Hug & kiss,


2 commentaires:

  1. Hmm, Potluck Kitchen, someday i'll try this. I've been to Bagusrangin, I like the steak and pizza in Kafe Kebon.

  2. Cafe Kebon? haha I've never been there..
    if you love coffee and you have plenty of time, I think this place is such a good place ;)
