My Passion

My Passion

17 avr. 2014

April Madness

Comparing to the other passed months of 2014, I convince you that April was the most hectic one for me. Beside the routine campus activities, there are several other activities that I joined. Here they are!

The first one is Kuliah Persiapan Kerja Praktik (KP). In a more general forms, Kerja Praktik usually called 'magang' or internship. KP is an obligation for every student of engineering management and several other majors at Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). In engineering management itself, there are 2 options of internship which are 1) to do the routine activities at the company or 2) to do the problem solving. Basically, it is depend on the needs of the company. So, it is not about what you want, but depend on what the company that you applied offers you. Above all, if you want to experience an internship I suggest you to apply to the right companies who are accustomed with this internship things. I also want to give an advice for those who are still in their first and (especially) second semester: USE YOUR HOLIDAYS FOR AN INTERNSHIP. I did not do any internship at the end of my first/second year and I regret that. If only I did an internship on my long holidays, I would have learnt much more things as well as enhancing my professional experience. 
The second thing I am participating is a laboratory recruitment. The lab that I applied to named LIPSP (Laboratorium Inovasi dan Pengembangan Sistem Perusahaan). There are 4 major fields in this lab which are management, marketing, finance, and human resource management. The fields I like the most is of course management and marketing. This recruitment was started on December 2013 and has been reaching the third phase. Now, there are only 16 people last. At first, there was around almost 50 people (if I'm not wrong) who applied. The recruitment task that spent a lot of my time was Business Plan. We did it in a group of 4 members. Each group had to make a business plan of a certain product. The sequential process of this task was: gathering and explaining about the BP, 3 days of making the BP, BP presentation, BP revision presentation, 4 days of selling products (this one almost killed me), LPJ presentation, LPJ revision presentation and personal interview. The whole process took only about almost 2 weeks. Huuufffffftttttttttt............. 

This is our product: cupcake o'bites from O'Bites Corporation

This is our product: cupcake one bite
Our company's logo
The third thing is recording. Well, you will not believe this LOL. My seniors are starting a start up recording company and they asked me to help them. I guess this is not like what you are imagining. They still do not have any studio with a set of electronic equipment. However, they are offering a mobile recording service. They can also do a recording in your own rent room (kosan) because their electronic equipment are pretty small. For sure, their recording result will be much better than if you do it yourself. They also will give you advices and feedbacks as well as provide the base instrument for your recording. Well, I only did this recording for around a couple of hours. And one more, they will also record you in a video if you want. That experience with them was fun! I sang Dear God - Avenged Sevenfold in acoustic version. They also chose this song for me haha *thanks Ka! They haven't sent me the result, but when they do I will post it in my blog hehe. -Even though I am pretty embarrassed about that :p- 
Ka Ridho (left); Ka Alan (right)
Sorry about the lighting.

The last thing (besides a lot of Tubes(s) for sure) is psycho test for Tanoto Foundation Scholarship. This event will be held on April 26th. I think I have to prepare myself a lot for this. Honestly, I am hoping to get this scholarship. It will mean a lot for me :'').

At last, every one have their own things to be done. My ultimate advice will be "maintain your health", do not get sick, and keep praying!

Hugs and kisses,
