My Passion

My Passion

25 févr. 2013

The Show

Somehow, I feel like being in the song. 
When you're in troubles, sometimes all you have to do is
just enjoy the show :)


Have you ever felt like your life is kinda mess.
You used to be someone strong and rarely complain.
And now you lose those spirit,
Easily break down and burst in tears.
Somehow you need to bring that pulse back into your life.

You do something not because you want to,
But you just have to.
You say 'yes' to everything because 
You feel sorry for them.
Eventually, you find out that feeling pity of something
Doesn't mean you always have to say 'yes' to what they're asking for
Yep! You're sacrificing yourself by being a 'Yes Man'
And at the end, you feel like being such a stupid.

At last, you're wet already.
There's no way back.
And you're not such a coward.
At lease, you still have that principle of
'to finish what you've started'

Soo hard to do what you're not willing to do.
It feels like you don't bring your heart with you.
You left it somewhere and can't find it.
Forced to do something is better than doing nothing.

Somehow, you have to fight and get out of you comfort zone.
You know that you don't want to do it
But you have to, and you will!
You have to overcome it!
You own a big responsibility and 
You won't letting down those who have a hope in you.
Don't be such an egoist!

The tears, sweat, and sacrifices that you do
Will be paid in the future.
Now, do what you have to do!
One word, one action.

Hug and kiss,


21 févr. 2013

Sumatran Tiger

Panthera tigris sumatrae 

Panthera tigris sumatrae is the scientific name of Sumatran Tiger. As indicated by the name, Sumatran Tiger can be found exclusively in the island of Sumatera, Indonesia. In 2008, IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) classified Sumatran Tiger as critically endangered due to their low population. Now, their fragmented population in the wild is keep on decreasing in numbers. As late as 1978, experts estimated the total population of Sumatran Tiger at 1000. Today fewer than 400 tigers exist.

Before we go any further, it is better to know them even closer.
The Sumatran tiger is the smallest subspecies from the five remaining subspecies. If you wander about their size, here are the proportion. The males are about 100-140 kg in weight, and around 220-225 cm in length. A bit smaller than the males, the females weight 75-100 kg and measure 215-230 cm in length. 
What special about this tiger are it has darker color in fur and thicker black stripe comparing to some other kind of tigers. If you take a better look, you'll find that the stripes tend to disintegrate into spots near their end, and lines of small dark specks between the stripes can be found on the back, flanks, and hind legs. The density of stripes is also higher than the other subspecies.

Sumatran tiger is isolated geographically in the island of Sumatera, specifically its habitat  are in the area of tropical broadleaf evergreen, forests, peat swamps, and freshwater swamp forests. Now, they have a wide array of habitats raging from Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park in the shoutern of Lampung to the Gunung Leuser National Park of Aceh Province.

Now then, are you afraid of tiger? Well, you don't have to because some of them are already extinct include Javan Tiger and Bali Tiger and most of them are critically endangered. So pathetic knowing that many similar things causing the lose of some animals include Sumatran tiger. Major thread like habitat lost due to expansion of oil palm plantation and planting of acaccia plantation, prey-base depletion, and   illegal trade primarily for the domestic market.

So tragic knowing that these beautiful creatures are getting closer to their end. And where are you, people? Pretending to be blind and depth, acting like there is nothing wrong..?

The fur of Sumatran Tiger was hanging in the villagers house

Illegal logging for paper factory

 New Year e-card by WWF 

"With soo much deforestation and poaching in Sumatera, wild tigers face a very difficult future, but we have the tools available to reverse their decline if the clearance of their forests can be halted"
-Dr. Barney Long; Asian Species Expert 

From Delicia for Recognesia.
Recognize. Realize.



18 févr. 2013

Top Five Regrets of The Dying

Life ? Regret?

Shortly, I found this article had been posted in facebook just few hours before I went on air. The only thing that passed my mind was "My listeners gotta know this. What a life value!" And voila! There I was, announced about this article. I hope, everyone who read, are inspired by this article.


For many years I worked in palliative care. My patients were those who had gone home to die. Some incredibly special times were shared. I was with them for the last three to twelve weeks of their lives.

People grow a lot when they are faced with their own mortality. I learnt never to underestimate someone's capacity for growth. Some changes were phenomenal. Each experienced a variety of emotions, as expected, denial, fear, anger, remorse, more denial and eventually acceptance. Every single patient found their peace before they departed though, every one of them. 

When questioned about any regrets they had or anything they would do differently, common themes surfaced again and again. Here are the most common five: 

1. I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me. 

This was the most common regret of all. When people realise that their life is almost over and look back clearly on it, it is easy to see how many dreams have gone unfulfilled. Most people had not honoured even a half of their dreams and had to die knowing that it was due to choices they had made, or not made. 

It is very important to try and honour at least some of your dreams along the way. From the moment that you lose your health, it is too late. Health brings a freedom very few realise, until they no longer have it.

2. I wish I didn't work so hard. 

This came from every male patient that I nursed. They missed their children's youth and their partner's companionship. Women also spoke of this regret. But as most were from an older generation, many of the female patients had not been breadwinners. All of the men I nursed deeply regretted spending so much of their lives on the treadmill of a work existence. 

By simplifying your lifestyle and making conscious choices along the way, it is possible to not need the income that you think you do. And by creating more space in your life, you become happier and more open to new opportunities, ones more suited to your new lifestyle. 

3. I wish I'd had the courage to express my feelings.

Many people suppressed their feelings in order to keep peace with others. As a result, they settled for a mediocre existence and never became who they were truly capable of becoming. Many developed illnesses relating to the bitterness and resentment they carried as a result. 

We cannot control the reactions of others. However, although people may initially react when you change the way you are by speaking honestly, in the end it raises the relationship to a whole new and healthier level. Either that or it releases the unhealthy relationship from your life. Either way, you win. 

4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends. 

Often they would not truly realise the full benefits of old friends until their dying weeks and it was not always possible to track them down. Many had become so caught up in their own lives that they had let golden friendships slip by over the years. There were many deep regrets about not giving friendships the time and effort that they deserved. Everyone misses their friends when they are dying. 

It is common for anyone in a busy lifestyle to let friendships slip. But when you are faced with your approaching death, the physical details of life fall away. People do want to get their financial affairs in order if possible. But it is not money or status that holds the true importance for them. They want to get things in order more for the benefit of those they love. Usually though, they are too ill and weary to ever manage this task. It is all comes down to love and relationships in the end. That is all that remains in the final weeks, love and relationships. 

5. I wish that I had let myself be happier. 

This is a surprisingly common one. Many did not realise until the end that happiness is a choice. They had stayed stuck in old patterns and habits. The so-called 'comfort' of familiarity overflowed into their emotions, as well as their physical lives. Fear of change had them pretending to others, and to their selves, that they were content. When deep within, they longed to laugh properly and have silliness in their life again. 

When you are on your deathbed, what others think of you is a long way from your mind. How wonderful to be able to let go and smile again, long before you are dying. 

Life is a choice. It is YOUR life. Choose consciously, choose wisely, choose honestly. Choose happiness.

Thank you for being such a nice reader :)

Hug & Kiss,


17 févr. 2013

Bali Starling

"Illegal poaching for the cagebird trade"

Jalak Bali (Leucopsar rothschildi) is internationally known as Bali Myna or Bali Starling. This medium-large bird can only be found in Bali. Bali Starling was first discovered in 1910, and in 1991 it designated as the fauna symbol of Bali.

How are they look like?
I guess not all of you know how are Bali Starling looks like. Just for your information, in most of the source that I've read, they describe Bali Starling as the most beautiful of all mynas (birds of starling family). The average size is about 25cm. Its plumage is as white as the snow with an elegant long white crest. It also has this beautiful black touch at the tips of tail and the tips of flight feather. The beak, the legs, and the area around the eyes are bluish-grey with yellow bill. Generally,  it's weighted around 85grams.

Bali Starling, as its name, is endemic to the island of Bali, Indonesia. To be exact, it lives in the tropical grassland and tropical dry forest.This beautiful bird is considered as an omnivore with the insectivore and fruits/seeds as its main food which can easily be found in its habitat. 

Unfortunately, these birds are considered as a critically endengered animal. Talking about the population has a strong relation with the breeding. During breeding season, it is the males who attract the females by calling loudly and bobbing up and down. After the mating season, the females will lay around 3-4 torquoise eggs on the nest of twigs. Usually, the nest is located in the tree cavity. The eggs will hatch after around 14 days. The chicks fledge in about 3 weeks. Over all, Bali Starling may live for up to 15 years.

As we know, Bali Starling is critically endangered. It means that the total population of this bird is drastically decreasing. There are 2 remaining locations where these birds still able to live in the wild: The West Bali National Park and Bali's small island of Nusa Penida. There are some factors involve including habitat lost, natural disaster, and above all, trapping for pet trade; heartless isn't it?

Hopefully, this article helps you to know better about this beautiful talking-bird. Further more, I do hope that we can take the real action and let them survive..

                     Bali Starling at Nusa Penida

Turquoise eggs of the female Bali Starling

                      Hello, young Bali Starling!

From Delicia for Recognesia
Recognize. Realize.




16 févr. 2013

My Valentine Chocolate

From your Valentine..

It's 14th February! Well, it isn't about the 'Thursday', but it's all about the Valentine's Day! Who doesn't know?! 

I saw many people wore pink/red color on their outfits which is kinda cute. Anyway, me too. I wore my-rarely-used-eyecatching red blazer LOL.What a Valentine spirit! Somehow, I didn't really feel the euphoria as I felt on the last year's Valentine. But still the love was on the air, dude.

So, how many chocolate did you get?
Are you asking mine? Here's my story.. Before the Valentine, my friends and I planned to exchange chocolate. So, it's a guarantee that we all are gonna have (at lease) a chocolate on the Valentine. Pretty clever, right? haha 

On that day, we hardly found a time to hang out together and do as we had planned. At last, we decided to have a dinner together.  -But first, let me tell you about 'us'. We called ourselves 'DELICIOUS' and consist of 7 people which are Lugas, Tigor, Chris, Catherine, Philip, Andre, and I. Well, I plan to write  a post about us, but I just haven't found the right time. Just wait guys..-  Unfortunately, Andre couldn't join us and also Tigor would catch up. So, it's only the 5 of us now. 

It was raining and the traffic was kinda crowded. We were confuse where to go until we finally decided to have dinner at Nanny's Pavillon Library in Setiabudhi. -I prefer to call it as a Valentine dinner ;)- The place is cute with classic wooden furniture and a girly touch of the ornament all over the place. It's pretty good but just not my favourite restaurant.

After the arrival and ordered some dishes, we went straight to the main event! Philip set up the game's rule. Here's the deal.. He would randomly give number to every chocolate which was only he (and his note) knew. After that, we were gonna choose one number. If the number we chose fit to our own chocolate, then we had to choose another number. As the secret keeper, Philip had the last chance and only waited for the last number.

So, who got whose chocolate??  See it by yourself ;)

Philip got Lugas' home made chocolate

I got Andre's. Unfortunatelly, he couldn't come..

Chris got mine

Catherine got Chris's extra big chocolate

Lugas got Philip's van Houten

And Andre got Catherine's well wrapped chocolates.

After eating, switching chocolate, and having chit-chat we finally went home. It was such a kinship- full of love Valentine moment. Thank you so much for my bestiesss.

I hope you also had a sweet loving Valentine, guys. Spread the love!

            Nanny's dishes

 This is Lugas' home made chocolate cracker. The flakes covered with white chocolate and the topping was the melted dark chocolate. Great delicious job, Gas! ;)

My chocolates and I!

 I covered my chocolate with this so called letter. I didn't have any idea who was gonna get my chocholate, but I wrote this for all of them :)

Happy Valentine's Day!
for my beloved
Philip, Catherine, Lugas, Chris, Tigor, and Andre



15 févr. 2013

"I believe in pink.
I believe that laughing 
is the best calorie burner.
I believe in kissing, 
kissing a lot.
I believe in being strong 
when everything seem to be going wrong.
I believe that happy girls are the prittiest girls.
I believe that tomorrow is another day
and I believe in miracles."
Audrey Hepburn

13 févr. 2013

Valentine's Day ; The Lonely Girl

Life is a surprise!

Hi, teman-teman mahasiswa! (greeting for the listeners)
Again, I went on air this very last Monday. Usually, I immediately post the broadcasting material on the same night. I was about to post this on Monday night, but I was just too fatigue that I went straight to the bed and slept like a dead man LOL. Anyway, I will still post the material eventough it's a bit late. But being late is better than doing nothing, right? 

On 11th Feb, I talk abouted Valentine's Day and a brief about the history. As far as I can say, the history os Valentine's Day is still unclear; there are some similar versions. But in every version of the story, these names is always been told: St. Valentinus the bishop and Claudius II as the bad guy. But sometimes history is only a history. What important now is the Valentine's Day itself. 

Valentine's Day is all about sharing love and friendship. There're many different ways to celebrate this day of love, but mostly people sending cards and giving gifts. There are also people who give flowers and chocolate for their beloved one. Well.. Shortly, that's about the Valentine.

The main thing I am about to share is not about the Valentine's Day, but it's about this story which I told on the radio. I found this story on the internet. Reading this story is like reading a teenage novel. However, this sweet unique love story did happen and that's make it special. You won't stop reading and wonder what the end's gonna be. Interesting and curious. Enjoy!

The Lonely Girl

I’ve heard a saying, that “life is a surprise”. Call me a sceptic, but I generally scoff at lines that scream something that leaves us expecting so much.
My short love story may be short on words, but it’s a story that’s filled every thought and day of my existence with happiness.
I’m a guy, a 26 year old guy who works in a job he likes. A guy who hangs out with his friends when the sun goes down, and one who, when the story begins, is still single.
I’m single, not because I want to be single. I think it’s weird to be single. Or maybe that’s what all guys think.
I’m just a guy who’s been looking high and low for that girl who can make things happen inside me.
You know, your heart stops beating just for a second, your throat goes dry, you get gooseflesh, feel a bit dizzy, and the works.
I haven’t experienced that. Most of my friends haven’t experienced that too, but they’re all going out with someone. According to them, such things happen only when you’re suffering from a high temperature.
Short love stories and my life
The story of me falling madly in love didn’t actually go as I had expected. My throat never got dry, ever. But then, I liked a girl. Of course, it wasn’t ‘love’.
Actually speaking, it wasn’t even ‘like’. As a matter of fact, I have no idea what I felt. I spend my evenings at a café, next to a huge television display they’ve now acquired, and whether I like it or not, I end up spending my time staring at it. And it bloody hell annoys me! Can’t they just junk it?
Well, and just like me, there was this cute girl who would come to the same café, and stare at the same display every day. Well, sometimes she read a book.
Or sometimes, she used to light a cigarette and look at her fumes take shape, and then disappear into non-existence. She was fascinating and pretty. But there was one difference between both of us. I came to the café with a couple of friends. She came alone. I have never seen any girl do that. Who has?
Love stories and stolen glances
We used to glance across each other now and then, but there was nothing more. No jolt.  No sweat. No knots in my stomach.
The days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to a couple of months. That’s a long time once you picture the scene outside the world of literature. Long, long ago seems so cute in a book, but an hour in a suffocating conference hall? Murder! Without actually knowing it, I was attracted to this girl. I actually admired her, and her calm, comfortable, cool as a cat persona that she brought along for company every day. Could it be love?
And then, I started the staring game. I stared at her now and then, discreetly, but in a way she knew I was glancing at her. But no deal. She just wasn’t bothered. Ouch! My ego was crushed.
A rainy evening – The perfect setting for short love stories
One evening, it rained cats and dogs, and a few frogs and fishes too. I was in the café, she walked in with an umbrella. The place was packed, and there was one seat that was empty. That was facing my table. I had half a mind to get up and call her over, but before I could make up my mind and inflate my courage, she walked to a corner table that just got cleared.
An hour later, it was still raining. In the midst of all that rain and thunder, I contemplated and coined her name, “The Lonely Girl”. The Lonely Girl had walked out a few minutes before I decided to leave. When I got outside the café, I saw her standing by the sidewalk, waiting. I walked up to her quickly, and before I knew it I had asked her if I could drop her to her place. As it was raining, I added.
She didn’t smile, she just looked at me, turned around and walked away in the rain! Under her umbrella.
My friends laughed at me. Yep, it was completely embarrassing. Even the bum on the street held back a grin. I hadn’t even heard the Lonely Girl’s voice. Pathetic, I say. The next day I saw her at the café, she was sitting by herself. Perhaps she was Calvin, and she had a Hobbes around to keep her company. I was invisible. Her smoke rings were fascinating her. She couldn’t even leave good smoke rings, what was the deal with staring at it? This happened everyday for a month.
Night out clubbing – The second chance in my love story
On another great day, I was out at a club. And wonders of wonders! She was there, with a few girl pals. Perhaps it was fate. I looked at her, she saw me and then she looked away. I walked through the crowd of dancing drunks and walked right towards her. I walked up and wanted to speak to her.
She saw me and flashed a big grin. I was shocked. I was numb. I didn’t know her mouth could move that way! And before I could think of anything, she grasped her friend’s hand and walked away to the ladies room! And I didn’t see her again that night. But I couldn’t stop thinking about her for hours after that. Perhaps even days. Because she didn’t show up at the café the next day, and many days after that. That was shocking. I started wondering if she had changed her hideout because I was stalking her.
Romantic persuasions
Two whole weeks later, I walked into the café and there she was, all radiant and bright. Gosh, I had missed her! I sat down at a table a few tables away from her. I knew I wanted to talk to her. And thank God, the café was quite empty. It was a bit too early for the horde of coffee addicts to make their entrance.
I waited until her coffee arrived. And then, I waited for her check. When her check was on the table, I walked up to her. My throat was lumpy and tight. Each step I took only made my walk to her feel further away. But I walked on. The café was empty. No harm. I could always change my hangout if she slaps me. What was I thinking, dammit!
“Hey, you can’t run away from me today. You’ve got to get your check”, I quirked.
“What?” she exclaimed before she realized she actually replied.
“I said you can’t just avoid me like this, you know…”
“What are you talking about?”
“Can I sit down with you?”
“No, you can’t.”
“Oww… c’mon, just for a minute, okay?”
She took out her wallet, and wanted to dart. I couldn’t help getting mesmerized by her voice, but there were more pressing things at hand. I had to talk to her.
To cut a long jittery conversation short, I convinced her to talk to me for a few minutes. And that’s when everything started breezing through. We started talking, and the minutes stretched on at a really fast pace. I got to know so much about her, and I also got to know that she had a great sense of humor. We had a great time talking to each other, and soon, she said she had to go, as it was getting late for her.
We exchanged numbers and I asked her if we could “bump in” again tomorrow. She just smiled and walked away. Sigh! It was bliss. As I stared at her walk away, my eyes were distracted by an alphabet bracelet she had forgotten behind.  It said “life is a surprise”. Wow! Maybe that was true. I slipped the bracelet into my pocket.
Feeling the love at night
I lay awake that night and I stared at her number on my cell phone. I wanted to call her, but settled for a text. The very minute I texted her, I got a call from her. She too was contemplating over whether or not to message me. Sweet!
We spoke and spoke until the wee hours of the morning, and I just wanted to see her again that evening. We met again at the café and it felt so good. She was smiling the whole time and we were actually flirting back and forth. I asked her out for a movie that evening.
All of a sudden, she looked offended. She declined. And then, there was silence. That calm, deadly silence that makes you feel worse than getting yelled at. I asked her what was wrong, but she didn’t mention it, and our “date” was cut short that evening. I got home and looked at her bracelet. “Life is a surprise”. Simple words can be a confusing affair at times.
Rekindling my love story
That night, I called her again and we spoke. At first she was distant, but she seemed fine after a while, and then I asked her why she got so offended in the café. She didn’t tell at first, but as the hours went by, she told me that she hated guys and the worst thing she ever wanted to do was go out on a date with a guy.
Apparently, she had been hurt one too many times by guys whom she trusted with all her heart. We spoke until five in the morning, and she told me a lot more. I just wanted to hug her, but even the thought of giving her a telephonic hug scared me. But we decided to meet again. Same bat place, same bat time.
We started hanging out together all the time after that. At times, I picked her up from her workplace, and at other times, I dropped her back home. Soon, weeks turned into months, and this time, everything felt just like a fairytale.
Time stood still when it was just the two of us. One evening, when we met up and went to the café, it was too crowded for space, so we decided to go for a drive to while away the time. It was a long drive, and somewhere along the way, the sun was shining mildly at us, it was a huge red ball that made the whole world around me glow. It was the most romantic sight, or maybe I had never noticed the sun at that time of the day. Nevertheless, it was beautiful.
She said the sun was beautiful. I said it couldn’t be compared to her. She smiled. I smiled. I clasped her hand. It felt tense. And then, we locked eyes. Thank God, the road was deserted. And then, her lips split into a girlish grin that I still can’t forget. That was the moment. It was indeed beautiful. I felt warm and fuzzy. And I wanted the drive to last forever. We got to her place, and I hugged her goodbye. That was the first time I ever hugged her. As we hugged, I knew she didn’t want to let go. Neither did I.
A short love story that lasts a lifetime
The next evening, we went to the café. We sat next to each other for the first time. And we held hands. We spoke less, and smiled more. I told her that I liked her. She smiled a lot more. And then, she punched me in the arm, and said that she liked me too. And just then, I slipped her bracelet out from my pocket. “Life is a surprise”. I couldn’t agree with that more. I smiled. She saw her bracelet. And she laughed. That tinkling, sweet laugh that is so intoxicating. I was a happy boy with the perfect present, all over again. And she was a happy, lonely girl. Just lonely no more.
One can never tell how love can come into your life, or how you can experience your own short love stories out of the blue. But a great love story awaits all of us, and it’s just around the corner. After all, didn’t someone once say that life is a surprise!

***                    ***                    ***

Hug & Kiss,



8 févr. 2013


Endangered to Critically Endangered!

Do you familiar with the name of 'Orangutan'?
I guess everybody know what Orangutan is. As its name 'Orangutan' means 'the man of the forest'. Originally, Orangutans can only found in Sumatera and Borneo island of Indonesia (and Malaysia). Classified in the genus Pongo, they have been devided into to two species: the Bornean Orangutan (P. pygmaeus) and the Sumatran Orangutan (P. abelii). They live in the primary and secondary forests. For your information, Orangutan is the most arboreal of the great apes.

How are Orangutans look like?
Physically, Orangutans have the ape-like shape, shaggy reddish hair and grasping hands and feet. As a tree-climbing mammal, Orangutans spend most of their time in the tree. Obviously, to climb the tree they have such a strong and long hands and arms. In opposite, their legs are relatively shorter than the arms and also weaker.

Orangutans are such an intelligent animal. Moreover, they are the most intelligent among the primates. From the articles that I read, during the last several centuries Orangutan had amazed the international scientific community impressive, human-like mental abilities allowing them to adapt to their environment. They are also a quick learner. They learn new skills, they even plan their actions ahead, and also solve their dialy problem.

Orangutans can be categorized as a solitary animal. The male and female mostly only interact during the mating period. By the statistics, female Orangutans have a much longer interbirth interval then human. Females give birth probably not more than once in 5 years (other source says they only give birth one in 7-9years) with the interbirth interval around 10 years. Everytine they give birth, usually it is only deliver 1 infant; twins is rare.

The population of Orangutan is decreasing. Somehow, I feel so sad and angry at the same time while reading about the habitat loss and also the poaching of Orangutans. Definitely not a surprise knowing that their status is now endangered to critically endangered animal. Their numbers having fallen drastically in the past centuries. If this keep on occuring, they may be lost forever from the wild in few decades ahead.

The rich tropical forests are being replaced by the logging, agricultural concessions, and unnatural forests fire. The poaching and hunting of Orangutans keep on occurRing. So many illegal trades including importation of Orangutan as a pet. The less strict policy and untransparent case and court.
So now, who to blame? The irresponsible parties? The goverment? Or our own self for being apathetic and having lack of concern?

Let's preserve our Orangutans and stop making them cry!

Sumatran orangutan (Pongo abelii) female swinging through the trees with male baby. Gunung Leuser National Park, Sumatra, Indonesia.

Although orangutans may consume leaves, shoots, and even bird eggs, fruit is the most important part of their diet.

Mother and infant

        Baby Orangutan  

Orangutans in cage

From Delicia for Recognesia.
Recognize. Realize.


